Nous y arrivons. When y stands for a place previously mentioned, it is translated as "there", such as "Il y est" (He is there). Mark y est. It only takes a minute to sign up. k in a sentence before what do u use lui/leur before what do u use en and before what do u use y????? en is used with verbs and expressions normally followed by de to avoid repeating the same word. Worksheet has 20 sentences that need to be rewritten using the object pronouns les, la, les, lui, leur y and en. We take IT into account. What exactly are you asking about? When do I use en? Il and elle are subject pronouns. You use y when you are referring to it an inanimate object. And train on making sentences using Y with these verbs. Word order for personnal pronouns in questions and after prepositions, Which pronoun to use when converting to reported speech, « Il » vs « ça » vs « ce » for inanimate subjects, When to use the dummy subject « il », as opposed to « cela/ça ». tu n'y as pas repondu. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. A quality educational site offering 5000+ FREE printable theme units, word puzzles, writing forms, book report forms,math, ideas, lessons and much more. So the pronoun only change between le, la, l’, les, lui, leur. Luc l’a.Margaux parle à sa mère. The verb Aller (to go) needs either y or en in short sentences: J’y vais: I go, I am off (short sentence) Broadly speaking, lui and leur are used to refer to people, and y (see "The pronoun y" below) is used to refer to things. À introduces the person you are talking to over the phone. Nous arrivons au theatre. forms and uses An indirect object is a person which receives the action of a verb indirectly. EN - LUI - LEUR - Y . She gives it to us. Preview. Tex's French Grammar is the integral grammar component of Français Interactif, an online French course from the University of Texas at Austin. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Rouge: Unité 4: Y, EN, LUI, LEUR. If you need to make a distinction, you can add à lui or à elle: Je lui ai donné le livre, à elle. Note than when a verb is followed by à + PERSON, you need to use an indirect object pronoun (me, te, lui, nous, vous, leur): Je parle à Pierre = je lui parle I’m talking to Pierre = I’m talking to him (the verb is parler à quelqu’un) Rouge: Unité 4: Pronoms: Y, EN, LUI, LEUR, ETC. indirect object French pronouns lui and leur are used to express the idea of \"to him/her\" (lui You use leur when you are referring to them, where them is some people or some animals. You were probably taught that the English counterpart of ‘y’ is ‘there.’ Well, yeah, that’s the most popular or the easiest way of how to use ‘y’ but actually, it’s just one of its many uses. I've spoken French for so long it's become almost instinctive to me to know when to use them. i told him = je lui ai dit. ATTENTION: It's often very confusing for students to know which pronoun to use in affirmative commands. Est-ce que vous allez souvent à la piscine ? Verbs that take lui/leur when the referent is animate and y when it's inanimate. Let’s not give it to them! I … Want to learn to speak even more French the fast, fun and easy way? Sophie en achete. However, lui and leur will sometimes also be used in referring to things. Y generally means "here" or "there". Pascal explains how to use the pronouns en, le, la, les, lui, leur, and y in French to replace a noun in a sentence. À is a preposition used to indicate destination. EN - LUI - LEUR - Y . Use with numbers and quantities A common use of en is with a number or quantity. How do you think about the answers? For example I respond to them where the them is some people is je leur réponds but if the them is some questions then the French is je y réponds. French is more strict than English: if the pronoun is a direct object, you have to use 'le', 'la' or 'les', if it's indirect, you have to use 'lui' or 'leur'. The pronoun. Is Numbers 11:17-25 evidence that the Holy Spirit is a distributable, fragmentable substance? Object pronouns usually go right before the CONJUGATED verb (after the”ne” in the negative), and there are lots of glidings in spoken French (use my French audiobooks to get accustomed to understanding spoken French). En heb je het allemaal onder de knie, denk je….. Dan oefen je gewoon nog even met deze link of met deze . Learning the French pronouns lui and leur can be quite difficult because they are used only in certain situations.Lui and leur are indirect object pronouns, which answer the questions: to whom or for whom.. Je le lui écris. Dis-moi tout Tell me everything. Join the popular membership section! Fill in with the pronoun that replaces what is missing from the previous