Important quarterback fundamentals. Start with the most basic quarterback drills and then progress to the next "step" once the player has mastered those drills. Flag Football. This will help them work on their lateral movement to the other side since he'll have to do this during games. (3) Teach them how to do so under pressure from defenders. First is the pre-throwing position, or the Cradle. This will tie into the kneeling drills from earlier, as a lot of the power and accuracy will depend on the quarterback's arm and hips, and not as much on his lower body -- since he won't be able to set and throw. In the Cradle the Quarterback must be able to get the ball quickly into his throwing motion while still being secure with the ball. Build foundational skill sets that fit into any offensive scheme. Once he does catch the ball he should drop step with the same leg as the direction he is going and burst downfield for five yards. Performed correctly, the drill improves your balance, footwork and acceleration mechanics. Note: Double-check with your youth flag football league’s rules about defensive rushing and consider this impact on all QB training. You'll want to have them run common and simple routes that your offense runs often. His job is to hit the receiver in stride with an accurate and powerful throw. QB also learns footwork to get into a good throwing position. This week is all about speeding up your drop and helping you play with a higher tempo in your drop. We talk about how to move in the pocket, how to improve your 3 step and 5 step drop and much more. Also can progress to where QB is not rolling out after step progression rather stepping up through the pocket and making throw. The best way for him to check this is by holding the ball up to a light, if he can see light between his palm and the ball then he is holding the ball with his finger tips. Teaching Quarterbacks how to throw has become a very debated issue. All rights reserved. Here's a great drill that emphasizes ball security and smooth footwork transitions. Here we go, Technique Tuesday #13! Now Playing: Footwork Drills: For V-Backs. Set up one cone at the beginning of the drill. Attention Youth Football Parents! It'll help quarterbacks work on scanning the field and recognizing open targets quickly. When receivers move sideways they create a much easier tackle for the defender who is guarding him. Throwing Technique Teaching Quarterbacks how to throw has become a very debated issue. Mark an offensive line with either a linestrip or cones. The coach will blow the whistle to start the drill. It'll help them make adjustments in the pocket to find open space to step up and fire powerful and accurate throws. The center will set up with the football, and the quarterback will either set up under center or in shotgun (depending on the formation your offense runs). The quarterback will face the receivers, and a coach will stand behind the quarterback so that he can't see him. He needs to be holding the ball with both hands under his chin. Here are the best quarterback passing drills and techniques for youth football; Quarterback is probably the most difficult position to coach, as kids often struggle to throw the football; With that said, here are some great drills and techniques that will help develop youth football quarterbacks. Footwork is imperative to being an accurate passer. The first one is the grip the Quarterback is using on the ball. 5 Drills Every Quarterback Should Know 0 Shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Over the years, specialized quarterback training has developed young passers, helping them … You'll need a lot of players to set this drill up. Football Quarterback Footwork drills are very important and here are a couple that are used at Penn State University. This is a tougher throw for a quarterback to make, as he'll have to twist his upper body more to get the proper power behind the throw. The quarterback's job is to quickly recognize which receiver is his target, and then throw an accurate and powerful throw to him. This is also a great time to put an emphasis on the WRs that they do not listen to the cadence and instead go when the ball moves. At this point, he'll need to slide to his left around the hula hoops, then step up in the pocket to fire a throw to one of the throwing targets. He should end up with his feet almost square to the target. Quarterback holds the … It's the quarterback's job to be able to not only throw accurately to stationary targets but also ones that are on the move. First the Quarterback needs to come down through the throw and bring his throwing hand to his opposite hip. The Quarterback can be working on a variety of different things during the Settle and Noose Drill. Note: Double-check with your youth flag football league’s rules about defensive rushing and consider this impact on all QB training. (Full Explanation), What is a Hitch Route in Football? QB/B Mesh Drill This drill is exactly what the name implies. We are going to practice the QB/B mesh on the Veer play. We expect each Qb to work on skills