Port Wakeeld Overpass and Highway Duplication Project Update August 2020 CONTACT 1300 161 407 enquiries@pw2pa.com.au www.pw2pa.com.au The Port Wakefield to Port Augusta Alliance (PW2PA), a consortium of CPB Contractors, Aurecon, GHD, in alliance with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure has been awarded the contract to design The Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication Project is a joint initiative of the Australian and South Australian governments and will be delivered by the Port Wakefield to Port Augusta Project (PW2PA) Alliance. Generated revenue for CPB Contractors is expected to be $236.8 million. "Yet despite this, the section of highway between Port Wakefield and Port Augusta is a meagre two-lane road that has to exist as a major strategic transport and freight corridor connecting Adelaide to the north of SA and the rest of Australia," Mr Sutherland said. A new two-lane overpass for traffic travelling southbound from the Copper Coast Highway to Port Wakefield, and for traffic travelling along the Augusta Highway to the Copper Coast Highway. A realigned Balaklava Road intersection with the Port Wakefield Highway, allowing for safer turn movements. But Mr Stephens said Augusta Highway … The Federal and State Governments have committed $80m towards duplicating a “priority section” between Port Wakefield and Port Augusta. Design and construction of 19.46 km of the S-61 highway between Prodborze and Sniadowo (Poland) Contract to deliver the Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication in Port Augusta; the Port Wakefield Overpass and Highway Duplication; and the Augusta Highway Planning Project located between Port Augusta and Port Wakefield (Australia) Night works – Augusta Highway junction with Copper Coast Highway The Port Wakefield Overpass and Highway Duplication Project is jointly funded by the Australian and the South Australian governments and will be delivered by the Port Wakefield to Port Augusta Project (PW2PA) Alliance. CONTACT 1300 161 407 enquiries@pw2pa.com.au www.pw2pa.com.au Works notice - January 2021 Port Wakefield Overpass & Highway Duplication Project Night works – Augusta Highway junction with Copper Coast Highway The Port Wakefield Overpass and Highway Duplication Project is jointly funded by the Australian and the South The Port Wakefield Overpass and Highway Duplication Project is jointly funded by the Australian and the South Australian governments and will be delivered by the Port Wakefield to Port Augusta Project (PW2PA) Alliance. Night works – Augusta Highway junction with Copper Coast Highway. The projects include, Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication in Port Augusta, the Port Wakefield Overpass and Highway Duplication and the Augusta Highway Planning Project located between Port Augusta and Port Wakefield. Lobby group calls for Augusta Highway duplication 20 Jul 2020, 11:12 a.m. ... of SA is backing a call from Labor leader Peter Malinauskas to push for a duplication of the two-lane stretch of the Augusta Highway between Port Wakefield and Port Augusta to be added to … In an alliance with the Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure, Aurecon Australasia and GHD, CPB Contractors will deliver the Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication in Port Augusta; the Port Wakefield Overpass and Highway Duplication; and the Augusta Highway Planning Project located between Port Augusta and Port Wakefield. New bridges across the Wakefield River. As part of the project, a small site compound will be established adjacent to the Augusta Highway on the western side of the bridge. Joy Baluch AM Bridge Duplication Project Night works - Installation ... of traffic barriers The Joy Baluch AM Bridge is an important link in the National Land Transport Network at Port Augusta, providing access across the Spencer Gulf for commuter, commercial and freight vehicles in the northern region of South Australia.