Michel A. Parmentier & Diane Potvin / En bons termes - Pearson Education Canada. Pupils would find it easier if they had a sheet with family vocab to help them. This website and its content is subject to our Terms and Conditions. Choose from 500 different sets of french mon ma mes mon ma mes flashcards on Quizlet. Let's start with the possessive adjectives (les adjectifs possessifs).In French, they agree with the following noun. 347 times. Children learn to name different members of the family tree and use the correct form of 'mon', 'ma' and 'mes' Free trial. My brother Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Devenir Client Ma French Bank Mon compte bancaire Ma Carte Bancaire Ma Tirelire Mes Assurances Let's Cagnotte We Partage Nous contacter Mon Extra Prêt - … 4th - … MY describes a noun by saying who it belongs to. Helps. My mother also speaks French. Français 1 NCVPS 2. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Possessive adjectives, Ma famille, La famille et la maison, Grammar drills, Day 17 possessive and demonstrative adjectives, Core french, French grammar primer, Advanced french grammar. Log In Sign Up. Mon, Ma, or Mes? 19: MON / MA / MES A1/A2. Je connais vos cousins. Choose from 500 different sets of french ma mes mon ma mes flashcards on Quizlet. Edit. Devenir Client Ma French Bank Mon compte bancaire Ma Carte Bancaire Ma Tirelire Mes Assurances Let's Cagnotte We Partage Nous contacter Mon Extra Prêt - … mmeshapland. 7th grade. mes: 1. mon cousin 8. ma grande sœur 2. ma tante 9. ma cousine 3. mes grands-parents 10. mon oncle 4. ma grand-mère 11. mon anniversaire 5. mes poissons 12. mes amis 6. mon beau-père 13. ma famille 7. mes copains 14. ma calculatrice Mon/Ma/Mes DRAFT. Carol H. Reitan / FOG French Online Grammar Quiz - CCSF City College of San Francisco - USA. C’est ma bouche. 3. frère est stupide! mon coeur bat. Language Quiz / French possessive adjective - mon, ma, mes Random Language or French Quiz Insert the correct French possessive adjective - mon, ma, mes. To decide whether to use mon, ma or mes to translate my, we need to look at the noun that comes after it ("thing or person owned"). Recall that French nouns can be either masculine (words that you use le … Learn french ma mes mon ma mes with free interactive flashcards. Contextual translation of "mon ma and mes" into English. I know your cousins (to somebody you don t know). Leurs idées sont étranges. Mon père parle français. 9 months ago. Remember that the word you choose for "my", "your", or "his/her" depends not on YOU, but the number and gender of the person or thing to which you are referring. ma maison = my house. My brother. The French possessive adjectives are: mon / ton / son / notre / votre / leur in the masculine singular; ma / ta / sa / notre / votre / leur in the feminine singular; mes / tes / ses / nos / vos / leurs in the plural; Possessive adjectives come before the noun they refer to. For example, Mes chaussettes sont dans le tiroir (My socks are in the drawer). Our house is simple. 7. by alombard Plays Quiz not verified by Sporcle . 2 years ago. She likes her house. 1. Lesson 2: A French family tree . For each English possessive pronouns, you’ll have several possible French translations. If the noun is masculine and singular: use mon If the noun is feminine and singular: use ma If the noun is plural: use mes But of course there are exceptions. I need to add, mon is used in front of a feminine singular form of a word if it starts with a vowel. 1. chat est énorme. 5. To memorize vocabulary more easily or learn how to find information in a video, browse through our learning strategies. (f) Before the lesson. Learn french mon ma mes mon ma mes with free interactive flashcards. MON, MA, MES -- TON, TA, TES -- SON, SA, SES. mon chien. MY = Mon, Ma or Mes: – It is my mouth. French possessive adjectives are used in front of nouns to indicate to whom or to what those nouns belong. Elle aime sa maison. 