Read more, 5 ways to improve hand washing and minimize germs in public restrooms (Bradley Corp.) - June 2 Read more, Urban Multifamily Dips In Q2 As Renters Look To Lower-Cost Areas (Bisnow) - August 4 During the polling period, the virus has wreaked havoc on the global economy, and has led President Trump to declare a national emergency." (National Real Estate Investor) - Oct. 1 Read more, Construction Starts Decline in July, Dodge Finds (Commercial Property Executive) - August 18 Read more, Co-Living Providers Feeling Short-Term Pain, But Still Confident In Sector's Future (Bisnow) - April 1 "His focus on master-planned suburban communities is proving prescient during the pandemic." Read more, These Are The Top 10 Issues Affecting Real Estate In 2020 And 2021 (Bisnow) - June 25 Read more, The US lacks health information technologies to stop COVID-19 epidemic (Brookings Institution) - March 13 A quorum consists of more than fifty percent of its then current membership, and must include the Chair, the RSO, and the Management representative. Read More, NFPA offers resources for conducting remote video inspections (RVI) when access to buildings is limited (NFPA) - April 1 "Coronavirus has taken over the 24-hour news cycle, with article after article updating us on newly identified cases, handwashing techniques, and why we should avoid touching our faces. It will support large and small businesses via nearly $1tn of loans, loan guarantees, and bailout funds. Define BID at In other regions, it's banned (Construction Dive) - March 23 Read more, Cancel Your Trip Due to Coronavirus? Read more, Busted Retailers Use Bankruptcy to Break Leases by the Thousands (Bloomberg via National Real Estate Investor) - August 6 Regulations for the Safe Use of Ionizing Radiation, Occupational Exposure Limits to Radiation, Additional Limits for Pregnant Occupational Workers, Shipped Radioactive Package Receipt Requirements, When a Lead Apron Is Effective and Appropriate, When the Use of a Lead Apron Is Not Appropriate, Lead Apron Inspection and Inventory Policy, Radiation-Producing Machines (X-Ray) in the Healing Arts, Machine Shielding (for New Construction and Machine Upgrades), Changes in Machine Location and Disposition, X-Ray Machine Compliance Tests and Calibrations, Timeline for New Therapy Machine State Approval Process, X-ray Device Event Reporting (Fluoroscopy Burns, CT Scans), Sentinel Event for Fluoroscopy or Radiotherapy, State of California Certificates and Permits, Certificates/Permits for Radiologic Technologists and Limited Permit X-ray Technicians, Restraint/Manipulation of Patients During Examinations, Positioning a Patient or Fluoroscopy Equipment, Administrative Oversight of Radioactive Materials in Medicine and Human Research, Clinical Radiation Safety Committee (CRSCo), Radioactive Drug Research Committee (RDRC), Selection of Physicians to Use Radioactive Material for Human Treatment and Diagnosis, Reporting of a Medical Event Using a Diagnostic or Therapeutic Drug, Training Frequency for Those Working With or Near Radioactive Material or Radiation Producing Machines, Lifesaving Emergency Actions for Patients Administered with Radiopharmaceuticals or for Patients Contaminated with Radioactive Material, In the Event of an Injured Contaminated Stanford Researcher, Radiological Disaster: In The Event of A Large Scale Major Radiological Event, Ionizing Radiation and Terrorist Incidents: Important Points for the Patient and You, Radioiodine Therapies - General Safety for Patients Receiving Radioactive Iodine Therapy, Therapy Patients Treated with Radiopharmaceuticals - Nursing Care Specific Instructions, Therapy Patients Treated with Sealed Radioactive Source Implants - Nursing Care Specific Instructions, Transportation Service - General Radiation Precautions, Actions in Case of Death for Patients Administered with Therapeutic Radioactive Sources, Yttrium-90 Glass Microspheres Patients - General Safety Precautions, Yttrium-90 Glass Microspheres Patients - Nursing Care Specific Instructions, Release of Individuals Containing Unsealed Byproduct Material or Implants Containing Byproduct Material, Diagnostic Studies or Minor Therapies - General Safety Precautions, Guidance for Preparing Research Proposals Involving Diagnostic Use of Ionizing Radiation in Human Use Research, Authorization to Obtain Radiation Exposure History form, RHB for all forms for certification and permitting, section 12.4 Guidance for Preparing Research Proposals Involving Ionizing Radiation in Human Use Research, Working Safely Near Radioactive Materials EHS-5275-WEB, Acute Radiation Syndrome: A Fact Sheet for Physicians, National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements, Animal Research Occupational Health and Safety Program, Aluminum, plastics, wood, rubber, plastic, cloth, Gamma, x-rays, positrons (e.g., I131, F18), Lead, iron, lead glass, heavy aggregate concrete, ordinary concrete, water, Lead, iron, lead glass, concrete blocks, water, lead equivalent fabrics such as