If your horse contracts mud fever, keep him out of the wet and mud as much as possible. Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream can be used to treat a number of skin conditions including: Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream is gentle, so it won’t sting on application. It only requires one thorough application and will fully treat mud fever within a few days. We have all seen Sudocrem about the place but it is truly brilliant for a myriad of ailments for both the horse and the rider. Longer courses of treatment are generally avoided because of the risk of potentially serious side effects. If you'd like to submit a review or suggest a product for review, click here to drop us an email. What's new. They utilise the properties of chlorine dioxide a powerful disinfectant that they claim has the ability to penetrate the scab thus killing any bacteria, fungi . mrslaughan Mon 01-Jun-15 21:44:44. bandage), but that's not practical in the field. It’s important to remain vigilant and check your horse’s legs daily. So how do I treat it? It is most prevalent in ruminants and only occurs sporadically in horses. If you have mud-fever treat with sudocrem - if you haven't yet got it but you usually end up with it then "waterproof" the legs with a silicone base - siopel or conotrane - apply regularly -and hope that the germs don't find a gap in the covering! With the possible exception of sheep, animals in tropics are more often and more severely affected than those in temperate areas. Keeping her off the mud helps obviously, but it's not feasible to keep a horse in 24/7. 6 0 obj Mud fever (subcutaneous streptothricosis) is an exudative dermatitis of animals, and very occasionally humans. The scabs need to be removed so the treatment cream can get to the skin and bacteria underneath. endobj Mud fever is similar to a person having chapped hands or lips — the horse’s skin can become very inflamed and sore. A equine vet kit staple! Your best bet would be a barrier type cream like Sudocrem, or any nappy rash cream. 7 0 obj Sudocrem contains zinc oxide, among other ingredients. The skin needs to be kept clean and dry, which usually involves box rest until the mud fever has cleared up completly. The key ingredients in Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream are: © 2021 The Gaitpost is published by Sarah Heseltine. Mud fever prevention ideas Use surgical spirit. It is important to call your vet as soon as you spot any signs of mud fever, so they can give you an accurate diagnosis and make sure treatment is tailored to meet your horse’s needs. This form of therapy is extremely He is lame or has has swollen legs you should seek advice from your veterinary surgeon. <>stream Step 1 – Keep your horse dry. To treat mud fever: Evening: when you bring the horse in, wash his legs with shampoo to remove cream (see later). <>/ExtGState<>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.4 841.8]/Contents 53 0 R /Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 2>> Mud fever, also known as pastern dermatitis or ‘cracked heels’ is characterized by scabs and sore on a horse’s legs. Then put lots of barier cream on. While the mud fever itself is, in most cases, easy to treat its also important to deal with the cause of the condition too, if possible. He manages to ruin his tail every year when the flies come out and its soothing powers definitely ease the itch. What is it? Benzyl benzoate and benzyl cinnamate, which are ingredients of Peru Balsam (an aromatic resin extracted from the plant Myroxylon balsamum pereirae, known for its healing properties) Wash his feet in cold water (cold gentle hosing is good) and dry them thoroughly with a towel, and rub the Sudocrem over the mud fever. The microbes are anaerobic, so exposure to air is what you need to accomplish. Horses have the tendancy to produce too much scar tissue, or proud flesh with the topical application of emu oil there is less potential for proud flesh production. This will help to reduce the amount of time your horse is suffering for but will also reduce the chances of reinfection at a later date. This entry was posted in herbal treatment natural horse care on December 2, 2009. Treatment of a horse with Mud Fever . Sudocrem isn't just a nappy rash cream. Add message | Report | See all. Mud Fever Treatment Options. Feed extra copper/zinc available in a balanced formula (available from the Naturalhorseworldstore.com). We highly recommend – you can get in touch with them on Facebook if you want to make an order. endobj Treatment is different depending on the clinical signs shown. Mud fever is the name given to a quite common equine skin complaint that affects many horses and ponies during the winter and early spring months. The bacteria only becomes a problem if it gains access to softened or damaged skin. The solution was to take the feather off, and treat for