sentence: a preposition + elle, lui, or eux, or en or y, or lui or leur. ex. (I … En. Je montre la cart à mon père - Je la lui montre. Rouge: Unité 4: Y, EN, LUI, LEUR. Example: Elle a fait SES devoirs (She did her homework). Y is an adverb. We met them there. What happens when an aboleth enslaves another aboleth who's enslaved a werewolf? demander à = to ask (we wouldn't say to in english) donner à = to give (to) envoyer à = to send (to) donner à = to give to. example (CO in red) : J'écris ma dissertation. Why am I getting rejection in PhD after interview? (which in itself represents two different questions). Y is used as a third person pronoun to take the place of things or abstract situations. Note that in such cases, its common to omit the 'of it/them' in English. How to change the variable for x axes in a plot? Great for new teachers, student teachers , homeschooling and teachers who like creative ways to teach. Ne lui dis rien ! Remplacez le tiret par un des pronoms suivants : LE, LA, L’, LES, LUI, LEUR, Y, ou EN. Your first sentence is just simply wrong by virtue of incompleteness. ! Created: Nov 10, 2017 | Updated: Mar 22, 2020. Nous les y avons rencontrés. Those are relatively marginal in number. Choose correct pronoun to replace the missing phrases. In compound tenses e.g passe compose "pas" goes immediately after the auxillary verb, (avoir or etre) and before the participle. *Unlike English where we phone somebody (direct object). Le pronom "en" remplace un complément d'objet indirect (COI) précédé de de, d', du, de la, de l', des. Indirect objects. Il y en aura beaucoup. 5. Before we begin to learn about the indirect object let's take a moment to define the direct object.. Is the sentence below grammatically correct? Nous repondons aux eleves. Marc telephone a sa soeur Marc lui telephone. Used after communication verbs (so used when the action is being said/given to someone), this will be shown when there is an à following the verb. Should I say "sent by post" or "sent by a post"? The French pronoun en. Finally, when you're using a verb governing 'a' or 'de' and you need to follow it by a person object, like, 'I think of him/her', you use 'lui' not 'y'. On lui donne une fleur. (Beware that in French téléphoner introduces an indirect object*, so we have téléphoner à just like we have parler à. The proscription against using y to refer to an animate disappears. y replaces a + place or any preposition of direction + a place. The second are indirect objects that are an intrinsic part of a verb's valence. A place is introduced by a preposition of place which can be “à” but also “sur, sous, en, au, aux…”: 1. Those include s'interesser à (take an interest in), faire attention à (pay attention, be careful about) or penser à (thinking about). Y: Replaces Something but not Someone. @Aerovistae If you read the examples, his problem is not to differentiate between when he have to use, Don't give them to me. pers. Now you can say things like, “Je le lui ai donné” (I gave it to him) with zero stress! Most indirect objects can be replaced by an indirect object pronoun (me, te, se, lui, nous, vous, leur, y). lui leur: before: y: before: en: Elle nous le donne. Still have questions? (optional) First name: Last name To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. COD ou COI?1. Ne me les donnez pas. If the CO is introduced by à or de, it's a complément d'objet indirect.If it doesn't, it's a complément d'objet direct. Lui and leur are indirect objects (pronouns). In many respects, it is quite similar to that of the other Romance languages.. French is a moderately inflected language. Photo Competition 2021-03-29: Transportation. Hoe gebruik je hem, haar, het als meewerkend voorwerp of als lijdend voorwerp. rev 2021.3.17.38809, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, French Language Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. ATTENTION : LEUR, pronom personnel, donc devant un verbe, ne prend jamais de "-S". lui, leur lui, leur y en y en. compl. How to handle pronouns with verbs that use “à” ? @WoutHuygens here's a comprehensive answer to your question. There is no difference in the use of à in your two sentences. You use y when you are referring to it an inanimate object. (apporter – VOUS form) Ne me l’apportez pas! They're not an obligatory complement, they could be replaced by any locative phrase headed by another preposition (dans le centre commercial, en forêt, chez eux, sur la plage, etc. Your question is not clear? Those behave in a much more interesting manner with regard to the pronominalisation of their à-complements. I'd categorize them in tree groups. ; y is used with verbs and expressions normally