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We have focused on environmental sustainability since the 1970s by continuously looking for ways to improve our operations, products and supply chains. @�'�$�qt����Z�4dA� zL�H�IrtʰEVA�ʣ��E�և�GS�ϣhɀw �B�>h�6� h�{Ԇ� x��}�����V�e�����$HN� +���*E�j��`9�7�9��� At the 2018 World Economic Forum, Philips announced the commitment to take back and repurpose all large medical systems that our customers are prepared to return to us. 1 0 obj Wir ergreifen Maßnahmen, um die Auswirkungen unseres Unternehmens auf die Umwelt kontinuierlich zu verringern und stellen gleichzeitig sicher, dass wir gesunde Ökosysteme schützen. %���� ainwater harvesting (RWH) systems obviously require considerable infrastructure at the household level (a tank, pump, fi lters, controller and a modifi ed plumbing system to prevent mains contamination). ‘Lead in Sustainability’ is one of the key objectives in Philips strategic planning, underlining the importance Philips places on … Start with small and simple strategies that harvest the rain as close as possible to where it falls. T�� ���_�^�_��ˏ����I6y3j�G����?FnC+�o�� 1. economic and environmental benefits such as increased food security, improved sanitation and quality of the natural environment. Further copies of this report are available from: The Environment Agency’s National … Read more stream Consider a safety net; 8. Secure the system; 6. Limit sources of contamination; 2. %PDF-1.5 Operating this way, the company has been able to improve economic prosperity for itself, its stakeholders and society at large. Water used is treated and in most cases returned to source in better condition than removed. 1.2 Advantages of rain water The rain water’s environmental advantage and purity over other water options makes it the first choice, even though the precipitation cycle may fluctuate from year to year. Secure the system; 6. Conserving water through rainwater harvesting saves natural resources, providing water for use in buildings and for site irrigation [ Page 2 of 8 ] Sponsored by Watts Water Technologies, Inc. Celeste Allen Novak, AIA, LEED AP. Divert the first flush; 5. The collection of rainwater may reduce flooding in certain areas as well. At Philips Innovation Services, we know that this approach is the most efficient, effective and sustainable, simply because it is the most pleasant to everyone involved. Since 1970 the Board of Management of Philips Electronics has formulated several guidelines for environmental performance. Rainwater harvesting has been practiced for … �\U��y\�����H�G��P'���:�.+�$A)�b��w�|��+܃�k�s�� R�������E�~O��a�@3����)����I,���s�Gͯ����~��b��?r1�u�����2o�~;^&�8UC^��K���b=,!x��!a7(}�2�B�(�LHQ�. As a focused leader in health technology, we are determined to build upon our rich heritage by touching billions of lives each year with our innovative technology solutions. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to identify the most environmentally friendly strategy for rainwater utilization in Mediterranean urban environments of different densities. Plan for volume; 3. rainwater harvesting (RWH) in the context of a sustainable management of this resource. Rainwater harvesting, in its broadest sense, is a technology used for collecting and storing rainwater for human use from rooftops, land surfaces or rock catchments using simple techniques such as jars and pots as well as engineered techniques. - Rainwater can have a major impact on water supply and has been shown to be able to reduce municipal water demand enough that large new public water sourcing projects become unnecessary. Filter leaves and debris; 4. And secondly by applying the Philips Business System to ensure we deliver time and again. Manage standing water; 7. You do not need a water abstraction licence: 1. to harvest rainwater into a reservoir, with or without an overflow, that only contains collected rainwater 2. to use harvested rainwater that has not entered inland surface waters or groundwater 3. if the storage system is not a source of water supply and is not used f… It can also control stormwater run-off. Apply the 8 Rain Harvesting Steps. Understand your environment; 3. P���NE�OX� <> Understand your needs; 2. And we have … Apply the 8 Rain Harvesting Steps; 4. 