13 October: Deadline for parties, federations, coalitions, and groupings of electors to rectify irregularities in their lists. European Election 2019: UK results in maps and charts. The Congress of Deputies had greater legislative power than the Senate, having the ability to vote confidence in or withdraw it from a prime minister and to override Senate vetoes by an absolute majority of votes. This is the results breakdown of the Congress of Deputies election held in Spain on 10 November 2019. "New reports claim the real results of the 2020 U.S. election were found on a computer server that was seized by the U.S. military in Frankfurt, Germany," the anchor is heard explaining in a … Nội dung bài viết thật tuyệt vời. Parties and federations intending to form a coalition ahead of an election were required to inform the relevant Electoral Commission within ten days of the election call, whereas groupings of electors needed to secure the signature of at least one percent of the electorate in the constituencies for which they sought election, disallowing electors from signing for more than one list of candidates. The Socialist Party (PSOE) won the elections on Sunday with 33% of the vote, pushing down the Popular Party (PP) from the leading position it had held since 2014. I just made an aproximation, I grabbed this map (plus the islands separately), and filled the colors with an approximation of what the results where in both Portugal and Spain(in the Por comunidad tab).. ET. 13 November: General counting of votes, including the counting of CERA votes. [1][17] The use of the D'Hondt method might result in a higher effective threshold, depending on the district magnitude. Zooming in to the map enables you see see a street view and using the "Satellite" button enables you to see aerial photos of Candeleda. [18], For the Senate, 208 seats were elected using an open list partial block voting, with electors voting for individual candidates instead of parties. [15] Additionally, Spaniards abroad were required to apply for voting before being permitted to vote, a system known as "begged" or expat vote (Spanish: Voto rogado). Forward–Socialist Organization of National Liberation, Opinion polling for the November 2019 Spanish general election, Results breakdown of the November 2019 Spanish general election (Congress), Republican Left of Catalonia–Sovereigntists, Animalist Party Against Mistreatment of Animals, 2020 vote of no confidence in the government of Pedro Sánchez, "La falta de acuerdo entre los partidos obliga a otras elecciones", "El Rey constata la falta de apoyos a Sánchez que aboca a elecciones el 10 de noviembre", "El rey constata el desacuerdo político, no propone candidato y España se aboca a elecciones", "Country to hold 10 November election after talks to break deadlock fail", "Errejón formaliza su candidatura al 10-N aclamado por la militancia de Más País", "El plan de Errejón para que Más País consiga grupo propio en el Congreso", "Los dos diputados autonómicos de Podemos en Murcia se pasan al partido de Errejón", "Primera ruptura en Unidas Podemos: Equo decide aliarse con Más País de Íñigo Errejón", "Ciudadanos pierde 47 escaños tras el 10-N y sufre el quinto mayor batacazo electoral de la historia de la democracia: estos son los otros cuatro", "El primer Gobierno de coalición que marcaría un nuevo hito en la historia de España", "Pedro Sánchez se rodea de perfiles técnicos frente al peso político de Unidas Podemos", "Constitución española, Sinopsis artículo 66", "Spanish elections: Begging for the right to vote", "Effective threshold in electoral systems", "Real Decreto 551/2019, de 24 de septiembre, de disolución del Congreso de los Diputados y del Senado y de convocatoria de elecciones", "Grupos Parlamentarios en el Congreso de los Diputados y el Senado", "PP y Foro Asturias concurrirán en coalición a las generales del 10N", "Ciudadanos y UPyD irán juntos a las elecciones generales", "IU ratifica que irá bajo la fórmula de Unidas Podemos al 10N porque defiende "la misma propuesta" que en el 28A", "Junqueras y los otros condenados salen de las listas electorales para el 10-N", "UPN volverá a concurrir con Navarra Suma a las elecciones del 10-N y cierra también sus candidatos en las listas", "Fabián Chinea será el candidato de ASG al Senado", "Errejón ya tiene marca para presentarse a las elecciones: