It works. We make digital reverb and analog-inspired delay plugins for musicians, engineers and other audio artists. Waves Abbey Road Plates is also a long-time favourite character reverb of ours, while Valhalla DSP ValhallaPlate is another classy option, and a great complement to their other reverb plugins. The Waves Abbey Road Reverb is on sale today Our goal is to inspire you and help your work Big Sur ready, signed There are a few significant differences between plates and reverb chambers. I think that's a bit greedy. It’s certainly a challenge to release a plate reverb into a market that already contains Universal Audio Plate 140, Waves Abbey Road Plates, SoundToys Little Plate and Valhalla Plate, to name just some of the excellent setup – create everything from beautiful natural chamber reverb to surging delay cascades. Plate reverb produce the reverb effect through large I often criticise waves so am no fanboy but the waves Abbey Road is so much better than the UAD emt (unless they released an updated version in recent years Ive not heard?). Get the reverberating sounds of the legendary Abbey Road Studio Two echo chamber, complete with Abbey Road's long-lost S.T.E.E.D. Re: Waves Abbey Road Plate Reverb 2017/08/05 18:32:31 () Abbey Road don't seem to endorse a lot of software companies to allow them to use their name on their "brand of sound". Introduced in the 1950s, plate reverbs have been a fixture of recorded music ever since. State-of-the-art modeling of the four legendary reverb plates housed at Abbey Road Studios and used on recordings by the Beatles, Pink Floyd and Radiohead. Lotta stuff going on there! Softube, Waves and NI instrument samples so not much. The engineers at Abbey Road relied on four EMT 140 plate units in a room above the control room of Studio 3 and also the three chambers that were positioned off Studios 1, 2 and 3. In our latest review Mark Cousins enjoys a helping of diffuse, warm reverb, handed to him on a plate… The 'Vocal Plate' preset on the TSAR-1R sounds similar to the AR Plate 'A'. It has the magic. Ultimately, I found the Waves Abbey Road Plates to be far too wet, and with my limited tweaking finesse, I was unable, except on one (excellent) occasion, dial in Plates vs Chambers: Waves Abbey Road - Gearslutz Listen: Valhalla DSP has come unstuck in time. Waves vient de débuter la vente des modélisations des réverbes EMT 140 du studio Abbey Road, un plug-in qui avait été présenté au NAMM dernier. Learn what makes Abbey Road’s Plate and Chamber Reverb so unique, and how to use them effectively in your music with Waves Audio. The original plates have seen many improvements over the years to achieve reverb times of up to six seconds and to reduce noise in the system for super-clean sounding reverbs. It has the sound. I definitely see a use for them. We put it to the test. 今回はプレート・リバーブ、wavesの『Abbey Road Plates』の使ってみた感想を、わかりやすく簡潔(かんけつ)にまとめてみました! 目次 1 まずはひとこと。1.1 特 徴1.2 使ってみた感想1.2.1 使い方2 ココが好き!3 気になった点…3.1 On the spring reverb front, Softube Spring Reverb is arguably the best spring reverb plugin available and is a huge amount of fun to use. Abbey Road Plates was released into the wild in February 2016. Did they succeed? This video is to demonstrate a vocal part sung through the Waves Abbey Road Plates. Abbey Road Studios’ Reverb Plate Room For the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Radiohead and many others, the reverb plates at Abbey Road Studios – now modeled by Waves – have been invaluable. And needless to say, in 2020 if anyone is having even slight trouble with their cpu running even MULTIPLE instances of abbey road plates , then they are buying or building their computers wrong. J'aime bien la Valhalla Plate pour les amplis guitares, mais sur une voix ou un sax, ça manque un peu de relief . Plate Reverb Unlike hall, chamber, and room reverbs, plate reverbs don’t mimic a real-world acoustic space. At Abbey Road, for example, the reverb sends went through a bandpass filter, that cut out virtually all energy above 10 kHz and below 600 Hz. Lire la news Ce thread a été créé automatiquement suite à la publication d'une news pour ce produit. At least listening to an atabaque on loop, it sounds Read about their history and the technology behind them. We put it to the test. Waves’ latest offering, Abbey Road Reverb Plates, focuses on a true classic of vintage reverb. Plate reverbs are a form of electro-mechanical reverb based on a large, metal sheet (the EMT 140 plates Abbey Road