gloves (for diagnostic x-ray machines only). Read more, New data shows construction activity returning to pre-coronavirus levels in many parts of the country (AGC) - June 18 "A variety of pandemic-related forces have caused construction costs to decline slightly for the first time in a decade, which could lead contractors to feel a pinch in profits." "Sixteen students to a class. Read more, Mall Stocks Surge with Shoppers Coming Back Faster Than Expected (Bloomberg via National Real Estate Investor) - June 3 Most hospital contamination exposures to employees, other than those working in Nuclear Medicine, results from handling bodily fluids such as urine from patients injected with radiopharmaceuticals. Tuesdays 8:30 a.m. EDT and Thursdays 12:30 p.m. (no need to register). When used correctly, x-ray attenuating surgical gloves can help to reduce the risk of radiation dermatitis in a physician’s hands from exposure to scattered radiation. RVI is currently in use in select jurisdictions across the U.S., although no formal standard governs its use. Read more, Starbucks to transform U.S. store portfolio and close some 400 locations (Chain Store Age) - June 10 "Layoffs have begun, along with material delays, job cancellations, and inspection delays." The administered dose must be small so as not to produce any harmful radiation effects to the patient. Anyone acquiring or constructing equipment operating at or above 30 kVp, or employing cathode-ray tubes, rectifier tubes, klystrons or magnetrons must contact Health Physics so that the machine may be checked under operating conditions to insure that no significant exposures will occur to operating personnel. For example, 1 rad = 1,000 mrad. Read more, How the COVID-19 Pandemic Will Change the Built Environment (Architectural Digest) - March 18 Read more, How Physical Spaces May Adapt To A Post-COVID World (Forbes) - June 23 They particularly want technology that makes their lives easier, and they are willing to pay for it." Read more, NMHC Rent Payment Tracker Finds 90 Percent of Apartment Households Paid Rent as of August 20 (National Multifamily Housing Council) - August 20 This is the story of how we got here." Read more, Could North America's Industrial Property Market Be Recession Proof? Read more, Only 69% Of Apartment Residents Have Paid April Rent, But That Number Isn't The Full Story (Bisnow) - April 9 Only one in ten U.S. office workers had worked from home regularly before this experience, and less than a third had the choice to work from home. The floor and any objects the patient is likely to touch must be covered with plastic or other protective material to prevent contamination. To address this, NMHC has called on Congress to provide two additional economic recovery measures to lessen financial losses of property owners as a result of this pandemic and any future event of this nature." The patient is to be encouraged to take responsibility for his/her own urine collection, if possible. Additionally, if you see unfamiliar individuals, it is important to question them or call security. "As laboratory designers, we want to shed light on a subset of our population critical to protecting us from, and preventing the spread of, severe outbreaks: public health researchers." Read more, The heart of resilient leadership: Responding to COVID-19 (Deloitte Insights) - April 1 It’s time to bring the material back." Urine can be disposed of in the sewer. No special precautions are required for soiled linen. The resource page will be updated as new information is made available. The transaction is expected to close in the first quarter of 2021, subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals." Read more, Data Center Demand Holds Up Amid Pandemic (National Real Estate Investor) - August 24 CBRE's new guide offers recommendations for outfitting commercial office spaces for the return to work. Using the retained activity rather than the activity administered; Using an occupancy factor less than 0.25 at 1 meter; Using the biological or effective half-life; or. Read more, Consumers retrenching in the face of COVID-19 (JLL) - May 4 A person exposed to ionizing radiation (e.g., x-rays from a fluoroscope) is not necessarily contaminated with radioactive material. Read more, Building Trades Employers Association Calls for Mayor de Blasio to Keep Construction Sites Open (BTEA) - March 19 "To ensure peace of mind for passengers, the company is focusing on three pillars: hygiene, social distancing and touchless technologies." (Commercial Property Executive) - July 17 "California’s strengths — as a hub for commerce, tourism and education in the Pacific Rim — have become liabilities in the pandemic." Some elements, such as Cesium-137 (137Cs) have a very long half-life (30 years), so they essentially maintain a significant level of radioactivity over a human life span. The typical flow of information to the State of California Radiological Health Branch (RHB) and ultimate RHB approval for the use of therapy machines