concurrirá el 10 de noviembre con Más País", "Compromís elige a Errejón para el 10-N: "La plataforma única no es posible, "CHA negocia una alianza con el partido de Errejón para las elecciones del 10N", "Pirates de Catalunya aprueba concurrir al 10N en coalición con la CUP", "La exdiputada Mireia Vehí encabezará la lista de la CUP al Congreso", "La CUP-PR concorrerà al 10N per impugnar el règim i dificultar la governabilitat a l'Estat", "Elecciones Generales 10 de noviembre de 2019. Noviembre-diciembre 2019)", "Resumen por autonomías - Total nacional - Avances - Elecciones Generales España 2019", "Electoral Results Consultation. Spain's governing Socialists (PSOE) won the most seats in Sunday's election, but fell short of a majority - and right-wing parties made major gains. You can view how each municipality voted in this interactive map from El Diario. TrackingNumber.org I've just tracked a package sent to me in London from California. This UK election seat calculator will calculate its results on a uniform swing relative to the specified election. Not anymore! The servers were obtained by U.S. agents and military operators who raided the offices of SCYTL a vote counting company owned by George Soros. Related Topics. [16], For the Congress of Deputies, 348 seats were elected using the D'Hondt method and a closed list proportional representation, with an electoral threshold of three percent of valid votes—which included blank ballots—being applied in each constituency. [For the results of the European parliamentary elections, go here.] The results of election day have coloured the map of Spain in swathes of Socialist red. The election decree was required to be published in the BOE no later than 4 April 2023, with the election taking place on the fifty-fourth day from publication, setting the latest possible election date for the Cortes Generales on Sunday, 28 May 2023.[17]. Election results and analysis from all 28 EU countries. This included the CEDA and the Carlists.The Falange Española did not officially join but most of its members supported the aims of the National Front.. Spain Spanish general election 2019: full results. 25 November: Deadline for elected members to be proclaimed by the relevant electoral commission. Seats were allocated to constituencies, corresponding to the provinces of Spain, with each being allocated an initial minimum of two seats and the remaining 248 being distributed in proportion to their populations. The State of Play in the Australian Election. The right-wing nationalist Vox party saw its seats in the Congress more than double, and it won its first directly elected Senate seats. Additionally, both chambers were to be dissolved and a new election called if an investiture process failed to elect a prime minister within a two-month period from the first ballot. [60] The prior of the Valle de los Caídos' abbey, Santiago Cantera, initially announced his intention to disregard the Supreme Court's ruling and not authorize Franco's exhumation;[61] however, the Spanish government closed down the monument to the public on 11 October in order to prepare for the exhumation—finally scheduled for 22 October at latest, so for the removal to be over by 25 October—to uphold the Supreme Court's ruling. ... Spanish election 2019: full results. Find the results, maps, live projections and polls from the Democrats Abroad primary on March 10th, 2020 where Democrats vote for their presidential candidates. With more than 99% of the votes counted, the figures become final. Immediately after the election, the PSOE ruled out a grand coalition with the PP as a way to end the deadlock. [64] The ruling unleashed a wave of violent protests throughout Catalonia, and particularly in Barcelona, throughout the ensuing days.[65][66][67]. The New York Times is tracking the progress that countries around the world are making in vaccinating their citizens. Request direction... KartaView (previously known as OpenStreetCam) is a platform for collecting, viewing and sharing street level imagery around the world. All 350 seats in the Congress of Deputies were up for election, as well as 208 of 265 seats in the Senate. The following tables show detailed results in each of the country's 17 autonomous communities and in the autonomous cities of Ceuta and Melilla, as well as a summary of constituency results. POLITICO Poll of Polls — Spanish polls, trends and election news for Spain. Map. All 350 seats in the Congress of Deputies were up for election, as well as 208 of 265 seats in the Senate. 