2. In contrast, taking a Rain Harvesting system approach to rainwater collection involves using tested and proven products to get cleaner rainwater and lots of it for use in and around your property. Selected products endobj Rainwater harvesting is therefore climate change resilient for both droughts and intense rain events. To enhance irrigation in arid environments, ridges of soil are constructed to trap and … Principle #5. That is why my husband and I began harvesting our rainwater. Rainwater doesn’t produce scale and corrosion as hard water does. Acting responsibly towards the planet and society is part of our DNA. It is designed to improve the way we perform, so we deliver higher levels of customer value and quality across the board, as well as increasing shareholder value. A key question of this Research Report was to establish whether Rainwater Harvesting could be feasible for use in Low-income households in South Africa. At present 4 tanks of 50 cubic meter have been … (, healthier and more sustainable through innovation. Understand your needs; 2. Market Leading Rain Harvesting Systems For Domestic & Commercial Developments. On smaller farms with minimal mechanization, harvesting is the most labor-intensive activity of the growing season. Firstly, by understanding the challenges our customers and consumers face and delivering innovations that meet their needs. 3. Rain Harvesting systems can be installed on homes and buildings of all shapes and sizes, from small residences to large commercial buildings. Available online. How we create value for our stakeholders. We are actively pursuing the trade-in of equipment such as MRI, CT and interventional X-ray systems and taking full control to ensure that all traded-in materials are repurposed in a responsible way. This report is printed on Cyclus Print, a 100% recycled stock, which is 100% post consumer waste and is totally chlorine free. Training to youths from all clusters in a inclusive way. In the RAIn4sale (R4$) project, RAIN is testing the business case for rainwater harvesting (RWH) installations and selling the stored (rain)water by local entrepreneurs in East African context. Early on, we saw the importance of schools, houses as well as sports clubs and training for the benefit of employees and the communities they live in. The rain will collect in gutters that channel the water into downspouts and then into some sort of storage vessel. 1. Keeping a human touch, in a world of rules. Divert the first flush; 5. <> Introduction . The Philips Global Environmental Policy is a core operating element for the operations of the entire Philips organization. Limit sources of contamination; 2. 2 0 obj And secondly by applying the Philips Business System to ensure we deliver time and again. Our roadmap to win identifies the key priorities for the next phase of our journey in health technology. A general environmental policy was issued in 1987 and updated in 1991. For starters, it can reduce erosion around downspouts and in gardens. With our understanding of many of the longer-term challenges our world faces, we see major opportunities to apply our innovative competencies in the areas of personal health, diagnosis & treatment and connected care. Seeing after a healthy workforce as the heart of a healthy company. Here are a few quick points followed by some key details for why rainwater harvesting is absolutely vital for making your local ecology thrive. Since Philips was founded in 1891, it has worked to improve social equity and environmental quality, proving that responsible business is good business. We aim to grow Philips responsibly and sustainably, and therefore continuously set ourselves challenging environmental and social targets, and live up to the highest standards of governance. Understand your environment; 3. I am convinced that this is the best way for us to create superior, long-term value for Philips’ multiple stakeholders." Maximize living and organic groundcover Principle #7. © Koninklijke Philips N.V., 2004 - 2021. Consider a safety net; 8. Rainwater harvesting (Click Here) helps manage stormwater run-off to prevent erosion, flooding and poor water quality in our lakes an streams. UNEP (2002) Rainwater harvesting and utilization: an environmentally sound approach for sustainable urban water management: an introductory guide for decision-makers‬‬, Vol 2. Handed in by Laura Woltersdorf Frankfurt, November 2010 4 0 obj <>>> These are just a few of the benefits of a rainwater harvesting system, some are obvious, others perhaps not so easy to spot, but for any installation, the benefits are significant. Environment Agency cannot accept any responsibility for such views or statements. The Philips Global Environmental Policy is Harvesting rainwater can help the environment in a number of ways. Doesn’t that sound like a lot of water that you could harvest and use for free? Reaping is the cutting of grain or pulse for harvest, typically using a scythe, sickle, or reaper. 