In fact, the rockhopper penguin is the most aggressive and most numerous penguin species in the world. Northern rockhopper penguins nest in smaller colonies than their southern counterparts. Northern rockhopper penguins breed in cool temperate climates including on the islands of Gough and Tristan da Cunha in the Atlantic Ocean and St. Paul and Manchester in the Indian Ocean. The size of northern penguin colonies ranges from about 25,000 to 65,000 individuals. Pre-moult, the penguins average 4.3 kg. Considered marine birds, penguins live up to 80 percent of their lives in the ocean, according to the New England Aquarium. Their breeding range is restricted to only seven islands within this area. Taxonomy. Distribution and abundance. Southern Rockhopper penguins live in the subantarctic islands including Pacific and Indian Oceans. Range Map MIGRATION: These penguins leave the breeding colony in late summer or fall and spend three to five months at sea, where they forage for food. The main reason being studied is that rising ocean temperatures in the areas in which Northern Rockhoppers live are leading to the decline of fish for the penguins to eat. Southern penguins, however, nest in colonies of up to 130,000 penguins. The largest population of gentoo penguins live on Falkland Island, with more than 121,000 pairs, but they also live on the South … Penguins living on the Falkland Islands share their space with humans. The rockhopper penguins have been considered to consist of two species, northern and southern rockhopper penguin, since research published in 2006 demonstrated morphological, vocal, and genetic differences between the two populations. Amazing Facts of Southern Rockhopper Penguin By the end of the summer to the beginning of the autumn, the penguins leave their breeding colonies, going out to sea, where they live and feed for 3 - 5 months. Conservancy says that in spite of sharing a name — and eyebrow style — with the southern rockhopper penguin, the northern rockhopper (or Moseley's) penguin is considered a separate species. The Northern Rockhopper Penguin is one of the smallest "crested" penguins; at about five pounds, it's about half the size of the Macaroni Penguin.It's also known as Moseley's Penguin in honor of Henry Nottidge Moseley, a British naturalist who participated in the famed 19th century HMS Challenger expedition that laid the groundwork for the study of oceanography. Northern rockhopper penguin, Eudyptes moseleyi; Royal penguin, Eudyptes schlegeli; Macaroni penguin, Eudyptes chrysolophus; Where do penguins live? These penguins live off the southwestern coast of Africa, where they nest in flat, sandy, and rocky islands and along the mainland coast. The northern rockhopper penguin breeds on Gough Island and Tristan da Cunha in the southern Atlantic Ocean and the St. Paul Islands in the southern Indian Ocean. Several penguin species live and breed on the island, including gentoo, king, and southern rockhopper penguins. The majority of northern rockhopper penguins can be found on Gough Island and the Tristan da Cunha group of islands. Northern, E. chrysocome moseleyi, rockhoppers. Rockhopper penguins … Northern rockhopper penguins are found in the South Atlantic and Indian Oceans. There are Northern and Eastern of this species living in other areas, as well. However, during the moult they lose a lot of body mass and often only weigh about 2.5 kg by the end of the season. (Southern Rockhopper Penguin) Southern Rockhopper Penguin. These are one of the smallest species of penguins and belong to the group of Eudyptes Chrysocome. Human activity-Human activity is by far the harshest threat to the Northern Rockhopper Penguin. Rockhopper penguins of the southern variety also live in Argentina, Chile, and the Falkland Islands. For years, the birds were killed for feathers, hunting bait, and bushmeat. Northern rockhopper penguins breed on seven islands or island groups in the temperate Indian and South Atlantic oceans located between 37 to 40°S.