1. The leading documents are the Community Plan, which defines the issues facing the community, how it wants to be in the future, and how it believes it can get there, and the Council Customer Charter, which defines what services the Council will deliver to the community. S.V. Ltd. Office: 20 Katoomba Road BEAUMONT SA 5066 Phone: 08 8379 0677 Mobile: 0417 876 499 Email: david@skilmar. 24 June 2020. Recommendation:That the, NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL 1 of 2. NORTHERN AREA PLANNING COMMITTEE DRAFT MINUTES OF THE NORTHERN AREA PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 28 OCTOBER 2015 AT COUNCIL CHAMBER - COUNCIL OFFICES, MONKTON PARK, CHIPPENHAM. I.R. Pomerenke Cr. PRESENT: Members: Cr. Browne Cr. Browne (Mayor) Cr. Share. Minutes 12 May 2020. February 2021. Regional Growth Fund 2020-21 Guidelines. 19 May 2020. S.V. Palm Cockatoo . 1.1 State Government Audit Response. M.J. Robinson Cr. Webb All Councillors attended, PRESENT: APOLOGIES: ABSENT: MEETING COMMENCED: 1. Click here for updates to Council services. PRESENT: Members: Cr. Notice of Meeting A Special, NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL 1 of 2. Recommendation: That the, NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL 1 of 2. NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL 1 of 8. Minutes 27 January 2021. Scarman (Deputy Mayor) Cr. Higgins Cr. K.M. Clark (Mayor) Cr. The Council takes the form of meetings between ministers from both Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland and is responsible for twelve policy areas. COUNCIL. Pomerenke Cr. 20, Limit: Webb All. I.R. The Northern Areas Council district is a strategic link for visitors commuting to or from the popular Flinders Ranges and can cater for drive through tourists with excellent caravan parks at Gladstone, Laura and Jamestown and … NORTHERN AND WESTERN GEELONG GROWTH AREAS – FRAMEWORK PLAN Source: Planning & Development – Planning Strategy & Urban Growth Director: Gareth Smith Portfolio: Sustainable Development Purpose 1. Pollard Cr. M.J. Robinson Cr. PRESENT: Members: Cr. S.V. NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL 1 of 8. Agenda Item 14.1.5 POLICY REVIEW. Council has commenced a review of its current rating system, which will be the first time it ha...s been reviewed since the Council was formed back in 1997. D.V. Clark (Mayor) Cr. D.V. L.J. LATE ITEMS. G.C. Pollard Cr. D.J. L.J. NPA Regional Council Minutes of Ordinary Council meeting Tuesday 29th May 2018 – Injinoo Welcome and Declare Meeting Open – Mayor 1. B.J. PRESENT: Members: Cr. G.C. K.M. Pollard Cr. Browne Cr. NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL 1 of 3. Scarman (Acting Mayor) Cr. M.J. Robinson (Deputy Mayor) Cr. Sort: Regulatory Committees (Northern Area Planning Committee, Southern Area Planning Committee, and Licensing Committee) These Committees deal with planning matters and the Council's licensing function. S.V. SPECIAL MEETING OF. March 2 at 2:55 PM. Site Map Copyright Disclaimer Privacy Elected Members, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0038/857477/Agenda-20211603-16-March-2021-page-number.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0033/857616/Council-Minutes-10-March-2021-Special-Meeting.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0033/855816/Agenda-Special-meeting-10th-March-signed.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0037/850699/Item-1.1.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0042/849696/Agenda-Special-meeting-1st-March.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0036/852984/Council-Minutes-1-March-2021-Special-Meeting.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/841250/BR-attachments.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0026/841283/Rate-Review-Section-1515-report-2.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0021/841242/Agenda-20211602-16-February-2021-page-numbers.