9 October: Submitted lists of candidates are provisionally published in the. Denotes a main invitee not attending the event, sending a surrogate in their place. ... European Election 2019: Results in maps and charts. Latest News. Spain's general election will take place this Sunday (April 28th). Stay up-to-date with who is ahead in the polls in each country and on what Europe thinks and why. The other big story of the election was the collapse in support for the conservative Popular Party (PP), which governed Spain until it was dumped from power in May 2018 in a no-confidence vote. EL PAÍS PODCASTS ¿Qué? Published 27 May 2019. Find local businesses, view maps and get driving directions in Google Maps. [8][9], Voter turnout was the lowest since the transition to democracy in 1975, with just 66.2% of the electorate cast a ballot. [56] Más País was joined by several other parties, such as Coalició Compromís, Chunta Aragonesista and Equo, the latter of which voted for breaking up its coalition with Unidas Podemos in order to join Errejón's platform. It is unfair and unreal to cal VoX an extreme right. This was Spain’s third general election in less than four years and was called after Sánchez failed to garner support in Congress for his 2019 budget plan. The party's vote share improved across most of the rest … [94], On 27 November, UP held a membership vote on the pre-agreement with the Socialist party, which was approved by 96.8% of the participants. 8 November: Last day of official electoral campaigning and deadline for CERA citizens to vote in a ballot box in the relevant consular office or division. Ann’s West, Stuart Young does a dance move as he walked about in Belmont, Port of Spain on Saturday afternoon during his motorcade/rally. Postelectoral elecciones generales 2019 (Estudio nº 3269. [90] On 12 November, Podemos and the PSOE announced a pre-agreement for a full four-year coalition government;[91][92] if it passed the investiture process in parliament, it would be the first coalition government since the country's transition to democracy. [96], Election of Congress and most Senate seats, For results by autonomous community/constituency, see, Party vote strength by constituency for the, Party vote strength by autonomous community for the, 3 seats were vacant, pending regional appointments as a result of the. View other Illinois election results on our full Illinois results page. Ryan Spain won the uncontested 73rd District State House race in Illinois. Hotline: 0947688883. email: info@dichthuatmientrung.com.vn . Open up Musical OSM... Over the last couple of years we have begun to see how global heating is already leading to more widespread and intense wildfire seasons i... Viettravel - vietnamese tourist information and travel tips, View the Risk of Flooding with Google Maps, All the Lands & Kingdoms in the Whole World. 1 One PSOE-appointed seat from Asturias still remained vacant at the time of the election. Published 27 May 2019. The European Parliament is voting on whether to lift the immunity of the former president of Spain’s Catalonia region, Carles Puigdemont, and two of his associates. After the midterm U.S. elections last year many interactive maps used directional arrows to visualize the swing in votes towards either the Democrats or the Republicans. Recent acts by the U.S. government to prove election fraud in the U.S. 2020 general election have turned up information found in servers located in Germany and Spain. National totals", "Elecciones Generales 10 de noviembre de 2019", "Electoral Results Consultation. Note that the files available for download are provided along with a digital signature next to them. Más País gained two seats in the Congress from Madrid (one from the PSOE and one from Podemos), while the leftist and Catalan nationalist Popular Unity Candidacy (CUP) gained its first seats in the national legislature after choosing to participate at the national level for the first time. Additionally, autonomous communities could appoint at least one senator each and were entitled to one additional senator per each million inhabitants. Legislative elections were held in Spain on 16 February 1936. Spain's Socialists face tough talks to form a government after the party emerged on top but weakened from a repeat election. [9][57][58] The leadership of Podemos in the Region of Murcia also went on to joint Más País. Ahead of the election El Pais has released a detailed interactive map of the results from the 2016 Spanish Election. [1] Barred this exception, there was no constitutional requirement for simultaneous elections for the Congress and the Senate, there being no precedent of separate elections and with governments having long preferred that elections for the two chambers of the Cortes take place simultaneously. 