mites and then with filtabac antibacterial crime. My little mare gets mud fever, and is at times so bad with it she's lame. It often affects pink skinned areas and may be noticed as red, sore areas of skin that may be weeping, or lumpy patches often on the lower limbs, although any leg can be affected. and spores. Coat the legs every day for a couple of days, then you only need to top up once or twice a week. Aswell as the application of the Flowers of Sulphur mixed with oil based cream mentioned above. Mud fever is similar to a person having chapped hands or lips — the horse’s skin can become very inflamed and sore. If you have mud-fever treat with sudocrem - if you haven't yet got it but you usually end up with it then "waterproof" the legs with a silicone base - siopel or conotrane - apply regularly -and hope that the germs don't find a gap in the covering! Once your vet has made a diagnosis and recommended a treatment plan, they should be happy for you to continue managing the condition yourself. THE GAITPOST is a carefully curated collection of the best of the best from within the equestrian world. Treating mud rash and rain scald. TIPS ON TREATING MUD FEVER: Remove the horse from the pasture to an area where there is little grass and feed free choice low-sugar grass hay in a slowfeeder hay net. I have also used it on a grey for sun protection on his nose – it stayed on so much better than sun tan lotion and the zinc oxide blocked the rays. Zinc oxide, which reduces the loss of tissue fluid. How to treat mud fever? 5 0 obj You may even need to consider stabling your horse or pony full time in order to do this. It can reduce the risk of infection and contains a mild local anaesthetic to soothe pain. Horses with feathers are more at risk of leg mites and you will see them stamp their legs becaus… Reply. You’ll need to wash the affected leg (s) with a warm, very dilute Hibiscrub solution – 0.1% solution is recommended – and rinse it off fully with warm, clean water. Left untreated, mud fever can develop into costly complications if an infection travels up the leg through the damaged skin, causing a painful condition known as cellulitis. Secondary infections can also develop and they may be fungal or bacterial. I know someone who really struggled with mud fever, but part of the issue was mites in his feather. It champions the tireless commitment and energy that goes hand in hand with horses and has fast become the well-informed read for competitors, owners, supporters and enthusiasts at every level and from every discipline. With warm water wash your horse’s legs, then scrub with a water and hibiscrub solution. Be warned though – it is tricky to wash off so we used an old brush to apply it. Visit The Gaitpost's profile on Pinterest. The basis is to treat any underlying conditions such as mite infection or contact allergy, remove infection and allow the skin’s natural barrier to heal. If you fields are mud fever free, try not to hack through … There’s a wide variety of lotions and potions marketed for the treatment of mud fever, but none of these are “the silver bullet” to a magic solution that will solve all your woes. Adverts. Mud fever is … Pink skin under white hair is … Effective treatment for mud fever, reduces scar tissue on wounds, helps with wound recovery and healing. ⠀⠀ Your ONE STOP POT for ALL ... animal care and repair. Avoid contact with mud … Learn to spot it early. The Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream formula has remained unchanged since 1931. Mud fever is also known as pastern dermatitis. I have used sudocrem effectively. <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.4 841.8]/Contents 50 0 R /Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> mud fever treatment with a follow up barrier spray. Mud fever is the inflammation and irritation of the horse’s skin, usually on his pastern or heel area. So to get rid of mud fever, you’ll have to get rid of humidity… The first treatment is therefore to keep your horse in a dry environment! Nappy cream or zinc and caster oil cream works really well and is quite cheap. New posts New media New media comments Latest activity. Ease of treatment ranges along with severity of the disease and possible underlying symptoms. As the bacteria enters softened or damaged skin, it causes inflammation of the skin and symptoms include reddening of the skin, itchiness and irritation, crusty skin and hair loss. We used it liberally as a barrier cream before exercise and turnout. Sorry I haven't uploaded horse videos recently. Thread starter dcp; Start date Apr 24, 2006; … If you are looking to treat an established case of mud fever, a lotion that helps remove scabs, while reducing inflammation is a sensible choice. Mud fever (subcutaneous streptothricosis) is an exudative dermatitis of animals, and very occasionally humans. This will help to reduce the amount of time