and throw, throw, throw, throw (record in log for spring and summer). When he reaches the hash mark or the "launch point," he'll need to complete the pass to his receiver. The final section of the throw is the Follow Through. Finally, you can combine all the teachable skills so quarterbacks can learn how to hit receivers running routes in stride. In the Swing the Quarterback is going to take the ball from the Cradle to the release. We use our team’s special teams portion of practice to steal footwork QB drill time. When you see a running back make a crazy cut and gain yards, or a defensive lineman sack the quarterback, it started with explosive quickness developed by football footwork drills. As the Quarterback goes through his throwing motion he must ensure that the ball always stays above the elbow. To improve the footwork of the QB on dropback passes. We teach this drill in 3 phases and then put it all together full speed with the QB reading #1 for Give.Keep decision: 1st Step - The first part that we te The final section is the Follow Through. But becoming a standout quarterback takes more than a great arm—you need to be strategic, quick, and consistent. In this drill a Receiver will start on the line with two cones around 7-8 yards apart on that line. As a Quarterback one of the most important aspects of playing under center is how much depth can we get in our drop, while still playing in rhythm. Share Now! It teaches qb's move their feet in a tight space. The traditional youth football drill is spaced out about 30 yards but this distance can be adjusted to match the arm strength of the Quarterbacks. This QB drill is good for building arm strength because the lower half of the body is not used in the throwing motion. The art of throwing the football. Retention, Fast Screen Options off of the Zone Run Game. Sports Activities. The solution for this is to have a few highly efficient quarterback passing drills that gets the players a large amount of reps in a short period of time. Ring Switch Foot ( using 18-inch floor rings ) Stand in a split stance, right foot in the circle, left foot … Quarterback Footwork Drills, Bag Drill For Footwork; Quarterback Footwork Drills, Bag Drill For Footwork. This quarterback drill will help them work on their accuracy a little bit more. mark a square with towels or flat pylons, the sides being the ideal drop-depth of the quarterback for either (depending on what drop you want him to work on). This week we are bringing you a drill from our bag series to help you pick up your feet and have consistent pocket movements. The Pat and Go is an Air Raid staple drill that guarantees a huge number of reps for both the receivers and the QBs throwing vertical passes. All children, especially those considered “high risk”, will learn life lessons from participating in youth football. Settle and Noose is another Air Raid staple, youth football quarterback passing drill that allows the QBs and Receivers to work on their essential skills during pre-practice. Combine Drills . They won't be able to use their legs to generate any power behind the throw. This drill is a five step drop drill. Quarterback is probably the most difficult position to coach, as kids often struggle to throw the football. Traits of a Mojo Quarterback: QB Needs To Be a Competitor ; 5. After all, a quarterback will often be throwing to receivers who will be running routes that’ll keep them moving through the throw. Here's a great drill that emphasizes ball security and smooth footwork transitions. To train a quarterback right, you need to teach him these drills. Learning effective quarterback drills is a crucial component of any QB’s practice regimen. The Swing is without a doubt the most debated section of the Quarterback’s throwing motion. This means that the ball isn’t tight up against his shoulder pads but it’s also not thrust out in front of him. Hook and Flat Zone Coverage Drill. While the actual throwing motion is a very quick movement, the Follow Through has a finishing point and will reflect a lot of potential problems that arise during the throwing motion. If he can’t hold the Follow Through position there is normally something wrong in his stride length. Here are the best quarterback passing drills and techniques for youth football. Our program goes beyond basic footwork drills to teach you how to use your feet to help you make every throw on the field. Coaching Points (everything is explained for right-handed QBs, for left-handed QBs you have to exchange left and right) The second part of the Cradle is the body position of the QB. Do not have the qb take big steps. QUARTERBACK FOOTWORK DRILLS . If you try to rush the process, it’ll be very hard for a quarterback to master the skills they need to consistently throw with accuracy and power. In this video I talk about THE 5 BEST QB DRILLS you can do to improve your game. Then, take 10 other players and have them line up at various depths between the quarterback and the goal line, and at different positions from one sideline to the next. You'll need two players to do this drill, and