1 More Commitment results are compared to Commitment: Bloc–Initiative–Greens Equo totals in the April 2019 election. On 17 September 2019, King Felipe VI declined to propose any candidate for investiture ahead of the 23 September deadline as a result of the lack of agreement between parties, with a new general election scheduled for 10 November. With 99% of the vote counted, the centre-left PSOE party has emerged with the most seats, but not … Voter turnout at the polls was 75.79% – nine percentage points higher than the 2016 election. The Central Election Committee released Thursday the final, but not yet official, results of Israel's March 2 election, which show no change in the bloc map, as the center-left retained its 55 seats. After another inconclusive election, the Socialist Party’s prime ministerial candidate, Pedro Sánchez, says he will only submit to a congressional vote if he has enough support. Is Your Neighborhood Improving or Declining? Right-wing groups in Spain formed the National Front. The circle is complete and confirmed. The November 2019 Spanish general election was held on Sunday, 10 November 2019, to elect the 14th Cortes Generales of the Kingdom of Spain. The colors on the map reflect the party group that received the most votes in each region. On the same day as the European Parliament votes were counted, and just weeks after Spain elected a government, Belgium went to the polls.. Just 150 members were elected to Belgium’s Chamber of Representatives, but because there are so many political parties in this country, the vote is split a … Pe... A number of tornadoes were reported in the Texas panhandle on Saturday. Hệ thống thương hiệu và các Công ty dịch thuật con trực thuộc: dịch thuật đà nẵng - dịch thuật miền trung tại địa 54/27 Đinh Tiên Hoàng, Quận Hải Châu, TP Đà Nẵng là địa chỉ chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ dịch thuật chuyên nghiệp tại Đà Nẵng và các khu vực lân cận ; dịch thuật tiếng nhật tại sài gòn địa chỉ 47 Điện Biên Phủ, Phường Đakao, Quận 1 TP HCM, dịch thuật vị thanh, hậu giang : địa 101 Trần Hưng Đạo, TP Vị Thanh là nhà cung ứng dịch vụ dịch thuật uy tín hàng đầu tại Hậu Giang; Công ty dịch thuật Viettrans và dịc vụ vung tau translation: dịch vụ dịch thuật tại Vũng Tàu cho người nước ngoài có nhu cầu, giao diện tiếng Anh dễ sử dụng; dịch thuật tiếng pháp tại sài gòn: nhà cung ứng dịch vụ dịch vụ dịch thuật phiên dịch hàng đầu tại TP Hồ Chí Minh; Công ty dịch thuật Đà Nẵng MIDtrans cung cấp dịch vụ công ty dịch thuật đà nẵng midtrans : Địa chỉ 54 Đinh Tiên Hoàng, Quận Hải Châu, TP Đà Nẵng chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ dịch thuật công chứng, dịch thuật đa ngôn ngữ, đa chuyên ngành tại Đà Nẵng; Viettrans 43 Điện Biên Phủ, Quận 1 Sài Gòn: chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ dịch thuật đa chuyên ngành toàn quốc; Công ty dịch thuật Hà Nội MIDtrans chuyên cung cấp dịch vụ Viettravel - vietnamese tourist information and travel tips tại 46 Trần Cao Vân, TP Huế chuyên trang về thông tin du lịch và các tour đặc sắc tại Việt Nam, y dược (bao gồm bệnh lý), xây dựng (kiến trúc), hóa chất, thủy nhiệt điện, ngân hàng, tài chính, kế toán. Below is a list of the main parties and electoral alliances which contested the election: The November 2019 Spanish general election was the first to apply the new electoral procedures introduced for election re-runs as a result of the experience of the 2015–2016 political deadlock leading to the June 2016 election. Share page. Recent acts by the U.S. government to prove election fraud in the U.S. 2020 general election have turned up information found in servers located in Germany and Spain. Eyewitnesses, Rep. Louis Gohmert and other sources online have