used were about 4 by 8 feet.) The Waves Abbey Road Plates sound different than other plates that I have.. in a good way. One of the first types of artificial reverb, the plate reverb was originally produced using a magnetic driver (think of a speaker coil) to initiate (drive) vibrations in a large sheet of metal. ValhallaVintageVerb is a postmodern reverb plugin, inspired by the classic hardware digital reverbs of the 1970s and 1980s. For the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Radiohead and many others, the reverb plates at Abbey Road Studios – now modeled by Waves – have been invaluable. オススメリバーブ2.WAVES Abbey Road Reverb Plates Abbey Road Reverb Plates ボーカル用のプレートリバーブで名機と言えばEMT 140があります。 実機は超デカい… このEMT 140は1960年代に登場して以来、現在まで様々な I've got Valhalla, TSAR-1R (the baby brother) and Abbey Road Plates and I think that they're all great. 22/08/19 Je n'ai jamais été un fan de Waves , mais là, chapeau bas ! The new Reverb Plates plugin from Waves uses state-of-the-art modeling of the 4 legendary EMT 140 reverb plates housed at Abbey Road Studios used on recordings by the Beatles. Reverb is one of the most versatile effects in mixing as it's applicable as a utility and creative tool. J'utilisais jusqu'à présent ma TC R4000 et une Lexicon PCM70 (très typée) pour les plates . It's large appetite for CPU resources though doesn't put me off using this great sounding characterful reverb, I'm just very aware that I can usually only use one instance of it in a mix so that my session does fall over. The UAD Pure Plate, which has not been mentioned here, is a totally different story. I think that's a bit greedy. Most of the other Valhalla Plate modes were deliberately designed to have a more neutral tonality, but this low midrange resonance was key to getting close to that specific sound. Waves claim this to be a full-on emulation of the four legendary EMT 140 reverb plates at Abbey Road Studios. The Waves Abbey Road Reverb Plates plugin models plates A, B, C and D. A plate selector control allows you to switch between the four modeled plates, letting you find the exactly reverb ambience that you need. The recently released Waves Abbey Road Chambers plug-in was modeled from the actual reverb chamber at Abbey Road Studios and also offers models of two other echo chambers. Abbey Road Reverb Plates / Waves は、1957年に発売されたプレートリバーブの名機 EMT 140 のモデリングプラグインです。 Abbey Road Reverb Plates / Waves は、アビーロードスタジオに設置され、ビートルズやピンクフロイドが 使用したEMT140をモデリングしています。 Lotta stuff going on there! We're obsessed with creating powerful tools with simple interfaces. It is the first reverb plug in that I REALLY like. Waves took on the challenge of modelling four modified EMT 140 plates used at Abbey Road Studios on countless classic recordings. (New in Version 1.5.0): Mono-in, stereo-out mode, with the dense upper midrange and lower modal density found in older plates. Abbey Road’s Plates Back then there were obviously no plug-ins or even outboard rack units for creating ambience and reverb. Reverb chambers (aka “echo chambers”) took up even more space than plates because they were actual rooms with reverberant properties. A couple of plugins may seem like an exception to this rule at first glance (such as the Waves Abbey Road Plates and UAD EMT 140 which provide a single style of emulation). Waves Abbey Road Reverb Plates - "Bluffant ." Plate reverbs are notoriously difficult to model because of their very fast ‘build up’ time and because of the complexity, density and subtle coloration of their reverb tails. Je n'ai jamais été un fan de Waves , mais là, chapeau bas ! In 1947, artificial reverb as we know it today was born in a bathroom — Bill Putnam’s bathroom, to be exact. J'utilisais jusqu'à présent ma TC R4000 et une Lexicon PCM70 (très typée) pour les plates . Updated to 2.1.2. https://www.waves You can also Waves Abbey Road Plates Plate reverbs have been around a very long time, to be more specific, they were first introduced in the 1950s and have been the reverb of choice for many engineers ever since. With the Abbey Road plates, they're emulating a preamp, the plates themselves, and the room where these plates live in AR and an EQ. Did they succeed? Abbey Road Reverb Plates The upper part of the Abbey Road Reverb Plates graphic represents the metal plate which was suspended vertically. Abbey Road Studios' recordist Matt Jones discusses how he uses reverb when mixing and details some of his go-to reverb plugins, including the Waves Audio Abbey Road Plates.