One point is earned for a correct definition of party polarization as increased ideological consistency, divisions along party lines, or both. Ideological parties, sometimes called third parties, are political organizations committed to a comprehensive set of beliefs or a social/political ideology. A team of men seeking to control the governing apparatus by gaining office in a duly constituted election. Political party: Definition. Title. Describe and explain the three heads of the political party in the expression AP Gov Chapter 8 Terms ... Party Competition. Bicameralism – The principle of a two-house legislature. View CH_08_AP_GOV_SG from ENGLISH 101 at Clovis High. Term . Description. AP Gov Chapter 8 Terms; Shared Flashcard Set. In the U.S there are many different cultures and backgrounds, which contributes to a high variety of perspectives. The battle of the parties for control of puclic offices. GOVERNMENT & POLITICS CHAPTER 8 “POLITICAL PARTIES” 1. Factions: Definition. Political culture – The widely shared beliefs, values, and norms about how citizens relate to governments and to one another. A political party is an organization of people with similar political ideologies that seeks to influence public policy and control the government through electing its candidates. Definition . A.P. • In a multiparty system, three or more parties are electorally competitive and/or hold power. Gerrymandering – The drawing of legislative district boundaries to benefit a party, group, or incumbent. Political Party. AP Government Chapter 7. AP U.S. Government and Politics Vocabulary Constitutional Democracy Democracy – Government by the people, both directly or indirectly, with free and frequent elections. • In a dominant-party system, one party controls the government, although other parties exist. Term. Term. Natural rights – The rights of all people to dignity and worth; also called human rights. AP® UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT AND POLITICS 2014 SCORING GUIDELINES ... 5 points . Safe seat – An elected office that is predictably won by one party or the other, so the success of that party’s candidate is almost taken for granted. A group that seeks to elect candidates to public office by supplying them with a label. Details. Definition . Direct democracy – Government in which citizens vote on laws and select officials directly. Social capital – Democratic and civic habits of discussion, compromise, and respect for differences, which grow out of participation in voluntary organizations. • In a two-party or two-plus-party system, only two parties hold power. • In a single-party system, only one party is allowed to exist and hold power. The party in government constitutes the organized partisans who serve in office, such as members of the Democratic and Republican parties in Congress. Representative democracy – Government in which the people elect those who govern and pass Definition Political Socialization is the process in which people develop their political values, beliefs, attitudes and ideology.It is a process that is continuous, which means it happens throughout one’s life. The president is the symbolic leader of his political party and can use this position to urge party members to achieve policy goals. American politics has been dominated by the two-party system, which today is made up of the Democratic and Republican parties. Part (a): 1 point . Incumbent – The current holder of the elected office.