confirmed that the United State military (not the CIA) in cooperation with Germany recently confiscated those servers. Updated at 3:55 p.m. Latest news, showbiz, sport, comment, lifestyle, city, video and pictures from the Daily Express and Sunday Express newspapers and Express.co.uk [10] Both PSOE and Unidas Podemos saw slight decreases in both popular vote and seats, but were still able to outperform the combined strength of PP, Vox and Cs, to be able to successfully negotiate a government shortly after the election and become the first governing coalition in Spain since the Second Spanish Republic. On 11 November, the day after the election, Albert Rivera resigned as leader of Citizens (Cs)[88] after the party lost over 80% of its seats in the Congress and one-third of its seats in the Senate (mainly to Vox and the PP), and announced his intention to give up the Congress seat to which he had been elected, and retire from politics entirely. November 2019. 15 October: Proclaimed lists are published in the BOE. You can view the res... Mapcident is a rather voyeuristic interactive map which maps videos of accidents around the world. The previous election was held on 28 April 2019, which meant that the legislature's term would have expired on 28 April 2023. The election decree was required to be issued no later than the twenty-fifth day prior to the date of expiry of the Cortes in the event that the prime minister did not make use of his prerogative of early dissolution. National totals", "Ciudadanos leader Albert Rivera quits after election debacle", "Albert Rivera abandona la política: dimite como presidente de Ciudadanos y renuncia a su escaño tras el batacazo electoral", "Spain election: grand coalition ruled out as far-right Vox surges", "Sánchez: "El nuevo Gobierno será estable y rotundamente progresista, "Preacuerdo de Gobierno entre el PSOE y Unidas Podemos", http://www.rtve.es/noticias/20191112/primer-gobierno-coalicion-marcaria-nuevo-hito-historia-espana/1990271.shtml, "Las bases del PSOE ratifican el acuerdo con Unidas Podemos con un respaldo del 92%", "El 97 % de los inscritos avala que Podemos gobierne en coalición con el PSOE", "Spain's Sánchez narrowly wins vote to govern in coalition", "Sánchez no logra la confianza del Congreso en la primera votación", "Pedro Sánchez logra la investidura y formará el primer Gobierno de coalición de la democracia", "Fracasa la moción de censura de Abascal al no sumar Vox ni un voto en el Congreso", https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=November_2019_Spanish_general_election&oldid=1010612949, Articles containing Spanish-language text, Pages using bar box without float left or float right, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, People's Parliamentary Group in the Congress, United We Can–In Common We Can–Galicia in, People's Parliamentary Group in the Senate, Republican Left–EH Bildu Parliamentary Group, Nationalist Parliamentary Group in the Senate, « Per la independència, ni un vot enrere », We Are Valencian in Movement (UiG–Som–CUIDES), European Retirees Social Democratic Party (PDSJE), United–Acting for Democracy (Unidos SI–ACPS–DEf), Regionalist Union of Castile and León (Unión Regionalista), Federation of Independents of Aragon (FIA), European Solidarity Action Party (Solidaria), Andalusian Solidary Independent Republican Party (RISA), 24 September: The election decree is issued with the countersign of the, 25 September: Initial constitution of provincial and zone. The election saw a partial recovery for the People's Party (PP) and big gains for the far-right Vox party at the expense of Citizens (Cs), which suffered one of the largest electoral setbacks in the history of Spanish elections after the party had scored its best historical result in the April 2019 general election. 5 December: Deadline for both chambers of the Cortes Generales to be re-assembled (the election decree determines this date, which for the November 2019 election was set for 3 December). The 2019 Belgium federal election results came at a busy political time for Europe. 