it can be two quarterbacks so you can maximize the number of players working at the same time. This is a drill that a quarterback can do on his own to start. The first is by having a coach stand behind the quarterback like in the Scan the Field drill. Offensive Line . Many of the drills we use not only develop the QB as an accurate passer but also increases mobility and foot speed. The DB’s will rush and cover 4 leaving one receiver open. By throwing the ball to the shoulder that is away from the defender the QB allows his receiver more time to get out of the break and accelerate. Throwing with accuracy and power is one of the most important skills a quarterback can learn. Since they're on their knees, they’ll only be able to throw with their arm and with slight hip movements. | Powered by WordPress. As we go through our ladder progression, we are looking for an athletic base, feet little more than shoulder-width apart. He'll then immediately sprint out to his right. It takes a lot of hard work and practice for a quarterback to be an incredibly accurate passer. Help your quarterback get to the next level with these four essential QB drills from Brad Thompson. In addition to this the Quarterback should be able to hold his Follow Through position. Share Now! Quarterback Footwork Drills features a series of game-tested drills designed to develop the basic fundamentals and techniques essential to sound footwork in the quarterback position. In an ideal world it would be about 6 inches in front of his chest, but again this can vary with Quarterback comfort. You'll then want to set up throwing targets at various points on the field for the quarterback to throw to. Your QB will work on dropping back, moving laterally in the pocket, then getting set and making an accurate. He will have time to work on footwork while the Wide Receiver is working on his plants and cuts. The receiver will first hold up his hands and give the thrower a target. Drill Setup: Cones can be used (2-4). I used to make sure they had two fingers on the laces but now I believe in giving Quarterbacks the ability to experiment and find what fits them best. QB's must be able to move in the pocket and the development of proper footwork and awareness is key. Quarterback Drills Quarterbacks are called to be leaders and the hardest workers on the team. The drill is to have 4 cones setup in a square. (Full Explanation), What is a Drag Route in Football? Quarterback Drills for Footwork, Quicker Feet. The coach will point to one of the receivers lined up on the field. Enter your email below to get access for free: 100% Privacy Guarantee. Improve your accuracy, throwing mechanics and footwork with these quarterback drills. He won't have the luxury of throwing from a set position in a safe pocket all the time. Snap and QB Alignment ; 6. Continue Reading The next is the Swing, this is the movement the arm makes while throwing the ball. Quarterback Drill Number Two- Six Yard Square Drill . Two Quarterbacks will line up 30 yards apart facing each other with a line of receivers to their right. Drop tempo is something I frequently hear quarterbacks and coaches speak of improving all the time. This will ultimately help the quarterback make a smarter decision, which will lead to a more accurate pass, which will lead to more completions. A lot of times the Follow Through is the key to determining the issue in the throwing motion. In teaching period each QB should do it alone, but when using this drill as a routine drill, all QBs can line up about 3 to 5 yards apart, with one QB giving the cadence and all QBs doing the drop. Segment 6: Each Qb will take instructional videos home with him for the summer to continue For this drill, you'll want to have a center and four to five wide receivers on the field along with the quarterback. Drill can progress to involve a QB drop into the square. This drill is all about helping you improve your drop tempo, foot contact, and how quickly you get to your launch point as a Quarterback. First Quarterback lines up “behind the center”, the second Quarterback lines up as the pitch man. -  Designed by Thrive Themes This quarterback drill will work on a number of skills: This drill will help quarterbacks work on throwing accurately and with power while on the run. With that said, here are some great drills and techniques that will help develop youth football quarterbacks. While there are a million debatable points, there are a few things that are widely agreed upon. Now that the quarterback has worked hard on his arm movement and footwork, it's time to start integrating moving targets. This can be done through a variety of different ways. The easy variation to this drill is to have the quarterback step around the hula hoops to the other side of the field. This drill will help quarterbacks work on the skill of avoiding pressure while keeping their eyes focused downfield so they can find an open receiver. By using a drop step he guarantees that he is gaining yards right after the catch and is not moving sideways. This first-step drill will help quarterbacks