your horse is suffering for but will also reduce the chances of reinfection at a later date. Mud Fever (or Scratches) and Flowers of Sulphur . %���� It also helps a wound to heal and forms a protective barrier over the vulnerable area. Keep the legs dry. It is also called Pastern Dermatitis and Rain Scald, and Mud fever can cause painful sores and scabs, which in severe cases can make a horse lame. I use mine the most on a very itchy 11.2h pony. It is also called Pastern Dermatitis and Rain Scald, and Mud fever can cause painful sores and scabs, which in severe cases can make a horse lame. Mud fever is the name given to a quite common equine skin complaint that affects many horses and ponies during the winter and early spring months. mud fever treatment with a follow up barrier spray. Mud fever is a perennial problem. Treating Mud Fever. How do you treat mud fever in horses? Avoid contact with mud as much as possible. Mud fever is a "secondary condition" caused by another issue, like skin weakened by constant wetting, that creates bacterial or fungal infection. However, mud fever can be tricky to treat and take a while to clear up, so the best course of action is to prevent it occurring in the first place. So to get rid of mud fever, you’ll have to get rid of humidity… The first treatment is therefore to keep your horse in a dry environment! We've also used sulfur based creams, which worked very well. If you are looking to treat an established case of mud fever, a lotion that helps remove scabs, while reducing inflammation is a sensible choice. Sudocrem is known as a nappy rash cream but it has so many beauty uses. 10 0 obj Throughly dry the legs - this is really important. Please note that we have spoken to Sudacrem and they do inform us that they do not have a veterinary license  for this product. Below are some top tips to help prevent and treat mud fever this winter, and to help you beat the bacterium, without breaking the bank. Barrier creams work by forming a protective layer between the leg and mud. If your horse or pony has a very bad case of mud fever - i.e. Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream is a licensed medicine. The best thing you can do it keep him out of water. Horses must be kept on dry, clean bedding or turned out on dry fields or paddocks. The dead, inactive scabs then fall off some time later. Research shows that this product is highly effective in the treatment of hypertrophic scars, which are thickened, wide and often raised scars that come about after a cut or injury doesn’t heal properly. This is because the wet conditions cause the skin to soften and mud rubs against this softened skin causing abrasions to the surface where bacteria can enter. The surrounding hair is often clipped away first to allow better air circulation so that the moisture is not retained and to allow topical treatments to be applied more successfully. New posts . Wow ,wish I lived near the sea,posted on here the other day about Tilly getting mud fever for the first time and asking what to do about it Am currently trying sudocrem and udder cream.Sound like a trip to the seaside is in order BTW,sorry to hijack but how often should you put the udder cream on . If a GP thinks your condition may be severe enough to benefit from repeated or … If mites are involved, treatment against mites must be started. Mud fever is a complicated skin reaction that affects horses’ lower legs and has many different causes. As a final tip, and possibly one of the most important, learn to try and spot the … There can be other causes of mud fever such as leg mites which damage the skin and enable bacteria to enter. Your best bet would be a barrier type cream like Sudocrem, or any nappy rash cream. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.4 841.8]/Contents 54 0 R /Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 3>> Treating Mud Fever. The mud doesn't stick to their legs, and they don't get mud fever. If you are unlucky enough to get mud fever teatree & Lavender essential oils can be useful in helping reduce infection & protecting the wounded area. Pastern dermatitis can sometimes be found on the horse’s belly, upper limbs or neck. Treating Mud Fever. Your vet may prescribe antibiotics and / or corticosteriod ointments and possibly an anti - … Early Scratches (Mud Fever) treatment with harsh chemicals tends to inflame and dry out the tissue, increasing the likelihood of future complications. Far better to let the horse's legs dry and then brush the mud off, keeping any infected area well covered with a barrier cream. If your best efforts don’t succeed and your horse does get mud fever, it’s still really important to try to keep their legs dry. The surrounding hair is often clipped away first to allow better air circulation so that the moisture is not retained and to allow topical treatments to be applied more successfully. In other