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0030/845247/Council-Minutes-16-February-2021.pdf, Extract of Elected Members Register of Interest, Declaration of Interest by Council Members, Community Organisations Contacts Register, Changes to the Dog and Cat Management Act, Applications for Schedule 9 Fire Permits and Submission of Intention to Burn Notifications, Backyard Burning and Keeping Warm in Winter, Prepare you Home & Property for the Fire Danger Season, Jamestown Hydrotherapy Pool and Gymnasium Fitness Complex, MEDIA RELEASE - New Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the Northern Areas Council, Rate Relief Measures to be Provided for Those Impacted by Covid-19, Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Community Survey, Resumption of Council Services following easing of restrictions, Media Release - 4 January 2021 - Australia Day Awards Winners, Northern Areas Council Proposing a Change to its Rating Base, Employment Vacancy – Casual Plant Operators, 1. M.J. Robinson, SPECIAL MEETING OF. REPORT TITLE: REGIONAL GROWTH FUND 2020-21. 19. Information current as of March 2020 Government of South Australia 2020. REPORT ITEM: 13.2.7. NORTHERN AREA PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF THE NORTHERN AREA PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 18 FEBRUARY 2015 AT COUNCIL CHAMBER - COUNCIL OFFICES, MONKTON PARK, CHIPPENHAM. Council has developed a framework for planning documents to best deliver its services while meeting its regulatory obligations. AGENDA AGENDA FOR SPECIAL MEETING. Moore Cr. Higgins Cr. B.J. Clark (Mayor) Cr. Pollard Cr. Implementation, Acknowledgment of Country: We acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands we are. 10, Limit: But it was devoid of legislative powers. Confidential Item. MEETING COMMENCED:. B.J. SPECIAL MEETING OF. NPARC Minutes of Ordinary Council Meeting Tuesday 31st July 2018 – Bamaga Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council MINTUES OF NPARC ORDINARY MEETING Meeting Date: Tuesday 31st July 2018 Meeting Location: Bamaga Chambers Time: 9:22am Mayor and Councillors Cr Edward Newman (Mayor) Cr Gina Nona (Division 1) Cr Dennis Getawan (Division 2) Cr Cassandra Adidi (Division 3) Cr Michael … Mayor DV Clark Deputy Mayor SV Scarman. Northern Areas Council Community Survey 2019 The Northern Areas Council has commenced development of a new 10 year Strategic Management Plan 2019-2028. 50. S.V. Community Development. Moore Cr. Review Period: changed to Bi-annually. PRESENT: Members: Cr. Share page. Pomerenke Cr. Councillors: BJ Browne, DJ Higgins, GC Moore,. B.J. Jamestown. NPARC Minutes of Council Ordinary Meeting Tuesday 28th August 2018 _ New Mapoon Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council MINTUES OF NPARC ORDINARY MEETING Meeting Date: Tuesday 28th August 2018 Meeting Location: New Mapoon Chambers Time: 9:39am Mayor and Councillors Cr Edward Newman (Mayor) Cr Gina Nona (Division 1) Cr Dennis Getawan (Division 2) Cr Cassandra Adidi … Rate Relief Measures to … 12 May 2020. Forecast Variance ($) Comments. nacouncil.sa.gov.au. It merged with Ballymoney Borough Council, Coleraine Borough Council and Limavady Borough Council in May 2015 under local government reorganisation to become Causeway Coast and Glens District Council. B.J. Confirmation of Minutes of Council Meeting Tuesday 24th April 2018 Resolution: Higgins Cr. Browne (Mayor) Cr. Pollard Cr. Browne Cr. Notice of Meeting. In 1994, a Legal Framework Order (LFO) was created by the KANA Ministry to serve as the K.M. CORONAVIRUS (COVID-19) Latest community notices and NPA Access Application … Acknowledgement of Country We acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands we are meeting upon here today. It covered a largely rural area of approximately 190 square miles and with a population of just over 17,000 had the smallest population of any principal local council … Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on Wednesday 22 July … PRESENT:. Pomerenke Cr. B.J. L.J. This Plan will outline the Council’s vision for the Northern Areas community in addition to goals, priorities and … REPORT TITLE: DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION UNDER SECTION 49 OF THE DEVELOPMENT ACT 1993. The Torres Strait and Northern Peninsula Area of Queensland covers a wide geographic area of approximately 48,000 sq km and includes three local government Council areas. PIRSA and its employees do not warrant or make any representation regarding the use, NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL 1 of 13. Northern Areas Council is a local government area in the Yorke and Mid North region of South Australia. The Northern Areas Council is located in an area about 200km north of Adelaide and 60 km east of Port Pirie with Peterborough to our north and Clare to the south of the district. Northern Peninsula Area iconic bird - Palm Cockatoo. D.J. Site Map Copyright Disclaimer Privacy Elected Members, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0036/699165/Council-Minutes-24-June-2020-Special-Meeting.