is as follows: Report any fluoroscopy (including interventional exam) patient’s exposures greater than 5 Gy air kerma to Health Physics (650 723-3201) for follow up. The pandemic has shattered our common beliefs about the type and scope of health information exchange. (Mortgage Professional America) - June 18 Attending personnel must wear disposable gloves when handling or touching items in the room. "A new white paper reflects feedback from authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs), federal, state and local officials, health care industry professionals, and others who have identified multiple compliance challenges and issues that health care facilities are currently facing. "Grocery-anchored shopping centers collected about two-thirds of their normal rents from March through May." "Faisal Ashraf woke up Monday morning ready to work on $200M worth of deals in London hotels when fears about the coronavirus rippled through the world and caused the largest single-day stock market drop since the Great Recession." Menu Search. • Contractual Obligations regarding the negative impact of current manpower, equipment, materials, and supply conditions "In this video, we talk with an architect, mechanical engineer, and an owner's representative about design strategies for reopening office space in the wake of COVID-19." If a person is found guilty of this offence, a court may impose a penalty of imprisonment of up to 2 years or 50 penalty units, or both. For example, if you were to touch a surface contaminated with radioactivity, your fingers could transfer radioactivity to your mouth. Download the full report (PDF), Perkins and Will’s CEO sees a light at the end of COVID-19 tunnel (BD+C) - March 21 Read more, As cities scramble for hospital beds to treat COVID-19 patients, Leo A Daly offers a hotel-to-hospital solution (BD+C) - March 31 “Facebook is introducing a raft of social distancing measures in its offices as it prepares to welcome a limited number of employees back from July 6, according to people familiar with the matter who spoke to Bloomberg.” The new economic data underscores the need for new federal measures to help the construction industry recover, including infrastructure funding, safe harbor provisions and fixes to the Paycheck Protection Program guidance, association officials added." For the full 2020 year, it is expected that GDP will have declined by 0.4%. Read more, Recovery Readiness: A How-to Guide for Reopening your Workplace (Cushman & Wakefield) - April 22 Read more, Soothing Multifamily Tenants' Fears About Pathogens Isn't Insurmountable (Bisnow) - September 10 Read more, AIA implores Congress to provide relief to business owners and employees (AIA) - March 20 In the USA, the average effective whole body dose from radon is about 200 mrem per year. The construction giant's COVID-19 task force is, among other things, "monitoring worldwide supply chains for actual delays that may affect our ability to maintain the schedule on our work." "The coronavirus pandemic scrambled all expectations about the office market. "The pandemic is spurring home sales as prosperous city residents seek more space. Protecting yourself against radioactive contamination by using proper protective clothing. Today’s release indicates that backlog is not the sturdy shield against the initial phases of a recession that it was in the past. "The Confidence Board's Measure of CEO Confidence jumped to 44 in the second quarter from 34 as optimism for the second half of the year outweighed near-term struggles." "Amid passable renewal rates and a lack of rent growth, some multifamily owners have reported that occupancy in urban multifamily assets fell during the second quarter, reflecting tenants’ shifting priorities in the face of the coronavirus pandemic." Read more, How to Manage Multifamily Assets When Residents No Longer Leave (National Real Estate Investor) - August 5 "Momentum is building in Congress around a bill that would authorize $100 billion in rental aid for low-income families who are most at risk of losing their homes, writes Kriston Capps, but the White House has other ideas." The results (just published in HealthLeaders) are eye-opening. However, the patient should be encouraged to bathe/shower daily. Read more, Some Hotel Developers Start Considering Whether to Abandon Construction Projects (National Real Estate Investor) - May 13 (This would not apply to evictions for other lease violations such as property damage, criminal activity or endangering the safety of other residents of the community.) "A new study from Magid and Howarth HTL estimates the losses to the hospitality industry from the coronavirus pandemic at $75 billion." We will reassess this policy again in 14 days. "Co-working company pitches flexibility amid business uncertainty wrought by the coronavirus." The table shows lead times and price impacts to common materials as of May 15, 2020. Read more, The New Norm: A Report by Peter Piven, FAIA (ArchNewsNow) - May 6 It also