words, it’s a very useful tub to keep around the house! %PDF-1.7 Mud fever treatment. This helps to dry out the mud fever and promote healing. Washing with dilute chlornexidine, rinsing and drying the skin and application of antibacterial cream often helps too. Throughly dry the legs - this is really important. Treatment Treatment varies depending on the cause of the mud fever. The condition is sometimes referred to as rain scald, dermatophilosis or greasy heel. Be sure to allow at least two minutes for the scabs to soak before washing the treatment off. It is most prevalent in ruminants and only occurs sporadically in horses. Wash again in hibiscrub or betadine scrub to kill the bacteria that causes the mud fever. Treatment. A good quality nappy rash cream, such as Sudocrem ®, can work just as well and many experienced owners swear by them. Shampoo. You may even need to consider stabling your horse or pony full time in order to do this. Bacteria will breed if it's wet. Treating mud rash and rain scald. Stockholm tar is not an appropriate treatment. How do you treat mud fever? 8 0 obj Stockholm tar just provides an airless environment where the microbes … Remove any scabs. Wash your horse’s legs. How to treat mud fever? endobj Registered members Current visitors. It can also be spread to humans so take precautions. Ease of treatment ranges along with severity of the disease and possible underlying symptoms. New media New comments. Rather, they should be used as part of a range of measures that limit exposure to wet conditions, reduce bacterial numbers, and protect the skin's natural defences. One of the main problems with mud fever is that the damp weather in winter jeopardises the integrity of skin, making it easy for the spores to germinate and spread. 4) Moisture Repellent is Key. Contains Dibrompropamidine isetionate. Mud fever, also known as pastern dermatitis or ‘cracked heels’ is characterized by scabs and sore on a horse’s legs. and spores. R. Ruby_Tuesday New Member. Menu He's only got mud fever. This unique blend of ingredients gives Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream its Soothing, healing properties. Carefully clip the hair away from the infected area, rub an anti-bacterial cream onto the scabs to soften them and then gently remove them. These primary causes can include bacterial infection due to wet folds in the skin, fungus, mites, minor skin injuries and can also be autoimmune related (where the horse's immune system is attacking itself). You will be surprised how often you use it. With the possible exception of sheep, animals in tropics are more often and more severely affected than those in … Sudosalve Nappy Rash Treatment Cream is a licensed medicine. The key ingredients in Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream are: Zinc oxide, which reduces the loss of tissue fluid. endobj New posts. Corticosteroid tablets are rarely used to treat atopic eczema nowadays, but may occasionally be prescribed for short periods of 5 to 7 days to help bring particularly severe flare-ups under control. Mud fever is most often caused by bacteria and is common in the winter months when the horse is exposed to persistent wet, muddy conditions. There are many treatments available and no one is a “cure-all”. <>/ExtGState<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI]>>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.4 841.8]/Contents 51 0 R /Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 1>> I think the most common treatment is pig oil and … ",#(7),01444'9=82. I'm no expert but I thought since I was doing it, I may as well make a video out of it! Then put lots of barier cream on. Benzyl benzoate and benzyl cinnamate, which are ingredients of Peru Balsam (an aromatic resin extracted from the plant Myroxylon balsamum pereirae, known for its healing properties), Anhydrous hypoallergenic lanolin is an emollient, soothing and softening skin, Benzyl alcohol has local anaesthetic and antiseptic properties helping to reduce discomfort. endobj Available at all good chemists and supermarkets. All rights reserved. With mud fever the ideal is to wash clean (with hibiscrub), then cover with sudocrem or cream of some kind and put some kind of cover over that to keep the dirt out (i.e. Traditionally it has been associated with wet muddy conditions seen in the winter but we often see cases throughout the year. Media. Pink skin under white hair is more sensitive, but dark skin can be affected too. In order to successfully treat mud rash or rain scald, the most important element of treatment is removal of the source problem- exposure to wet, damp or muddy conditions. Continue daily treatment with ointment and additional scab removal if needed until under control (usually about a week). Many specialised products are available to help protect the skin from moisture to help prevent mud fever. If your best efforts don’t