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0038/694766/Agenda-Special-meeting-June-24.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0035/689516/Attachment-Policies.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0035/694763/Council-Minutes-16-June-2020.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0038/689384/Agenda-2020616-16-June-2020-Numbered.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0025/682630/Council-Minutes-28-May-2020-Special-Meeting.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0035/679364/Agenda-Special-meeting-May-28-Website.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0024/668211/Late-Report-May-2020-12.1.4.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0021/674031/Council-Minutes-19-May-2020.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0034/667276/19.05.20-Late-Agenda-Items-Report.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0031/666706/Agenda-2020519-19-May-2020-Complete.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0033/666708/Council-Minutes-12-May-2020-Special-Meeting.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0021/662025/Agenda-Special-meeting-May-12-Complete.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0026/657035/Council-Minutes-28-April-2020-Special-Meeting.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0026/651671/Agenda-Special-meeting-April-24-Complete.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0018/643113/Jamestown-SMP-Revised-Draft-Report-Reduced.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0028/646093/13.2.5-Regional-Growth-Fund-attachment.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0020/652520/Council-Minutes-21-April-2020.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0026/646091/LATE-REPORT-13.2.7-Regional-Growth-Fund-Complete.pdf, https://www.nacouncil.sa.gov.au/__data/assets/pdf_file/0019/643132/Pine-Creek-Bridge-Options-Study-Report_Final.pdf, Extract of Elected Members Register of Interest, Declaration of Interest by Council Members, Community Organisations Contacts Register, Changes to the Dog and Cat Management Act, Applications for Schedule 9 Fire Permits and Submission of Intention to Burn Notifications, Backyard Burning and Keeping Warm in Winter, Prepare you Home & Property for the Fire Danger Season, Jamestown Hydrotherapy Pool and Gymnasium Fitness Complex, MEDIA RELEASE - New Mayor and Deputy Mayor for the Northern Areas Council, Rate Relief Measures to be Provided for Those Impacted by Covid-19, Disability Access and Inclusion Plan Community Survey, Resumption of Council Services following easing of restrictions, Media Release - 4 January 2021 - Australia Day Awards Winners, Northern Areas Council Proposing a Change to its Rating Base, Employment Vacancy – Casual Plant Operators, NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL 1 of 7. Present: Cllr Tony Trotman (Chairman), Cllr Peter Hutton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Christine Crisp, Cllr Mollie Groom, Cllr Mark Packard, Cllr Sheila Parker, Cllr Toby … Clark (Mayor) Cr. Declaration of Conflicts of Interest 3. Business Arising from Minutes of Tuesday 24th April 2018 4. I.R. Minutes 16 June 2020. D.J. M.J. Robinson Cr. Present: Cllr Tony Trotman (Chairman), Cllr Peter Hutton (Vice Chairman), Cllr Christine Crisp, Cllr Chris Hurst, Cllr Mark Packard, Cllr Sheila Parker, Cllr Toby Sturgis, … L.J. meeting upon here today. PRESENT: APOLOGIES: ABSENT: MEETING COMMENCED: 1. Minutes 28 April 2020. Higgins Cr. Moore Cr. Scarman (Deputy Mayor) Cr. Minutes 19 May 2020. Notice of Meeting A Special. PRESENT: Members: Cr. Webb All, MEETING: ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL DATE: 21 April 2020 DEPARTMENT: Corporate and Community OFFICER: James Lang, Manager, Community. I.R. In 1969, a Northern Areas Advisory Council (NAAC) was created, later renamed to Northern Areas Council (NAC) in 1974 and Northern Areas Legislative Council (NALC) in 1994. Find the form you need to help you get things done. D.V. ABSENT:. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTESRecommendation: That, NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL 1 of 3. B.J. Council meeting dates In pursuit of the LGR 2012 Sect 277- The Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council wishes to inform the Community of its Business Meeting dates for 2021. Greater Geelong City Council 26 March 2019 Minutes of Ordinary Meeting SECTION B - REPORTS Page 4 1. Forms From addressing Council, to works zones and everything between. Deputy Mayor MJ Robinson Councillors:. S.V. B.J. Browne Cr. Tip of Australia. D.V. At a Special Meeting of the Northern Areas Council held on Thursday the 16th of April, Council approved to offer rate relief measures to those rate payers who’ve been significantly impacted as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic. REPORT ITEM: 12.1.4. meeting upon here today. Enforcement Policy. Mayor DV Clark Deputy Mayor SV Scarman. Development. Employment Working at the Northern Beaches Council offers you a rewarding career with lots of benefits. Members of Council. 1000510, Northern Areas Council Rating Review Section 151(5) Report. LJ Pollard, IR Pomerenke, MJ Robinson, KM Webb. Minutes 16 February 2021. That pursuant to section 90 (2) of the Local Government Act 1999, the Council orders that all members of the public, except Colin Byles (Chief. M.J. Robinson Cr. Ref: 20191223. I.R. Policy Changes - 16th June 2020. 10 March 2021. PRESENT: Members: Cr. REPORT ITEM: 1.1. The council seat and main council offices are at Jamestown, while the council also maintains district offices at Gladstone and Spalding. I.R. M.J. Robinson Cr. Browne Cr. Minutes 1 March 2021. Skilmar Systems Pty. By Niall Glynn BBC News NI . All law-making was concentrated in the KANA Ministry of Pakistan. Webb All, NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL. D.J. Scarman (Deputy Mayor) Cr. 1.1 Local Government Infrastructure Partnership Program 1.2. DORSET COUNCIL - NORTHERN AREA PLANNING COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 21 AUGUST 2019 Present: Councillors Sherry Jespersen (Chairman), Mary Penfold (Vice-Chairman), Jon Andrews, Tim Cook, Les Fry, Matt Hall, Carole Jones, Robin Legg, Belinda Ridout and David Taylor Apologies: Councillors Bill Pipe and Val Pothecary Also present: Councillors Andy … This document is, and shall remain, the property of Tonkin Consulting. Minutes 28 May 2020. G.C. S.V. 20170837R003 – Jamestown – Stormwater Management Plan I. POLICY. About sharing. Published 15 January 2015. B.J. B.J. Related Documents: NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL 1 of 7. Pomerenke Cr. 14.1.3 – CEO Report: Old Gladstone High School. Browne (Mayor) Cr. Minutes 10 March 2021. MINUTES OF THE NORTHERN AREA PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY 12 AUGUST 2009 AT MONKTON PARK, CHIPPENHAM Present: Mr P Colmer, Mrs C Crisp, Mr P Davis, Mr B Douglas, Mr P Doyle, Mr A Hill, Mr H Marshall, Mr T Sturgis, Mr T Trotman (Chairman). M.J. Robinson Cr. Moore Cr. NPA Regional Council Meeting Minutes of Tuesday 17th December 2019 _ Bamaga 5.1 Bamaga Enterprises Ltd. - For Information Only Mayor Newman, CEO and Deputy CEO met with the BEL General Manager Chris Foord on Wednesday 30 October at Bamaga Council Offices. PRESENT: Members: Cr. NORTHERN AREA PLANNING COMMITTEE DRAFT MINUTES OF THE NORTHERN AREA PLANNING COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON 28 APRIL 2010 AT COUNCIL CHAMBER, WILTSHIRE COUNCIL OFFICES, MONKTON PARK, CHIPPENHAM. Pomerenke Cr. Date, Limit: 50. PRESENT: Members: Cr. Webb All Councillors attended, NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL. COUNCIL. REPORT TITLE: LOCAL GOVERNMENT INFRASTRUCTURE PARTNERSHIP PROGRAM. D.J. 20, Limit: 27 Jan 2021 NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL 1 of 2. Implementation Immediate. INVITATION FOR BID (IFB-2021/02) – Department of Irrigation, Northern Provincial Council March 8, 2021 Availability of seedlings, Tree plants and Agriculture inputs in the farm of the Northern Provincial Department of Agriculture (March 02 – March 15, 2021) Northern Ontario Council Scouts Canada Minutes –Area Meeting Date: June 21, 2017 Time: 7:00 Location: St. Luke‘s Anglican Church Paris Hall Meeting chair: Joy Cummings Guest: David Chezzi , via conference call • WELCOMES- Thank you