followed by à to avoid repeating the same word. I write it to him/her. A pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun or another pronoun. They sent it to us. Meaning and Usage. French grammar is the set of rules by which the French language creates statements, questions and commands. The CO describes the object which has the action done to it. -- Fill in the blank with either one of French pronouns LE, LA, L’, LES, LUI, LEUR, Y, or EN. Marion leur téléphone. LUI: pronom personnel, 3e personne du SINGULIER. What's the difference between “notre” and “nos”? ).For example, donner needs a preposition. LE, LA,LES, accordez l’adjectif3. For example donner (give) has two intrinsic complements: donner [quelque chose] [à quelqu'un] and those complements deeply affect the meaning of the verb ("sauter sur quelqu'un" et "sauter quelqu'un" mean something extremely different from each other). Find out more about using the pronouns lui and leur. Contracted forms: m’ and t’, for use in front of a vowel or h muet; Stressed forms: moi and toi, for use in a particular imperative construction + There’s no distinction between "to him" and "to her" in French; use lui for both. parler à = to talk to. … The direct object pronoun is usually closest to the verb of which it is the object. The major exception is the imperative mood (l'imperatif), when object pronouns follow the verb: Donne-le-lui (Give it to him/her). So you need to use … lui, leur, les, le, la are all used to replace a complément d'objet. Y can also mean to or at it. It's donner qch à qqn. Indirect object pronouns - lui, leur Indirect object pronouns replace the names of people or nouns that come after the preposition à (to). lui/leur, en, y are placed before the verb(helping verb if past tense) in a sentence. Key points. Download: This blog post is available as a convenient and portable PDF that you can take anywhere. Reference chart for use and word order of pronouns le, la, les, l’, lui, leur, y, en. indirect object pronouns in French. What do people mean by "in the same vein"? Pronoms compléments Le La Les Lui Leur Y En Pronouns Worksheet (no rating) 0 customer reviews. Maybe, your question is when to use them. Note that in L'Impératif, the direct object pronouns le, la, l', les and the indirect object pronouns lui, leur are placed after the verb with a hyphen in between. Lui means to him, to her, to it; leur is the plural meaning, to them. In this case, the indirect object is closest to the verb. de la 1re ou de la 2e pers., à lui/à elle s’emploie à la place de lui, à eux/à elles à la place de leur. Het wordt vaak erg moeilijk gevonden. Margaux lui parle.Riwal n’obéit pas à son professeur. French: En- lui -y. prend deux fois par semaine. Can be used in conjunction with exercises E thru F. Beginner/intermediate Tableau de référence pour l’emploi et la position des pronoms (le, la, les, l’, lui, leur, y, en). French Language Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for students, teachers, and linguists wanting to discuss the finer points of the French language. ; en can also replace the partitive article. Nous le leur avons donné. (donner – NOUS form) Ne le leur donnons pas! (See Y and en .) Do you correct mistakes while typing a document or do you go back and make corrections? The French word lui functions as two different types of pronouns and refers to both genders - but only sometimes. Look at these two examples: Nous écrivons à notre tante -> Nous lui écrivons -> Écrivons-lui! Ils nous l'ont envoyé. For the two pronouns en and y, I can't explain it to you because I don't remember the rules concerning how to use them. Lui means to him, to her, to it; leur is the plural meaning, to them. Je parle à mes parents=== Je leur parle COI). Ils y ont repondu. For each pronouns there are 2 main points to understand. Choose correct pronoun to replace the missing phrases. Don’t tell him anything! How should I indicate that the user correctly chose the incorrect option? French grammar is the set of rules by which the French language creates statements, questions and commands. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. The general rule of placement of pronouns before the verb is sometimes known in English as The Donkey Rule, because of the y and en sound at the end. (Tex gives flowers to Tammy.) Get your answers by asking now. 2 Also used as the polite singular form. Il leur en a donné. He talks to us about it. They replace a + a person. Lui and Leur. The direct objects come first, followed by the indirect objects and then y and en. You're only going to use lui or leur when there is an à after the verb. On en tient compte. The term direct object refers to a noun or another pronoun which the subject is acting upon. dire à = to tell/say to. Y is an adverb. Lui en Leur Werk met z’n tweeen. En is both a preposition and a pronoun. For indirect objects, you use "lui", meaning "(to) him/her" or "leur" meaning "(to) them." Y is sometimes used as a shortened way to express a prepositional phrase that begins with <à>> when placed before the verb. French: Exercices pour les pronoms le, la, les, l , lui, leur, y, en. You use leur when you are referring to them, where them is some people or some animals. "Leur" and "leurs" - goes with the plural pronouns/subjects "ils" and "elles." How to know whether a verb belongs to which class? "pas" goes immediately after the verb, no matter how many or which pronouns. Le patron lui fait servir leurs verres aux clients (where lui is au garçon) If you want to use a causative construction as a learner, just stick to the prescriptive rules and ignore even the prescriptively licit exceptions, at least at first, because this is the simplest way to form the construction. En is sometimes is used as a shortened way to express a prepositional phrase that begins with <> when placed before the verb. However, the pattern is a bit different when we use a doubling construction: Les peintres du XVIIIème, je m'y suis déjà intéressée. Lui and leur are indirect objects (pronouns). Is the letter "c" ever pronounced as "k" when followed by either "i" or "e" ? Sauvez-le, il se noie ! Tip The final -s of -er verbs is usually dropped in the tu form used for orders and instructions. Learn 30+ languages online with bite-size lessons based on science. Je vais à Paris = j’y vais 2. Il nous en parle . The Rule: “Y” can replace a noun or a noun phrase in a sentence where the verb introduces them with the word “à” Répondre à, aller à , penser à… You need to know the verbs in French to use “y” correctly. Is it safe to publish the hash of my passwords? Tais-toi, tu dis que des bêtises ! Find out more about using the pronouns lui and leur. La traduction vous donne le pronoun en lettres majuscules. The indirect object French pronouns lui and leur are used to express the idea of "to him/her" (lui) or "to them". En. When it's a COD, you use le/la/les. Je mets la carte sur la table - Je l'y mets. Maar als je begint met voorbeeldzinnen en met een vraag- en antwoordspelletje heb je het zo onder de knie. Ex: "Je leur donnerai demain le livre." Great for new teachers, student teachers , homeschooling and teachers who like creative ways to teach. Click here to get a copy. In orders and instructions telling someone to do something, en or y come AFTER the verb and are attached to it with a hyphen (-). First, let's distinguish two types of complements that can be marked with à: the first are locative adjuncts, for example "à Lille" in "j'ai rencontré les parents de Sabri à Lille". Read more. PLAY. Get a good grammar book for further information. lui: vous: les: leur: y: en: Translate the following using pronouns: Don’t take it from me! d’obj. STUDY. Je bois de l’eau = j’en bois. Je parle a Marc. An indirect object pronoun indicates à + a person. French is more strict than English: if the pronoun is a direct object, you have to use 'le', 'la' or 'les', if it's indirect, you have to use 'lui' or 'leur'. Actually, the first sentence would be something like "Je leur téléphone" rather than "Je téléphone à eux". à, de etc. Indirect object pronouns - lui, leur Indirect object pronouns replace the names of people or nouns that come after the preposition à (to). When it's a COI, you use lui/leur. You can sign in to vote the answer. Y: Replaces Something but not Someone. Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. 3 Also used when a group has both men and women. Je parle à mon père === Je lui parle (COI). In your example it would be like saying "I've known she a long time". By clicking “Post Your Answer”, you agree to our terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy. Here's a quick summary: lui/leur are indirect object pronouns. On this page, we look at some examples of how exactly the word en is used in French. It also refers to things or ideas following a(with accent grave), as in repondre a(accent grave), "il n'y respond pas" (He doesn't answer or he doesn't answer it). emcmanus 20 December 2015 / 19:39. Je lui telephone. What would happen if 250 nuclear weapons were detonated within Owens Valley in California? For singular objects, you would use "son" or "sa" - depending on whether that object is masculine or feminine. Different uses of en. But the biggest problem most people have is that they aren't really aware if a pronoun is direct or indirect, precisely because you don't need to know in English.