14 October: Official proclamation of valid submitted lists of candidates. This consists of a special, simplified process, including a shortening of deadlines, the lifting of signature requirements if these had been already met for the immediately previous election and the possibility of maintaining lists and coalitions without needing to go through the same pre-election procedures again. Download datasheets Electoral data, for all European elections since 1979, are available here below in various formats for download. If you want to follow what people who say Nicolas Maduro is a fair person, it is up to you, but before calling Vox a "extreme right" because communist say they are "extreme right", please, get informed and, at least, read the program they presented. [8] The platform went on to poll at 6% as soon as it was formed. The prime minister had the prerogative to dissolve both chambers at any given time—either jointly or separately—and call a snap election, provided that no motion of no confidence was in process, no state of emergency was in force and that dissolution did not occur before one year had elapsed since the previous one. [11][12][13], The Spanish Cortes Generales were envisaged as an imperfect bicameral system. Note that the Canary Islands use WET (UTC+0) instead):[17][37], The pre-campaign period saw the rise of a new left-wing electoral platform, Más País, founded by former Podemos co-founder Íñigo Errejón around his Más Madrid platform, following the failure of the left to agree on a government following the April election. 30 September: Deadline for parties and federations intending to maintain or enter into a coalition to inform the relevant electoral commission. Spain is holding a snap election on April 28 and the vote may throw up some surprising results that could have ramifications for the wider political landscape in Europe. Ceuta and Melilla elected two seats each. El Diaro has created a similar directional arrow map for the 2019 Spanish election which shows where Spain has moved to the left or right since the 2016 election. Calendario Electoral", "Rivera levanta el veto al PSOE y se abre a pactar con Sánchez", "Iglesias anuncia el lema de campaña de Unidas Podemos: 'Un Gobierno contigo, "Galicia en Común encara o 10N co lema 'Conta con nós, "Vox rivaliza con el PSOE y responde a su lema de campaña con el eslogan "España siempre, "ERC avisa que amb un PSOE que ho fa "tot impossible" i no dialoga "no hi ha res a parlar, "Borràs afirma que JxCat "no regalarà cap vot" a Sánchez després del 10-N", "PNV se compromete a aportar estabilidad institucional al Estado y buscará tener capacidad de interlocución", "Otegi dice que solo la suma de soberanistas de izquierdas "pondrá fin a la herencia que dejó la dictadura, "Oramas pide el voto nacionalista para hacer "más fuerte a Canarias, "NA+ se presenta a las elecciones defendiendo que "Navarra es clave en España, "O Morrazo se suma a la campaña más corta", "Más País presenta su lema de campaña para las generales", "Més Compromís se reivindica como "socio útil" para "obligar al PSOE a que haya gobierno de izquierdas, "La CUP presenta el lema de campanya per a les eleccions del 10-N: 'Ingovernables, "Spanish elections: popular leftwing politician forms new party", "Un 70% de la militancia de Compromís apoya ir con la formación de Errejón el 10-N", "La Chunta Aragonesista irá con Errejón el 10-N en Zaragoza y no se presentará en Teruel", "New Spanish poll points to election stalemate", "Franco's body can be exhumed, rules Spanish court", "El prior del Valle de los Caídos desacata la sentencia del Supremo y no autoriza la exhumación de Franco", "El Gobierno cierra el Valle de los Caídos hasta la exhumación de Franco", "El Gobierno desactiva al prior y estira la exhumación de Franco como arma del 10-N", "Sentencia del 'procés': penas de 9 a 13 años para Junqueras y los otros líderes por sedición y malversación⟨⟩", "Las protestas bloquean el aeropuerto de El Prat", "Catalan protests: Fresh clashes after Spain jails separatist leaders", "Grupos violentos trasladan su pulso a la sede de Interior en Barcelona", "RTVE celebra un debate a siete con los portavoces parlamentarios el 1 de noviembre", "Esto empieza fuerte: viernes récord en TV con el primer debate (17.7% y 2.468.000)", "El mitin del 'Deluxe' (18.8%) acostumbra a ser lo más multitudinario del sábado noche", "Blanco y Vallés de moderadores, 700.000 € de coste: los últimos datos del debate del 4-N", "10N. [95], On 7 January 2020, Pedro Sánchez was confirmed as prime minister by the Congress of Deputies. Below is the Google map for the location "Candeleda" in Spain.