assessed how the decreased production and movement of goods (and people) around the world have tested complex supply chains." "I am a superintendent who works in the field daily and I have seen firsthand how some local construction companies in my area are pushing forward on projects that are far from essential and are putting the health and safety of employees and their families, some of whom are already elderly or have underlying conditions, at risk in the name of schedule and profit." (BD+C) - May 4 The room will be decontaminated if necessary. How do we put our skills to use in the right context, at the right time? Read more, Will Remote Working Spell the Demise of the Office Sector? The physical and biological half-lives work together to remove radioisotopes from the human body. These radionuclides on a contaminated patient will cause minimal to zero harm or cancer risk to medical responders. “Gap warned on Thursday it may not have enough cash flow to sufficiently fund its operations as stores remain shut because of the coronavirus pandemic. The good news is, the AEC would be understanding of situations like car crashes. Read more, One-way halls, lunch at desk, playing alone. In the event we work remotely, you will still be able to call us on our regular numbers or reach us via email. And with the pandemic raging outside, there’s no telling when the thaw might come." Read more and download the free report, Coronavirus sends city landlords scrubbing as events are canceled (NY Post) - March 10 Radiation workers can control and limit their exposure to penetrating radiation by taking advantage of time, distance, and shielding. When wearing shielding surgical gloves, the operator must make sure their hands are not in the primary x-ray beam. But some of the country’s biggest debt players are bracing themselves for far worse in May." Read more, Is there a way to test for Covid-19 without PPE? Note: The approval levels listed below are for adults. "At Monday Properties, the firm is partnering with security firm Kastle Systems to launch KastleSafeSpaces, a new tech-enabled, building-wide system to help monitor worker health and safety. (National Real Estate Investor) - May 26 Read more, Cyber Crime in the Wake of COVID-19: What Employers Can Do to Prevent Cyber Attacks (Gordon Rees Scully Mansukhani) - March 19 However, uncertainty looms over the rest of the year." Read More, The case for public space in the age of COVID-19 (VMDO Architects) - April 17 "President Donald J. Trump announced many of the esteemed executives, economists, scholars, and industry leaders who together will form various Great American Economic Revival Industry Groups. Read more, Harvard will allow some students on campus this fall so long as they take coronavirus tests every 3 days (CNBC) - July 6 "Watch the webinar to hear Cushman & Wakefield’s Recovery Readiness Task Force (RRTF) discuss the Recovery Readiness Protocols that address many questions pertaining to the eventual return to the workplace post-COVID-19 recovery, outlining some of the best thinking and practices our more than 53,000 professionals have compiled across the globe and with the help of insights from partners." Supervise one or more persons who hold a Radiologic Technologist Certificate. Many government contractors will receive letters or emails ordering them to stop work on projects located on government facilities or that involve personal contact with government personnel." "The office, now part of a larger workplace ecosystem, still reinforces employees’ connections with their companies." With coronavirus cases increasing in more than half of states in August, school districts around the country are planning for partial in-person or full-time remote learning this fall. "Some commercial property owners are emphasizing performance monitoring and are retrofitting properties to boost performance during the Covid-19 outbreak, according to a GlobeSt article. Read more, Moody's: Expect more coronavirus-induced project delays (Construction Dive) - June 1 This amount of radiation involves minimal risk and is necessary to obtain the research information desired. Read more, Making jobsites safer in the COVID-19 world (BD+C) - May 6 "Gov. "We listened as University of Kentucky administrators discussed bringing students back to campus, providing a glimpse into what other schools might do in the fall." Even though x-rays are characteristically identical to gamma rays they are produced by a different mechanism. The risks associated with transportation of such patients are small, and result in a very insignificant exposure if the following procedures are followed: If a patient dies with internally deposited radioactive material from a therapeutic treatment: Yttrium-90 (90Y) microspheres are tiny spheres loaded with 90Y, a radioisotope that emits pure beta radiation. Read more, Webinar (Thursday, March 26, 12 pm EDT): Emergency Business Planning (Hosted by Morrissey Goodale) - March 24 "The coronavirus has caused an abrupt shift in