Indian dancer Terence Lewis has been under fire after a viral video showed him allegedly touching inappropriately Nora Fatehi. She can recently be seen as a special judge on India’s Best Dancer.In the latest video from the sets, it appears that she will be shaking legs with judge Terence Lewis in the upcoming episodes. Terence Lewis is known for specialising in contemporary dance. Another dance video of Bollywood actress and dancer Nora Fatehi and Terence Lewis alongwith Malaika Arora is doing rounds on social media and has taken the internet by storm. The viral clip claims that Terence is touching the guest judge Nora Fatehi inappropriately. Mumbai: Nora Fatehi, who is currently seen as one of the judges on India's Best Dancer, came out in support of her colleague Terence Lewis on Sunday after videos went viral claiming he touched the actress inappropriately. The trio's fun BTS moments video has now gone viral and has over a million views. In return, Terence thanked her with a story of a monk and his followers. Recently, a video of choreographer Terence Lewis touching Nora inappropriately went viral. He has now spoken up about the whole fiasco and called the video morphed. Previously, Nora Fatehi also reacted to the row when she commented on a post of Terence Lewis. Several Twitter users were furious at him and used derogatory terms for Terence. Nora Fatehi is one of the hottest and most talked-about celebrities in the Bollywood industry. A look at times when Nora got embroiled in controversies. Nora Fatehi & Terence Lewis’ Sizzling Chemistry On Pehla Pehla Pyaar Will Make You Believe They’re A Match Made In Heaven, WATCH! After a video of Terence Lewis allegedly touching co-judge Nora Fatehi went viral on social media, the actress has come out in support of the noted choreographer.Watch Out Judge Bunny Nora, along with another judge, Terence Lewis, intoxicated everyone with his melodious performance on wet nights. In the clip from the dance show, which has Nora Fatehi and Terence Lewis as judges, it can be seen that Terence is touching Nora inappropriately. Read on for all the information. The video invited nasty trolls and memes on Terence. Terence Lewis made a post on his social media to clarify the video with a long caption. Nora Fatehi’s latest release with T-Series is a big blockbuster and within a few days have crossed 25 million views. The former Dance India Dance judge also runs his own dance academy called, Terence Lewis Contemporary Dance Company. Nora-Terence controversy sparked after the video that is doing rounds on social media claimed that Terence Lewis had touched Nora Fatehi ‘inappropriately’. Terence Lewis is known for specialising in contemporary dance. Nora Fatehi took to Instagram recently and shared a video from the sets of India's Best Dancer. Choreographer Terence Lewis recently grabbed the headlines when a video of him claiming he touched Nora Fatehi inappropriately went viral. Recently, Terence Lewis came under the heavy fire. A video of Nora Fatehi and choreographer Terence Lewis from the reality show Dance India Dance surfaced on social media, where the video shows Terence allegedly touching Nora inappropriately. During her presence on the dance reality show, she had good chemistry with the other judge Terence Lewis. A video of Nora Fatehi and choreographer Terence Lewis from the dance reality show Dance India Dance recently surfaced on social media. She commented on Terence's latest Instagram post. Netizens criticized him for inappropriately touching Nora Fatehi on the sets of India's Best Dancers.However, Nora had come out in support of Terence on social media asking netizens not to spew hate the IBD judge. Share. She is soon joined by her co-judges on the show, Terence Lewis and Geeta Kapur. The video shows Terence allegedly touching Nora inappropriately. Without saying much, Terence had shared a picture with the Bharat actress in his arms. Showing his gentleman side, he often extended his hand and helped Nora … A video of Nora Fatehi and choreographer Terence Lewis from the dance reality show India's Best Dancer recently surfaced on social media. A few days ago, a video from the sets a reality show resurfaced where Terence Lewis is seen allegedly touching Nora Fatehi inappropriately. Nora Fatehi made headlines for a video, wherein her co-judge at a dance reality show, Terence Lewis, was allegedly seen touching her inappropriately. Recently when Nora had come to promote her song ‘Pachtagoge’ on the show choreographer Terence Lewis was smitten by Nora Fatehi’s moves and grooves on the sets of India’s Best Dancer. Terence Lewis Nora Fatehi. After a video of Terence Lewis allegedly touching co-judge Nora Fatehi went viral on social media, the actress has come out in support of the noted choreographer. Nora Fatehi stepped in the shoes of Malaika Arora as one of the judges for India’s Best Dancer after Malla tested corona positive. Terence is being accused by netizens for inappropriately touching Nora Fatehi on her lower back after a video went viral from a dance reality show. Nora-Terence controversy. There were several memes doing the rounds on the internet and malicious comments were passed on judge Terence for brushing his hands against Nora's asset. It's time for Nora Fatehi to bid goodbye to India's Best Dancer. The video shows Terence allegedly touching Nora inappropriately. After the video hit the web, Terence was subjected to severe backlash However, Nora has broken her silence on the issue. Nora Fatehi and Terence Lewis dance in this BTS video from India's Best Dancer set. In the viral video, Terence is seen touching Nora Fatehi inappropriately. In a short time, he has made his mark as a judge among the audience and he is an expert in dance. The clip made the internet very furious because of which Terence was subjected to massive backlash. Indian dancer and choreographer Terence Lewis has come under fire for touching actress and dancer Nora Fatehi’s bottom on India’s Best Dancer (2020). In the video, Nora Fatehi can be seen dancing to Ranveer Singh's song, Mere Gully Mein, from the film Gully Boy. The former Dance India Dance judge also runs his own dance academy called, Terence Lewis Contemporary Dance Company. For the uninitiated, Terence Lewis made Nora Fatehi feel extremely comfortable on the sets of India's Best Dancer. Bollywood actor-dancer Nora Fatehi comes in support of senior choreographer Terence Lewis. Nora Fatehi is well-known for her stunning dance moves. Nora Fatehi took to Instagram recently and shared a clip from the sets of India's Best Dancer. Nora Fatehi, who recently replaced Malaika Arora Khan as a special judge, slammed netizens for morphing a video and accusing Terence Lewis of inappropriately touching her. Nora Fatehi and Terence Lewis now react to the video of Terrance touching her inappropriately. Sharing and celebrating this achievement the Canadian bombshell wrote, “25 Million + in 1 day already I’m so thankful guys! Since the clip surfaced on social media, many users are irked and are bashing Terence for the seemingly inappropriate act. Terence Lewis was recently trolled for touching Nora Fatehi inappropriately on the sets of India's Best Dancer. Right after the video went viral, many took to social media to slam Terence. Actress Nora Fatehi has finally reacted on the viral video which surfaced on social media which showed the ace dancer being touch inappropriately by choreographer Terence Lewis. In fact, last year Nora Fatehi was made the judge of India’s best dancers for some time.