With Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, LeVar Burton, Michael Dorn. Tulaberry whine Lieutenant Commander Red … Page 2 of 2 < Prev 1 2. Star Trek: First Contact RULES. The following is a breakdown of all the things about Star Trek: First Contact that don't make a lick of sense. The Enterprise D had been destroyed.… Finally, a new deck size (the 30/30 rule) was first seen with this set. Let me start by saying Star Trek First Contact (ST:FC) isn't a bad movie. The Ferengi Rules of Acquisition are a collection of two hundred and eighty-five sayings that form the basis of Ferengi philosophy. Star Trek: First Contact struck a chord with longtime fans and newbies alike, raking in $146,000,000. RELATED: 10 Times Star Trek Villains Were Right. Disguised as an alien prior to First Contact, Will's life becomes imperiled when incurred injuries reveal his foreign internal structure to a xenophobic alien population. However, as good as Frakes is behind the camera, he fell victim to a script with more than a few holes and problems. Both points say that Vulcans (the only interstellar party) didn't have universal translator technology at the time of the first contact. (DS9 episode: "The Nagus") 1 History of the Rules 2 The Known Ferengi Rules of Acquisition 3 Appendices 3.1 Questionable rules 3.2 External link The Rules of Acquisition were written by Gint, the first Grand Nagus of the Ferengi people. Directed by Cliff Bole. Mainly it's the set up to the movie which bothered me. 23 talking about this. Welcome to the OFFICIAL Facebook page and visit us at www.StarTrek.com! Data banks of USS Defiant revealed in mirror universe that Hoshi Sato invented universal translator in the prime universe (Star Trek: Enterprise). The first mention of the rules within the Star Trek universe was in "The Nagus", an episode of the TV series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine (Season 1, Episode 10). Discussion in 'Star Trek Movies I-X' started by Too Much Fun, Feb 28, 2009. PART XVII: ASSIMILATE THIS! Heres the deal. In the fictional Star Trek universe, the Rules of Acquisition are a collection of sacred business proverbs of the ultra-capitalist race known as the Ferengi.. Last time we've seen Picard and co. It also wasn't exactly what I was looking forward to. The date of First Contact is one of the most pivotal moments in Star Trek canon, but Star Trek: Enterprise revealed a little-known truth that Vulcans actually landed on Earth in the 1950s, over 200 years before it. I would rank it beside “Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home” (1986), the one where the fate of Earth depended on the song of the humpback whale. “Star Trek: First Contact” is one of the best of the eight “Star Trek” films: Certainly the best in its technical credits, and among the best in the ingenuity of its plot. At the time of first contact, she wasn't even born. The First Contact (CCG) was a major expansion set of the Star Trek Customizable Card Game. This introduced a new affiliation, the Borg, enhanced personal battling, and innovated the game with the first Objective and Time Location cards.