So click on the guide below and hopefully covers all your questions about a road trip to the Wheatbelt Way with your pet to make it easier to plan! FAQs Q: Where is the Central Wheatbelt Visitor Centre A: The Central Wheatbelt Visitor Centre is located at 85 Barrack Street, Merredin, Western Australia. We ask that all visitors by mindful suggest the following when camping out in the Wheatbelt Way. WHEATBELT WAY. The Wheatbelt Way . The Wheatbelt Way self-drive trail will lead visitors on an adventurous interpreted journey through the communities of Beacon, Bencubbin, Dowerin, Koorda, Mukinbudin, Nungarin, … Camp in small groups as fewer feet has less impact on campsites. Wheatbelt Way. There are currently no toilet facilities at Eaglestone Rock with the composting toilet now removed. Our trip started from Geraldton then onto Mullewa, Morawa, Perenjori, Wubin, Dalwallinu, Kalannie then to our first stop a free camp called Mollerin Rock Reserve. Check before leaving with the Local Government Authorities or Visitor Information Centres if you are unsure, it is your responsibility to know. It boasts a picturesque limestone breakaway with gnamma hole. We ask that all visitors by mindful suggest the following when camping out in the Wheatbelt Way. Today we complete our epic journey through the remote outback – enjoy vistas of virgin bush, salt lakes, nature reserves and granite outcrops. Enjoy the 12 FREE camp sites along the Wheatbelt Way. WILDFLOWER WAY. Located 20km north of Koorda on Newcarlbeon Road, during late winter and spring this nature reserve have a picturesque display of wildflowers, a beautiful panoramic view from the top of the rock and an enjoyable picnic area. So we have put together a Pet-friendly guide to the Wheatbelt Way to provide the flexibility for you to choose from a range of dog-friendly camping, caravan, and self-contained accommodation options and activities for you in the Wheatbelt Way region. A comprehensive list of sites has been provided below. Powered Sites Available: A Bank of 11 power outlets next to the tennis courts. No dogs allowed. Why there? There are BBQ and picnic facilities. Western Wheatbelt Free Camping. There are BBQ and picnic facilities and a toilet. This is an area that boasts a rich and extensive history, charming and friendly people, and all located in a diverse and truly Australian landscape. The 60km trail takes visitors on a journey to some of the most amazing and iconic granite rocks in the Wheatbelt, spectacular nature reserves and farming vistas. So click on the guide below and hopefully covers all your questions about a road trip to the Wheatbelt Way with your pet to make it easier to plan! There will be many opportunities to stay and experience the best the Northern Wheatbelt has to offer. Top camping locations in the WA Wheatbelt Back to Nature Caravan Park. Camping in Australia's wild places is an unforgettable experience and these incredible Wheatbelt reserves are situated just a few hours' drive from Perth: so close, yet a world away from the chaos of city life. We chose the Wheatbelt way and the Pioneer Pathway. Sign up to our newsletter to receive trail updates including upcoming events in the region. The outcrops are very accessible – we even traversed the larger rock with Gemma in her pram (admittedly it’s a pretty robust all-terrain model but it was still very achievable as there was a gravel road almost all the way to the top). Located 50km north of the Koorda townsite on the Kulja-Mollerin Rock Road, it has picnic and camping facilities including picnic tables and a toilet. I was going to call this post your ultimate guide to rocks in the Wheatb With the four day Easter long weekend on offer, Jules and I decided to brave the travelling hordes, but to minimise the chances of camper contention we headed east, inadvertently into The Wheatbelt Way, our destination Elachbutting Rock, around 360kms, north east of Perth. Nungarin Beacon Koorda The Karalee reservoir is located 7km off the Great Eastern Highway 50km east of Southern Cross. A great place for bushwalking, bird watching and viewing the wildflowers. The main street location means the Westonia General Store is only a quick five minute walk up the main street. The Wheatbelt Way is a fascinating self-drive experience starting in Dowerin and spanning 800 kilometres with 24 interpretive sites through Western Australia's north-east Wheatbelt. Nestled in a bushland setting, the reserve has ample spots for caravans set up for free camping although we were lucky to be the only visitors there. It has picnic and large camping facilities including picnic tables, fire pits and a toilet.