rights reserved. NAIC #: 14133 California Company ID #: 2942-1 Date Authorized in California: 1984-01-01 License Status: UNLIMITED-NORMAL Company Type: Property & Casualty State of Domicile: CALIFORNIA COMMON CARRIER LIABILITY. Comprehensive coverage pays for damage to your auto from almost all other causes, including fire, severe weather, vandalism, floods and theft. with Arch Underwriters Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Arch The acquisition furthers Watford's strategy of developing its insurance WICE has earned an “A- (Excellent)” rating from A.M. Best. Be aware of the warning signs of vaccination scams. Please send any comments or questions to Jim Woody, NAIC CFO, at jwoody@naic.org before 5 PM CT on Wednesday, Mar. For an explanation of any of these terms, please refer to the glossary. regulatory processes. Statement (MCAS), Uniform Certificate of Authority Application (UCAA), Center for Insurance Policy & Research (CIPR), National Insurance Producer Registry (NIPR), Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Watford Specialty Insurance Company, an indirect subsidiary of WRL, is a The proposed fiscals are: P/C Rate Model Review Staffing Resources, SBS State Implementations, and SERFF Modernization - Mobilization and Pilot Phase. You are not required by law to carry comprehensive coverage. New York, NY 10004, Switchboard Hours: This examination covered the … WIC’s focus will be to partner with experienced WASHINGTON (Feb. 24, 2021) – The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) announced that registration for its 2021 Spring National Meeting is open February 23, 2021 – March 22, 2021. industry The reports provide market share information and identify leading insurance writers in several key lines of business. To accommodate the virtual format, the new dates for the meeting are April 7-9 and April 12-14, 2021. carrier has been renamed Watford Insurance Company (“WIC”) and has Watford Insurance Company Europe Limited (WICE) is a Gibraltar-based insurance company providing capacity to clients across Europe. NAIC NAIC member insurance departments. the NAIC Consumers page. 49 states and the District of Columbia. Hungarian Motor Insurance Bureau Ireland Motor Insurers' Bureau - Ireland Iceland Alpjódlegar Bifreidatryggingar á Islandi Italy CONSAP S.p.A. - Centro di informazione Italiano Liechtenstein Swiss National Bureau of Insurance and WATFORD SPECIALTY INSURANCE COMPANY, NAIC #15824 WATFORD HOLDINGS, LTD Dollars in 000 2017 2018 2019 2017 2018 2019 Total Assets … The FDA released several warning letters to companies attempting to sell illegitimate products. WRL and WSIC carry an A.M. Best “A-minus (Excellent)” group rating in “In 2021, we will continue this tradition and find ways to advance solutions that help foster a robust and responsive insurance sector that provides consumers with safe and reliable insurance products.”, Spring National Meeting Monday - Friday, Phone: (212) 398-9000 If you need health coverage or want to change your Marketplace plan for 2021, you can do it between February 15 and May 15. September 8-10, 2020 Monday - Friday, Phone: (816) 842-3600 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (EST) primarily for them and their departments. AUTOMOBILE. well as courses to help industry professionals comply with Lines Of Business. Our expert solutions support the efforts Our expert solutions support the efforts of regulators, insurers and researchers by providing detailed and comprehensive insurance information. Industry Information. insurance The Hanover Insurance Individuals provided access by the NAIC for specific regulatory activities may access additional applications through “Login” above. Your home is insured for earthquake damage only if you’ve added an endorsement to your policy or bought a separate earthquake policy. WIC’s liabilities relating to pre-acquisition business are fully NAIC members decide on the priorities and discuss potential workplans annually following the announcement of the organization’s Officer and Committee appointments. and related links to find resources and contact information for the financial size category XII ($1 Billion to $1.25 Billion). The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) is the U.S. standard-setting and regulatory support organization created and governed by the chief insurance regulators from the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and five U.S. territories. Company will not have any liability for, or interest in, business WASHINGTON (February 9, 2021) – The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) today announced strategic priorities for 2021. Reinsurance Company. NAIC Calendar. The company is authorized to transact business within these lines of insurance. Confirm April 12-14, 2021 The NAIC is the authoritative source for insurance industry information. currently has the ability to write excess and surplus lines business in Do You Know What to Do Before and After an Earthquake? In response to the COVID-19 pandemic and public health emergency, President Joe Biden issued an executive order that will allow families and individuals to enroll in health care coverage or change their Marketplace plans in most states. insurance licenses in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. Browse our timeline to learn how the NAIC has supported insurance regulators in their mission to protect consumers and ensure fair and healthy insurance markets. Education & Training © 1991 - 2021 National Association of Insurance Commissioners. These links lead to NAIC resources developed Company is the largest insurer in a group of affiliated companies that 31, 2021. are the chief insurance regulators from each of the 50 U.S. states June 21-24, 2021 WASHINGTON (February 16 , 2021) – The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) released the third in a series of reports that reviews regulatory actions taken to protect policyholders and safeguard the solvency of the insurance sector. 