It outlines how the Council will protect local character by enhancing and maintaining village areas, protecting the orough’s parks and open spaces and ensuring that new developments and public spaces are of high quality design. Now Richmond Council hopes to become carbon neutral by 2030, after approving a climate emergency strategy at last night’s full council meeting [January 28]. In the summer, Richmond city council passed a motion, initiated by Steves, to write to the provincial government asking them to enact a coastal strategy and law to protect the coast, stop habitat loss and to complete a network of marine-protected areas to … Our Tenancy Strategy outlines the Council’s position with regard to the type, duration and renewal of tenancies available to registered providers in the Borough. The On-site Sewage and Wastewater Management Strategy encompasses all single dwelling domestic on-site wastewater systems within the Richmond Valley Council area. Richmond Hill is creating a new two-year Council Strategic Plan to set priorities for 2020-2022. 'To Plan Good Work and to Work Good Plans, Resulting in No Surprises.' The Housing Strategy is organised into four key themes: Download our Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2018-23 (pdf, 2.2 MB), Also see our Homelessness and Housing Strategy Review 2016-17 (pdf, 1.3 MB). It also sets out the Spatial Strategy … Our housing strategies set out the goals we wish to achieve for our residents and the approach we will take to achieve them. The adopted Core Strategy and the Four Strategic Priorities The DCP complements the Richmond Valley Local Environmental Plan 2012 which came into effect on 21 April 2012. County Council’s Local Transport Plan and School Organisation Plan, health bodies’ strategies and the Highways Agency’s programme. Our Intermediate Housing Policy Statement outlines the position with regards to: See the Intermediate Housing Policy Statement 2017 (pdf, 89 KB). The Council Strategic Plan reflects a collective desire for proactive and forward-thinking leadership that remains rooted in Richmond’s … De Whalen with the Richmond Poverty Reduction Committee addressed council on Monday before the strategy was debated by council. Emerging digital technologies are providing significant new opportunities for public service transformation and efficiencies. View the Tenancy Strategy 2019 (pdf, 255 KB). RICHMOND Valley Council is seeking feedback from sellers and agents over options for a flexible new pricing structure at the Northern Rivers Livestock Exchange, which aims to provide certainty for the industry over the next three years. It will replace the existing Richmond Cycling Strategy to reflect the borough’s new Local Implementation Plan, and also includes actions to … More about our earlier strategies and policies, Address: Civic Centre, 44 York Street, Twickenham, TW1 3BZOpening hours: Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm, Housing and Homelessness Strategy 2018-23, Homelessness and Housing Strategy Review 2016-17, Intermediate Housing Policy Statement 2017, Delivering affordable homes; new supply and redevelopment of existing social housing stock, Addressing housing market pressures, preventing homelessness and increasing housing options: Homelessness Strategy Objectives 2018-2023, Ensuring good quality homes; providing choice, standards and quality for renters, Supporting the needs of vulnerable residents, working with care and support services to provide quality housing options, The prioritisation of applicants for intermediate housing, The income eligibility range for applicants to intermediate housing schemes in the Borough, The role of Registered Providers in providing Intermediate Housing in the Borough. The Core Strategy is a statutory development plan document, adopted on 21 April 2009, which determines the future development of the borough over the next 15 years. The... Read more » It was adopted by Council on 15 December 1998 and approved by the Director-General of the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning on 4 March 1999. Richmond council passed the city’s first homelessness strategy in 17 years, but not without public criticism and last-minute wordsmithing. The Richmond Valley DCP has also been amended as a result of the introduction of the Community Participation Plan on 1 December, 2019. The Honorable Council of. The Richmond Valley Council Local Strategic Planning Statement: Beyond 20-20 Vision outlines the Richmond Valley Local Government Area’s town planning priorities and strategic direction to address planning and development issues of importance to a vibrant and sustainable future. City of Richmond Hill Strategic Priorities 2020-2022 To support good decision making and effective administration, especially in light of the current and anticipated financial pressures the COVID-19 pandemic, the City undertook a strategic planning exercise in mid-2020 to understand Council … The Community Strategy guides activities to promote the Core Strategy adoption. It provides information about Council’s service response to these priorities as well as the input from other agencies. Strategy. Strategic planning in Yarra We are responsible for important decisions about development in Yarra. It also sets out the Council’s policy position on ‘Affordable Rent’. Copies of the adopted Local Plan Core Strategy; the Inspector’s report and the Sustainability Appraisal are available for inspection at the District Council’s main office at Mercury House, Station Rd, Richmond. A virtual event will be held on Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 2.30pm. Richmond Hill’s Council Strategic Priorities 2020-2022 set the City on a solid path to recover from the COVID-19 pandemic, minimizing the financial impact on residents while continuing to emphasize environmental initiatives, community building and transportation. The Strategy is divided into two (2) sections and eight (8) Appendices. The Active Travel Strategy, which you can view here, has been developed to provide detail on how we will support these