work on their throwing accuracy. If he is coming down somewhere other than his opposite hip there is more than likely an issue in the ball angle during the Swing part of the throw. QB Warm Up Drills are a critical part of QB play. This also helps save their arms, especially during fall camp and late in the season, and focus on their throwing posture and base. We break these down into four groups. The first time The overall goal is to take the mechanics we teach and the footwork drills and build a fundamentally sound QB from the ground up. Inside the Quarterback Skills and Drills eBook you get 35 fun and effective drills for speed, agility, ball handling, passing mechanics, footwork and drops.. Everything is delivered digitally in PDF format. Right before a season, wide receivers get ample time to hone their skills and practice. The two players should align themselves about 10 yards apart, and both should begin the drill by kneeling on both knees. The QB should be focused on the accuracy of his throw. There are a few ways that you can integrate some variations to this drill. While I don’t encourage players to grip the ball without the laces, I have had a few Quarterbacks that really didn’t need the laces to throw a great ball. Here we go, Technique Tuesday #07! Improve your accuracy, throwing mechanics and footwork with these quarterback drills. (See Also) Teaching the QB to Read Coverages. Segment 5: Each Qb will be expected to participate in our weight program, agility drills, speed work, and lead all passing work with receivers (FUN). Coaches should work with quarterbacks so that they are consistently using the same technique on 3-, 5-, and 7-step drops. 1. The quarterback will take a five-step drop. If so, you'll love my daily "Football Coaching" emails. P3 Footwork Drills. You'll then have a receiver line up about 10 yards downfield, in between the sideline and the outside hash mark. The knee that they should put on the ground is the same as their throwing arm. Or - if you prefer - you can print out a hard copy and add it right to your coaching binder. The off-season is an opportunity for your child to improve. Drills for qb footwork. There are 3 levels for teaching quarterbacks these skills: (1) Teach them how to make strong and accurate throws from a standing position. Here are the best quarterback passing drills and techniques for youth football. Quarterback Passing Drills and Techniques, (New) Shotgun Wing T Playbook Paperback Edition, (New) Gun T Formation Playbook for Youth Football, 20 Personnel Playbook for Youth Football | Spread Offense, Inside Look at the QB Counter Play | 20 Personnel, Practice Optimization: Time vs. For this drill are two Quarterbacks needed. Technique Tuesday #15 - Quick Feet Drill. There are a couple of key factors that you can look for in the Follow Through. Technique Tuesday #16 - 5-2-5 Reload Drill. Here are 5 quarterback drills that you should teach all quarterbacks so they can become great throwers: "The Ultimate Guide to Football Defense" Booklet (254 pages). Your QB will work on dropping back, moving laterally in the pocket, then getting set and making an accurate. This week we are bringing you one of the best QB Footwork Drills for speeding up the tempo of your drop: Overspeed Drop Burn It Up 5 Plant QB Footwork Drill. The thrower should focus on keeping the rest of their body as still as possible when making the throw. Segment 5: Each Qb will be expected to participate in our weight program, agility drills, speed work, and lead all passing work with receivers (FUN). He needs to have the ball on his fingertips and not sitting in the palm of his hand. Each QB must develop a routine to warm up both your upper and lower body. You can also integrate the hula hoops from above, forcing the quarterback to avoid the "pressure" on a play before stepping up into the pocket and making a strong throw. It’ll take this skill to the next step by integrating the task of scanning the field before making a throw quickly and accurately. Copyright text 2018 by Football Advantage. He'll need to plant his feet after this drop, count a beat, and then simulate as if he's feeling the pressure of a pass rush. As a former NFL quarterback, Jim Harbaugh knows the rigors of developing footwork, passing skills, agility, decision-making and a variety of other skills it takes to be a top-notch passer. (Full Explanation). Regardless if you are going to make wholesale changes to a Quarterback’s throwing technique there are a few key points that all throwing motions need. Inside the Quarterback Skills and Drills eBook you get 35 fun and effective drills for speed, agility, ball handling, passing mechanics, footwork and drops.. Everything is delivered digitally in PDF format. All you have to do is have the quarterback sprint out to the opposite side of the field -- so having a right-handed quarterback sprint to his left. Snap and QB Alignment: For the Center ; 7. When it comes time to throw, a quarterback should have a consistent platform. You can reinforce the following quarterback drills from this video: Keeping eyes