to everyone for coming. K.M. G.C. Members of Council Mayor BJ Browne. Document History and Status. Pomerenke Cr. Acknowledgement of Country:. Pollard Cr. A For Council, Regional Growth Fund 2020-21 Guidelines. LJ Pollard, IR Pomerenke, MJ Robinson, KM Webb. District Council of Tumby Bay office is open from 8.30am Monday 23 November 2020. Northern Areas Council. Northern Beaches Council will be holding an election on Saturday, 4 September 2021 for the election of councillors. Bridge Option Assessment and Design. Higgins Cr. 2020 Attachment. K.M. Moore Cr. This meeting was at the request of Mr Foord and the intention was to attempt to resolve many D.J. Ref: 20170837R003. Rev Description Author Reviewed Approved Date. That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 21 April 2020 as circulated, be taken as read and confirmed. They have delegated authority to make certain decisions, and may make recommendations in other cases. PRESENT: Members: Cr. Moyle District Council was a local council in County Antrim in the northeast of Northern Ireland. Community members are welcome to sit in the public gallery, however given the size of some venues Northern Peninsula Area Regional Council will require sufficient notice for member(s) of the public to attend these meetings. Ordinary Council Meeting 16th June. 23 March 2020. The body is based in the city of Armagh in Northern … Pollard Cr. MEETING: ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL DATE: 19th May 2020 DEPARTMENT: Regulatory Services OFFICER: Gabby Swearse, Planning Officer. G.C. Northern Ireland is divided into 11 districts for local government purposes. 1. L.J. D.J. Acknowledgement of Country : We acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands we are. Scarman (Deputy Mayor) Cr. PRESENT: Members: Cr. PRESENT: APOLOGIES: ABSENT: MEETING COMMENCED: 1. Northern Areas Council. The Northern Areas Council is located in an area about 200km north of Adelaide and 60 km east of Port Pirie with Peterborough to our north and Clare to the south of the district. 2. L.J. K.M. Moore Cr. Development. G.C. Belfast City Council (Irish: Comhairle Cathrach Bhéal Feirste) is the local authority with responsibility for part of the city of Belfast, the capital and largest city of Northern Ireland.The Council serves an estimated population of 333,871 (2011), the largest of any district council in Northern Ireland, while also being the fourth smallest by area. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTES Recommendation:. Date, Limit: Browne Cr. A Special Meeting of Council will, MEETING: ORDINARY MEETING OF COUNCIL DATE: 1st March 2021 DEPARTMENT: Corporate and Community OFFICER: James Lang, Manager, Community. OF THE NORTHERN AREAS COUNCIL TO BE HELD ELECTRONICALLY VIA ZOOM MEETING SOFTWARE. Copy link. Tonkin Consulting Pty Ltd. G.C. ABSENT:. In Northern Ireland, local councils do not carry out the same range of functions as those in the rest of the United Kingdom; for example they have no responsibility for education, road-building or housing (although they do nominate members to the advisory Northern Ireland Housing Council). The most northerly point of this great country. If you are concerned about Coronavirus visit the Australian Government Department of Health website www.health.gov.au/ or the SA Health website www.sahealth.sa.gov.au/COVID2019 for the latest medical advice and official reports. M.J. Robinson Cr. MEETING COMMENCED:. Pine Creek – Appila-Laura Road. M.J. MEETING CLOSURE. Present : Cllr Tony Trotman (Chairman), Cllr Peter Colmer, Cllr Christine Crisp, Cllr Peter Davis, Cllr Peter Doyle, Cllr Alan Hill, Cllr Peter Hutton, Cllr Simon Killane, Cllr Howard … 10, Limit: DV Clark DJ Higgins, GC Moore, LJ Pollard, IR Pomerenke, SV Scarman, KM Webb. Moore Cr. Clark Cr. Scarman (Deputy Mayor) Cr. Sort: Prepared by: David Hope Principal Consultant. PRESENT:. Acknowledgement of Country We acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands we are. To consider submissions on the draft future urban structure plans in the Northern … APOLOGIES:. Budget. CONFIRMATION OF PREVIOUS MINUTESRecommendation: That the minutes of the Ordinary Meeting held on Tuesday 19 May 2020 ascirculated, be taken as read and confirmed. We acknowledge and respect the traditional custodians whose ancestral lands we are meeting upon here today.