targets, focusing on walking and cycling. The Richmond River Rural Residential Development strategy was developed for the area of the former Richmond River Shire. Our role is to guide Yarra’s growth to ensure new developments occurs in appropriate areas that blends in with the existing character of Yarra, and offers good outcomes for the community. Richmond Council is committed to taking full advantage of these opportunities. The City of Richmond Virginia . RE: FY2021 Annual Fiscal Plan Transmittal Letter . The Council Strategic Plan 2018-2022 identifies the collective strategic focus and priorities for Richmond City Council for this term of office. Richmond City Council’s strategic plan provides a visionary agenda for the direction we wish to take. Our Housing and Homelessness Strategy sets out the plans for housing for the period 2018 to 2023. grounded in community engagement and collaborative partnerships that address causes of. Earlier strategies remain relevant to guide current policies and work. 2. However, despite a broad consensus on the need to tackle the problem, councillors criticised the strategy for both going too far, and not going far enough. Richmond Council has declared a climate emergency. The Richmond upon Thames Tenancy Strategy outlines the Council’s position with regard to the type, duration and renewal of tenancies available to registered providers in Richmond upon Thames. What can you do? Central to these is the Richmondshire Sustainable Community Strategy 2010-2015, prepared by the Richmondshire Local Strategic Partnership. • The Council’s strategic corporate aims • Analysis of our economic evidence and data POLICY BACKGROUND This Action Plan aims to deliver the work of a number of high level local strategies including: • Richmondshire District Council’s Council Plan - which sets the key priorities for the authority for the next five years During this webinar EU residents will get impartial, expert advice on nationality matters and options available for them. EU residents: get help applying for British nationality. It reflects Council’s desire to provide proactive and forward-thinking leadership that recognizes our unique identity and rich history. It also sets out the Council’s policy position on Affordable Rent. The Richmond Valley Made 2030 Community Strategic Plan identifies the priorities of our community for the future of our local area. Richmond Tenancy Strategy 2019 Our Tenancy Strategy outlines the Council’s position with regard to the type, duration and renewal of tenancies available to registered providers in the Borough. Council news. Shared Procurement Service Strategy 2016 - 2019 Richmond & Wandsworth Borough Council Shared Procurement Service Strategy 2016 – 2019 Objective of the … report and the adopted Core Strategy incorporates the Inspector’s recommendations. The Agency utilizes a strategically based budgeting approach focusing on citywide key performance outcomes to ensure both the integrity, and stability of the city's financial position. Richmond Council is committed to taking full advantage of these opportunities. Our Community Strategic Plan, “Richmond Valley Made 2030” (CSP), identified the community’s main priorities and aspirations for the future and established broad strategies for achieving these goals. Increasing citizen awareness of the policies, actions and impact of Richmond Hill’s City Council. Its main industries including agriculture, tourism and some mining. To the mayor, that “something” is the affordability of housing in Richmond, which he sees as a supply problem. Madam President and Members of Richmond City Council: It is my pleasure to present the Mayor’s Proposed Annual Fiscal Plan for FY2021 and the five-year Capital Improvement Plan for FY2021 – … Richmond. crime and disorder, help solve neighborhood problems, and improve quality of life in. I wanted to highlight the progress that has been made on the new Council Strategic Plan. Richmond is most famous for its fossils and its world renowed museum Kronosaurus Korner. The housing strategy was intended to focus on “something we all agree on,” said the mayor, rather than on rent control, which the council is divided on. The Richmond Valley Development Control Plan (DCP) 2015 commenced on 4 January 2016. (Core Policy CP6: Delivering Affordable Housing on page 67 of the Richmondshire Local Plan should be read in conjunction with the following affordable housing policy note. The Council Accountability Group is committed to building a vibrant, caring and engaged community dedicated to ensuring that the interests of our citizens and environment are well served. Richmond is situated half way between Townsville and Mount Isa on the Flinders Highway. providing constitutional and professional police services that incorporate strategies. The Richmondshire Local Plan 2012-28: Core Strategy was adopted by Richmondshire District Council on 9 December 2014. The strategy will align itself with Richmond Council’s Digital Richmond strategy ‘Digital Customer’ pillar by using online consultation forms featured on Richmond Council’s website to engage and consult with partners and residents. We have produced a Digital Strategy that sets out our ambitions: Address: Civic Centre, 44 York Street, Twickenham, TW1 3BZOpening hours: Monday to Friday: 9am to 5pm, The right services delivered in the right way, providing consistently good outcomes and user experiences, Greater transparency and openness from their Council, A more joined up approach across different Council services, Opportunities for efficiency savings, including through flexible and working and technologies for staff, Continuously improving and innovating services as we become a digital organisation will break down silos and deliver better outcomes at lower cost, Reputational benefits from being an innovator - helping us to attract and retain the best staff, A more vibrant, digitally enabled and resilient local economy, Environmental benefits, including improving air quality by reducing travel and congestion, Improved community safety by the smarter use of our data and CCTV.