Testing. All other items (sweaters, navy/tan skorts & skirts, pants, shorts) are available online. No school on July 4 and 5. All LCA schools, some dating back to the 19th century, have long been offering a faith-based learning environment. Justin-Siena is a Lasallian Catholic college preparatory community that serves young men and women in grades 9–12. ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA CATHOLIC SCHOOL The College colours are black and white. A Conversation with Recurring Themes Common threads run through the rich and varied Catholic intellectual tradition, and shared assumptions bind together the participants in the conversation: ORDERS PLACED 10/12 - 12/1/21 WILL BE DESPATCHED OR AVAILABLE FOR COLLECTION FROM 12th JANUARY 2021. The Dominican Sisters who founded the College built a school where young women could be inspired by the human person of Jesus Christ, follow their academic and cultural interests, believe in their potential and become passionate life long learners. It has promoted the dignity of work and defended the rights of workers, including their right to organize. St Catherine of Siena Catholic School - Kennesaw, GA. Nurturing children through a journey in education anchored in the tradition of Catholic faith Uniform Policy 2020-21 . Se Habla Español. The Catholic intellectual tradition is a 2,000 year-old conversation about the deepest questions that haunt the human spirit. Bellbird Park State Secondary College ONLINE ORDER COLLECTION POINT IS FROM OUR ON-CAMPUS UNIFORM SHOP AT BPSSC. The Catholic view of the human person is basically optimistic. It continues to inform the mission of Siena College and 21 other Franciscan colleges and universities in the United States. School Life. We are made in God’s image, and although that “family resemblance” may be obscured by sin, it is never erased by sin. We are so excited to see everyone and eager for this great adventure ahead of us. Medical Forms & Emergency Procedures What is of ultimate value? The school is an educational ministry outreach of the people of the St. Catherine of Siena Catholic Church community. We are committed to providing educational opportunities in a Catholic setting to those who are commmitted to the mission and philosophy of the school. The Catholic tradition maintains that life, both human and divine, is profoundly communal. You may purchase clothing at any store, however, official school uniforms may be purchased at French Toast: 1-800-373-6248 or go to www.frenchtoast.com and use St. Joe's Source Code: QS458V9. Click here to visit the Siena retail parent uniform page on the PSW website where you can view our uniform items and prices as well as book a fitting time. Family Handbook and Uniforms St. Catherine’s Family Handbook Uniform Policy for Grades 8-12 SCHS Online Uniform Store with Express Press SC iPad Policy. It teaches that God is not an isolated individual, but a trinity of persons, a communion of love. The dress code is an exterior sign of a student’s attitude toward regulations and therefore, is a potential factor in reflecting maturity and cooperation. Feb 25 all-day. Uniforms. Franciscan education at Siena develops servant-leaders. As limited creatures, we do not so much possess the truth as pursue the truth, and we must do so with humility and intellectual honesty, with courage and perseverance, and in respectful dialogue with all people of good will. 20-21 Online Emergency Card. Because God is personal and we are made in the divine image, our tradition affirms the dignity of the human person and values each individual as a unique gift of priceless worth. Because God the Most High became “most low” in the poverty and humility of Jesus of Nazareth, our tradition seeks to instill in our students a perception of their life’s work as service in solidarity with their brothers and sisters, especially the least among us. Texts, even religious texts, need to be critically examined and intelligently interpreted. Franciscan education at Siena is communal. Uniform. Because God became human in Jesus of Nazareth, our tradition affirms that the Creator is found in creation, the divine in the human, the spiritual in the material, the abstract in the concrete, the theoretical in the practical, and the exalted in the humble. Royal Blue. Siena Catholic College is one of two catholic schools in the Sippy Downs area. Because God is the source of all compassion and the fulfillment of all our desires, our tradition cultivates habits of the heart as much as dispositions of the mind, interpersonal skills as well as intellectual abilities, compassion for one’s neighbor as well as passion for one’s work. Students must be dressed in school uniform in order to reflect reverence for the mass. SPIRIT DAY! Who We Are. contact us . School spirit days are celebrated throughout the academic year. May this respectful and mutually enlightening conversation continue at Siena for many years to come! Siena Catholic College School Uniform 4 x size 10 boys formal shirt (new style) 4 x size 10 boys formal shorts Excellent Condition Purchased new for year 7, 2020. Please click below for a full description of our Uniform Policy.