The origin of coffee! “Knick” isn’t actually a word. In 1995 after a short time dabbling in artist management, Nick had the final say (after three interviews) in appointing me to the very sought after membership position with APRA AMCOS as a junior representative. How did we get the expression "in the nick of time"? The Just in the Nick of Time: A History of Interesting Idioms and Colloquial Phrases series is 3 blogs into its 10 part series.This historical linguist journey has allowed us to find out the history behind some of the most interesting idioms and kooky colloquial phrases that we … Whatever the language, the word for coffee points to its birthplace: the ancient region of Ethiopia called Kaffa, a highland area with rich soil and cool temperatures that make for the perfect conditions to grow coffee arabica. Nick Hampton was the key to two major life-changing events for me. The "nick" in "nick of time" is just that, a "nick" cut in what used to be called a "tally-stick." 'A stitch in time saves nine' originated in 18th century England. “Knicks” is an abbreviation of “Knickerbockers,” meaning a resident of New York or the pro basketball team . How to use in the nick of time in a sentence. The Anglo Saxon work ethic is being called on here. Favors. (idiomatic) At the last possible moment; at the last minute. “It’s amazing how the world begins to change through the eyes of a cup of coffee.” – Donna A. Many English proverbs encourage immediate effort as superior to putting things off until later; for example, 'one year's seeds, seven year's weeds', 'procrastination is the thief of time' and 'the early bird catches the worm'. Twenty-five years later I am still there and loving it more each day. The language experts are sure that nick here is the same word as that for a small cut or notch. Over time, the meaning of the word shifted to emphasize an alfresco element that had crept into the evolving concept of what such gatherings were supposed to be. Etymology: The phrase originated many centuries ago. The phrase “nick of time” is in reference to a measurement of time, as in a measurement between nicks on a stick. In those days, several documents and accounts were kept in notches which were made into sticks of wood using sharp knives. He finished writing his paper and slid it under the door just in the nick of time In 13th and 14th century England, the idiom ‘in the nick of time’ appeared and the nick was meant to represent a notch or small cut. In the halcyon days before computers, nicks in tally-sticks were often used to keep track of any sort of numerical data, from commercial accounts to the scores at sporting matches. In the nick of time definition is - just before the last moment when something can be changed or something bad will happen. Origin: Despite what it seems, arriving in the ‘nick’ of time does not involve a guy named Nick.