downfield; Using peripheral vision and trusting it; Working the pocket with subtle movements; Maintaining a great base; Learn Pocket Presence, Poise, and Patience . For this drill, you'll have the receivers run various routes across the field. It'll help quarterbacks work on their accuracy since he'll be throwing to receivers at different points on the field. The purpose of the Find Open Receiver Drill is to teach the quarterback to look at the entire field before choosing where the pass is going. So you get instant access right over your computer or mobile device. (Full Explanation), What is a Seam Route in Football? You’ll be ready to call “Hike!” in no time flat. As a former NFL quarterback, Jim Harbaugh knows the rigors of developing footwork, passing skills, agility, decision-making and a variety of other skills it takes to be a top-notch passer. By throwing from this position, QB should develop a quicker release while developing arm strength. Quarterback Footwork Drills, Bag Drill For Footwork Technique Tuesday #18 - Two Down Forward Bag Drill Here we go, Technique Tuesday #18! In this video I give you 5 QB FOOTWORK DRILLS to help your game improve. He needs to put the ball on the shoulder that is furthest away from a defender. The drill should work the same way, in that the receiver should hold their hands up and give the thrower a target. He will have time to work on footwork while the Wide Receiver is working on his plants and cuts. The Quarterback can be working on a variety of different things during the Settle and Noose Drill. It takes even more hard work and practice for a quarterback to develop the skills necessary to not only throw with accuracy, but do so with enough power that their pass attempts can be complete in a game. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Drills for Defensive Backs and Wide Receivers. It’s important that the QB does not call Go as there will be two QBs doing it and eventually one of the receivers will go at the wrong time. Below are drills to develop and improve a quarterback. Or - if you prefer - you can print out a hard copy and add it right to your coaching binder. Two players with shields to run as defensive linemen . Description For this drill are two Quarterbacks needed. Watch Now. Then, you can work in some footwork and receiver recognition before integrating quarterback drills to teach him how to avoid pressure. Copyright ©2021 Youth Football Online. QB Footwork Drill Have the QB take either a 3 or 5 step drop. Passing Drills Pre-Pass Position • The ball should be placed six inches or so from the QB’s breast plate • Always hold the ball in the proper grip to pass the ball • It is recommended in most cases for the ball to come to the Pre-Pass position directly from the center snap • On movement the QB should sway his arms slightly while gripping the ball in the This will help the quarterback stack skills on top of each other once he masters the basics. The on-field talents of wide receivers allow them to pull off double duty, such as conventional defensive backs. The first point is that when the Quarterback decides where he will be throwing the ball he wants to step slightly to the left of the target (for a Right Handed QB). You should teach this drill by having quarterbacks roll to the side of their throwing arm. QB training focuses on quarterback mechanics, footwork and mobility, strength, and accuracy. The coach will signify the receiving target by pointing to him after the ball is snapped. Release the ball quickly. 0 Shares Share on Facebook Share on Twitter Terry Bradshaw, Dan Marino and Joe Montana. Join our Youth Football Movement today. Frank Ponce Appalachian State Released: 2021 37 min. He'll have to focus much more on footwork, hip twist, and arm motion to accurately complete the throw to the opposite side of the field. CoachUp Nation Football Quarterback Drills: A Focus on Footwork Quarterback Drills: A Focus on Footwork. This week we are bringing you a variation of one of our favorite footwork drills. A more advanced version of this drill is easy to do. The coach will blow the whistle to start the drill. While he is doing that have 5 receivers (or however many you would like) in a line spread out across the field with 4 DB. Sports Mom. Quarterback Drill Number One- The Board Drill. But if you really want to take your quarterback to … The Two Down Forward Bag Drill helps Quarterbacks have fluidity … The DVD is appropriate for coaches, teams, and players at all competitive levels. Have a coach with a pad rush him. The two players should continue to do this back and forth for a set period of time. Here we go, Technique Tuesday #18! The wide receiver is looking to run his route, break on each cone and then square up the QB to catch the pass (see diagram below). Drop Back Drills These Quarterback Drop Back Drills works on improving the footwork of the Quarterback on the various Drop Back depths Quarterback Drop Drills The purpose of the Quarterback Circle Option Drills is to improve the footwork on the option play (especially the pitch-option) and the pitch itself.