succeed and your horse does get mud fever, it’s still really important to try to keep their legs dry. Find out how best to prevent and treat the condition, with recommendations on top products from our ambassador Lily Equestrian. To treat mud fever: Evening: when you bring the horse in, wash his legs with shampoo to remove cream (see later). Mud fever is caused by a bacterium called dermatophilus congolensis. Follow these steps to effectively manage and treat the issue. Credit: mud fever images VetPartners. $.' Both mud fever and rain scald are caused by a bacteria, which is commonly found in the soil and on the skin. Honestly the best thing I have used is baby oil. I suppose if you wash the legs and then dry them with a towel you only need to miss a tiny bit of grit (easy to do with hairy legs) and you've started a problem. Prevention is better than cure, but treating mud fever at the earliest possible sign should mean that any infection will clear up quickly and easily. Removing the scabs can be extremely painful for the horse and also needs to be done carefully to avoid further trauma to the skin. The dead, inactive scabs then fall off some time later. Protecting your horse from mud, and flies while treating mud fever or rain scald will be of great benefit to the recovery process. Sudocrem has also been brilliant for me when a new horse arrived with mud fever. While the mud fever itself is, in most cases, easy to treat its also important to deal with the cause of the condition too, if possible. The homeopathic remedies of … From Sudocrem for acne and dry skin to fixing fake tan mistakes - here are 10 amazing things it can do. In order to successfully treat mud rash or rain scald, the most important element of treatment is removal of the source problem- exposure to wet, damp or muddy conditions. Step 1 – Keep your horse dry. Wash again in hibiscrub or betadine scrub to kill the bacteria that causes the mud fever. Home » Field Notes » herbal treatment » Mud Fever (or Scratches) and Flowers of Sulphur. <>/Lang(en-US)/MarkInfo<>/StructTreeRoot 65 0 R /AcroForm<>/Metadata 180 0 R >> The bottom line is that our lovely bacteria Dermatophilus congolensis, loves water. I believe the cream the vet provides contains a steroid (you are supposed to wear gloves to apply it) but it will have the scabs starting to come off in a couple of days and in less than a week Raf's scabs are gone and lovely healed skin underneath. When you are in the process of treating your horse for mud fever, or have treated your horse it is important not to forget that moisture is what is giving the infection life. For our mud fever problems, we use Keretex mud fever powder. Oct 11, 2009 54 0 0 Cumbria. This chronic and progressive, painful equine dermatitis/inflammation infects the deeper layers of skin in the heel, fetlock, and pasterns of horses. Look for causes of mud fever. I was going to wash the scab with warm water and hibiscrub but was told not to... Forums. This form of therapy is extremely useful for horses that do not tolerate having the scabs picked off. Barrier creams work by forming a protective layer between the leg and mud. 1 0 obj Register. Mud fever, or equine pastern dermatitis, is a common winter skin complaint amongst the equine community, and can cause horses and their owners a lot of stress. Sudocrem Antiseptic Healing Cream is licensed to treat a range of skin conditions including nappy rash, cuts & grazes, eczema, acne, minor burns, sunburn, bedsores & chilblains. I was always taught never to brush wet mud in case you brush it into the skin and cause mud fever. Some areas have it, some don't. Sudocrem didn't, although maybe it's good for preventing mud fever in the first place. The bottom line is that our lovely bacteria Dermatophilus congolensis, loves water. If you have succumbed to the dreaded mud fever, then don’t panic! Sudocrem is sold as an antiseptic healing cream, and it has a water repellent base which forms a protective barrier (ideal for treating sore bottoms on babies). It is more correctly termed equine pastern dermatitis, but is also called greasy heel or cracked heel, and is most commonly the result of a bacterial infection by Dermatophilus congolensis, although there are a number of other organisms that contribute to the disease. ���� JFIF � � �� C Treatment. It contains hypoallergenic lanolin, to help provide emollient properties, zinc oxide, benzyl benzoate and benzyl alcohol is a weak local anaesthetic. Also, mud fever is a bacteria which lives in the soil. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), BHS launches a new app that enables equestrians to report their incidents, Tech Tips: How to organically grow an Instagram following in 2021 – Part 1. Members. Log in. They utilise the properties of chlorine dioxide a powerful disinfectant that they claim has the ability to penetrate the scab thus killing any bacteria, fungi .