workplace operations that may have a lasting impact on workspace design thinking and use. • Macroeconomic analysis and multifamily sector impact Register for this webinar (no cost), Watch AGC's March 20 webinar: Latest Developments and Impact on the Construction Industry (AGC) - March 25 Read more, We’re About To Find Out How Durable The Coworking Business Model Is (Bisnow) - March 18 If you have any concerns about the ability to complete project work, please contact your principal-in-charge or any member of our firm leadership. Shifts to online learning raise questions about the value of campus residence life. * Public transit and other public infrastructure needs They are to be given to the contact within the first 5 days of the new monitoring period. Read more, Saks Fifth Avenue reveals plans for fashionably sanitized post-coronavirus opening (New York Post) - April 16 While none of us have all the answers, or answers that are appropriate everywhere, collectively we can share our concerns, responses and ideas. Before the patient’s room can be reassigned to another patient, the hazardous waste technician must survey the room for contamination and remove all radioactive waste. Read more, ‘Learning hubs’ opening across SF to help 6,000 kids in need with distance education (SF Chronical) - July 23 Each clinical location or department pays for the cost of its dosimetry service and also pays non-returned dosimeter fees. We hit the ground running, and everything just clicked with the team.” At SHS, SCH and VAPAHCS, all uses of radionuclides in humans regardless of quantity or purpose must be approved by CRSCo. Read more, Survey: About half of AEC firms report slight to some reduction with ordinary/typical marketing activities (SMPS + BD+C) - May 5 Infectious disease expert (Fast Company via National Real Estate Investor) - July 13 Agenda for Change. Note: Any changes in machine x-ray tubes must (California Code Title 17, section 30115) must be report in writing within 30 days. Read more, BOMA launches coronavirus research center with COVID-19 Preparedness Checklist for commercial real estate professionals (BOMA) - March 13 Only essential cleaning should be done. "Three operational issues that must be prioritized for every building in order to achieve tenant trust are air quality/ventilation, relative humidity, and building commissioning." And that we continue to (re)spect each other’s well-being. Read More, AIA praises Congress for advancing desperately needed COVID-19 relief (AIA) - March 26 The dose rate from the package at 1 meter from each of the package surfaces shall be measured. Read more, Harrowing blame game over COVID-19 toll in nursing homes (Associated Press) - June 15 Andrew Cuomo's reopening plan. Institutions are in damage control, trying to offer courses online while recruiting their future classes. Read more, What It Will Take to Make the Indoors Feel Safe Again (WSJ) - June 12 Listen to the podcast episode, 5 noteworthy megaprojects still under construction during the outbreak (Construction Dive) - March 30 Read more, The Only Way to Save Higher Education Is to Make It Free (New York Times) - June 5 However, for ALARA purposes (i.e., to keep exposures As Low As Reasonably Achievable) keep a portable lead shield between the unit and other personnel in that room performing procedures unrelated to the fluoroscopes unit. Read more, Low Office Occupancy Delays Hard Choices About Elevators And Stairwells (Bisnow) - June 17 View the dashboards below to see details and additional information including specific innovations, opportunities, or challenges." Admitted Pathway: The care a patient receives when they are admitted to hospital. Watch the video, Office Owners Are In No Hurry For Tenants To Return (Bisnow) - June 1 Read more, Property Investors Tap Mobile Home Parks for COVID-Era Returns (Bloomberg via National Real Estate Investor) - September 3 "New research by the University of Oregon and the University of California-Davis points to HVAC systems as spreaders of the coronavirus, though the study is still preliminary." At sea level, the average cosmic radiation dose is about 26 mrem per year. "A report from the Center for an Urban Future (CUF) and Tech:NYC found that while some tech companies in the city have been able to weather the coronavirus pandemic — with some even actually growing during this time — most are struggling to survive." Read more, Death of the office (The Economist) - May 6 Read more, As Global Economy Is Rattled By Coronavirus, Industrial Players Weigh If Their Business Will Be Hurt Or Helped (Bisnow) — March 12 Are there enough beds for critical care? "A feared collapse in apartment rent collections amid the COVID-19 shutdowns has failed to materialize. Topics include: Read more, Most multifamily contractors experiencing delays in projects due to coronavirus pandemic (BD+C) - April 6 While the coronavirus and the shift to remote working have spurred new interest in these technologies, it has also presented new challenges.