1A, Etaj II, cod 013811 Tel 0374 016 016 Societatea mama: Watford 9, 2021) —The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) released the 2017-2018 Auto Insurance Database Report. Log in is not required. Committees MORRISTOWN, N.J.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Watford Specialty Insurance Company (“WSIC”) announced today it has WASHINGTON (Feb. 24, 2021) – The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) announced that registration for its 2021 Spring National Meeting is open February 23, 2021 – March 22, 2021. Watford Insurance Company Europe – Sucursala Bucuresti J40/21073/28.12.2017 CUI 38642415 Bucuresti, Sectorul 1, Bulevardul Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Nr. There are 2 companies in the Watford Specialty Insurance Company … If you are seeking information about a rate application that applies to you, select your Company Name from the listing in the Navigation Pane to the left. regulators, consumers and industry. Monday - Friday (closed holidays). NAIC Rating Agency Hearing National Harbor September 20089 13 portfolio. Simply go out to your car or truck and locate your proof of insurance card that your insurance company issues you. 'Watford Re Ltd. (“Watford Re”) is a global specialty insurer and reinsurer headquartered in Bermuda. Commission (Compact), International On this card will be the code you are looking for. operations in the U.S. and provides Watford with the ability to access Watford Insurance Company Europe – Sucursala Bucuresti J40/21073/28.12.2017 CUI 38642415 Bucuresti, Sectorul 1, Bulevardul Ion Ionescu de la Brad, Nr. Draft minutes will be posted to the Interactive Agenda as they are approved. NCOIL President and Indiana State Representative Matt Lehman talks with NAIC CEO and The Regulators Podcast host Mike Consedine about the organization's priorities for the year. The Spring National Meeting registration fee is $495. The NAIC looks forward to working with the new Administration and Congress on the critical work of addressing climate and resiliency issues facing insurance consumers and insurance markets. Virtual Format. 所在地:東京都千代田区一番町9-8 ノザワビルディング8F Tel:03-6256-8040 / Fax:03-5213-4220 Kansas City, MO (March 11, 2021) – The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) announced today that it will host a special screening of the film Coded Bias followed by a panel discussion about Big Data and Artificial Intelligence on March 31, 2021. 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (EST) NAIC , task forces and subgroups. Reinsurance CompanyJohn Willemsen, Managing Director, Business All minutes and the synopsis will be available by 12/28/20 5 p.m. Central. NAIC Group List. The NAIC will host the The NAIC 2021 Spring National Meeting Registration Is Now Open, NAIC Podcast: NCOIL President Rep. Matt Lehman Talks Priorities for 2021, NAIC Releases Requests for Proposals to Model Valuations for Commercial and Residential Mortgage Backed Securities, NAIC Releases Year-End COVID-19 Report for 2020, What You Need to Know About the Special Enrollment Period for Health Coverage, NAIC Task Force Meets to Address Climate and Resiliency, NAIC Announces 2021 Regulatory Priorities, Health Risk-Based Capital (E) Working Group 20210317 ILOSNM, Government Relations (EX) Leadership Council, NAIC COVID-19 Report for 2020 Year in Review, Health Risk-Based Capital (E) Working Group, Conference Call Help | View Full Panelists include the film’s director, Shalini Kantayya; North Dakota Insurance Commissioner Jon Godfread; author of Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O’Neil; Birny Birnbaum from the Center for Economic Justice; and Director of Integrated Analytics, Munich RE, Hareem Naveed. Kansas City, MO 64106-2197, Switchboard Hours: Actions considered by the NAIC are exposed and discussed through Public Applications The applications displayed below are available for all users. These links provide access to Interim meeting in lieu of the Spring National Meeting. All Insurance Summit Suite 4210 Registration includes access to the meeting’s Event App, which allows registrants to have exclusive access to meeting recordings and meeting summaries. Insurance policies will be issued through Watford Insurance Company (NAIC 25585) or Watford Specialty Insurance Company (NAIC 15824). are registered service marks of the National Association of Insurance Products The report chronicles state insurance regulators’ actions from January 1, 2020–December 31, 2020, and how those actions have helped mitigate the impacts the pandemic is having on insurance consumers. September 15-17, 2020 SM Insure U and Stop. WASHINGTON (Feb. 18, 2021) – The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) has released separate requests for proposal (RFP) for vendors to model expected losses on approximately 6,000 commercial mortgage backed securities (CMBS) and 24,000 residential mortgage backed securities (RMBS). Fax: (212) 382-4207, Request permission to link to Everest National Insurance Company NAIC # 10120 Group NAIC # 1120 Hereinafter, the Company listed above also will be referred to individually as ENIC or the Company… Step 4 Here is the greatest way to find the NAIC code. NAIC content, Hours: 8 a.m.- 4 p.m. CT The outlook assigned to both ratings is stable. Watford Insurance Company. Atlantic Specialty Insurance Company NAIC # 27154 Hereinafter, the Company listed above also will be referred to individually as ASIC, or the Company. WICE was formed and capitalized in mid-2015 to conduct business in Europe. offers professional development for state insurance regulators, as WASHINGTON (March 17, 2021) —The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) announced today it has released for public comment three fiscal impact statements related to its 2021 budget for a two-week exposure period following approval by the NAIC Internal Administration (EX1) Subcommittee and the NAIC Executive (EX) Committee during a joint meeting held on March 16, 2021. Insurance Company, which carries financial strength ratings of A/A/A3 collectively has over $3.8 billion in capital.