1. Rainwater collection systems can be as simple as collecting rain in a rain barrel or as elaborate as harvesting rainwater into large cisterns to supply your e… Materials … endobj Since our foundation nearly 130 years ago, Philips has committed to sustainable business. Taking care of a healthy environment. Master of Science in Environmental Sciences at the Johann Wolfgang Goethe University of Frankfurt, Germany Faculty of Physical Geography Sustainability of Rainwater Harvesting Systems Used for Gardening in the Context of Climate Change and IWRM. Design and install your system Harvesting is the process of gathering a ripe crop from the fields. This post is also available in: Español (Spanish) Français (French) Water may seem abundant, but less than one percent of the world’s water is readily accessible for human needs. Advances in Recycling & Waste Management Open Access Journal; Environment Pollution and Climate Change Open Access Journal; Expert Opinion On Environmental Biology Hybrid Open Access Journal; International Journal of Waste Resources Open Access Journal; Journal of Biodiversity & Endangered Species Open Access Journal; Journal of Biodiversity … Apply the 8 Rain Harvesting Steps. Plan for volume; 3. Four major strategic areas constitute the programme: (1) Awareness-raising for the general public and policy makers; Apply the 8 Rain Harvesting Steps; 4. One proposed solution to fight this water scarcity and stress, and include local factors into the equation, are water harvesting practices, and more specifically Rain Water Harvesting (RWH). Ard Schoemaker is Programme Manager with RAIN … Harvesting Rain: System Design for Strategic Rainwater Capture. endobj Firstly, by understanding the challenges our customers and consumers face and delivering innovations that meet their needs. 4.The existing drinking water and irrigation supply infrastructure that uses water sources will be improved and upgraded or further expanded. Australian companies dominate tank and pump construction, local builders and plumbers install rainwater harvesting systems and maintaining rainwater harvesting systems is a growing industry. Rainwater harvesting is collecting the run-off from a structure or other impervious surface in order to store it for later use. Design and install your system Recharge, Surface Storage Structures, Concrete Storage Structures . Well, we thought so too. Environmental advantage Collecting the rain that falls on a building and using the same for various purposes is a simple concept. strengthen capacity to facilitate the implementation of rainwater harvesting for household and commercial purpose and develop support policies and incentives and mainstream them into national development strategies and policies. They can be used to supply all your water needs, or … Filter leaves and debris; 4. Spread, slow and infiltrate the flow of water into the soil. Monitor and maintain; 4 Pillars of Rain Harvesting Design. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 595.32 867.12] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> You've heard rainwater harvesting is good for the environment, but if you're like most of us, you don't know exactly why. 2.Training and awareness programme on rain water harvesting, climate change adaptation and reverse sloped terracing of agro-fields. Monitor and maintain; 4 Pillars of Rain Harvesting Design. 1. Rainwater harvesting is a local solution that generates local jobs. When drought occurs, rainwater harvested in past months can be used. Rainwater harvesting in challenging environments: Towards institutional frameworks for sustainable domestic water supply SASKIA NIJHOF, BASJA JANTOWSKI, ROBERT MEERMAN and ARD SCHOEMAKER Saskia Nijhof (email: nijhof@rainfoundation.org) is responsible for Strategic Development and Partnerships within RAIN Foundation. x��][o��~���O� �4ɾ�����b2�I��`18m�mkǖ��$'�G�/�.$��n�[�ؖ��*��cU�R��\o���l�x���v[�n���矖�=��u�I��H�(+㬊���'��[�x�Dw�N�;q�2u��}z����$N�����'"J�x�D\EEU�$��>I�����?&��_ѧ�|��F�����]z��,N�4*�2N{�ޮ�'�d��f���D�5���L�ɶ�������_̧�������G�9(�,�������q772����(�2q)B�����%�g?� �B*��wG�C��E���/���LA�E�.��Ļ�����{(��2K�Q����8-�w��h}3��C�JU�Ƣ �.�H [I�I�2�J�_��J�S?y���E�4* ��z2{,m� �cS��|��C�>t�xt�"��:yP�gS! As a purpose-driven company, we have adopted a fully integrated approach to doing business responsibly and sustainably. Environmental Sciences.