5 – How to Choose the Correct French Possessive Adjectives. The characters talk about THEIR OWN bodies: MY face, MY nose, MY eyes … MY is a Possessive Adjective. The correct answer is "mes." ... Mon Ma Mes Correct Wrong. My books are hundreds of years old. Mon Ma Mes Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Mon Ma Mes . World Languages. MON is: Preview this quiz on Quizizz. Tes Global Ltd is registered in England (Company No 02017289) with its registered office … English has only the one word ‘my’ but French has three – mon, ma, mes. My work (masculine singular) Ma femme. Start in French with the help of vocabulary, grammar, pronunciation and culture(s). If you’re talking about more than one thing, you use mes. Oct 24, 2016 - Worksheet on possessive adjectives mon, ma, mes with family members. by samantha_mateer_10054. Mes is the easiest. Mon coeur. + Mon, Ma, Mes – My. 6. Play this game to review French. Mon, Ma, or Mes? More meanings for mon coeur. Edit. But in the plural, there is no difference between masculine and feminine. my heart. mes lentilles = my contact lenses. mon chou. Mon, Ma, or Mes? Starter to introduce simple family vocab, then an explanation of mon/ma/mes and tasks to practise choosing the correct one. Played 347 times. 280 times. Sa mère – his / her mother ses parents - his or her parents Notre notre nos – our. samantha_mateer_10054. Possessive adjectives don't have to be confusing! My = mon, ma, mes. MON is: Mon/ma/mes DRAFT. Vocabulary, Videos, Worksheet + Online Quiz. Also remember that it doesn't matter whether you are male or female, you denote possession according to the gender or the word. 4. soeur va en ville avec Pierre. If the noun is feminine and singular, but begins with a vowel, use mon. http://blogdubosquet.blogspot.com/ Human translations with examples: my, note 1, is and is, my, my, my. There is also a simple starter task to use in the following lesson to recap mon/ma/mes. Ma and mon are respectively feminine and masculine. my sweetheart: mon coeur: Find more words! Notre maison est simple. Edit. 1. Il … Mon, Ma, or Mes? Save. Mon, Ma, Mes # A. C. Balaam # Complète chaque phrase avec MON, MA ou MES. The one you use depends on the gender of the word that follows: Mon travail. mon cher. Les déterminants possessifs : mon, ma, mes En français, les déterminants possessifs ne dépendent pas du sexe du possesseur mais du genre et du nombre de l'objet : féminin ou masculin, singulier ou pluriel. Mes livres ont des centaines d'années . They are considerably more complicated than English possessive adjectives because French has several different forms depending on the gender and number of the possessed noun. 1. Their ideas are strange. For masculine things, 2 nd for Feminine things, 3rd for Plural things. Basically, you’ll just have to memorize it. by mmeshapland. It’s plural. Devenir Client Ma French Bank . mon boulot = my job. ... mon, mes, ma: Nearby Translations. Mon/Ma/Mes DRAFT. Ma montre est cassée. Another word for Opposite of Meaning of Rhymes with Sentences with Find word forms Translate from English Translate to English Words With Friends Scrabble Crossword / Codeword Words starting with Words ending with Words containing exactly Words containing letters Pronounce Find conjugations Find names My watch is broken. mon chiot. For example, “my” dog can be: “mon chien” for one masculine dog, “ma … French: Les déterminants possessifs : mon, ma, mes. Only one will match the situation though. Où sont chaussettes? mon, ma Find more words! Notre mère. Notre père – our dad. 74% average accuracy. mon ami = my friend. But we'd say mon amie and not ma amie because it begins with a vowel. MON / MA / MES A1/A2. mon cher ami. English Translation. Mon/ma/mes DRAFT. My father speaks French: Ma mère parle français aussi. Où sont _____ livres? So whether you are a boy or a girl, you would say "ma maison" for my house. votre votres vos Correct Wrong. (There are three diffent Mys) 1. Maman! What is the difference between MON, MA, & MES? mon cœur. Son père - his / her dad. Je cherche stylo. Edit. Adjectifs possessifs. There are generally three words for my in French: mon, ma and mes. 9 months ago. 1. The three different ways of saying 'my' are 'mon', 'ma' and 'mes'. 2 years ago. Rate 5 stars Rate 4 stars Rate 3 stars Rate 2 stars Rate 1 star . Où sont passées mes tablettes de chocolat? Play this game to review French. I know your cousins (to somebody you know). Played 280 times. Mon père ma mère Mes parents. mon chéri. The correct answer is "vos." -Mon is used when talking about a masculine object -Ma is used when talking about a feminine object -Mes is used when talking about more than one object (plural) So, as 'livre' is a masculine word, the correct grammar for the sentence would be 'C'est mon livre'. World Languages. 11. You missed your bus. Devenir Client Ma French Bank . 2. cassette est dans chambre. Save. Vous avez manqué votre bus. Ton père, ta mère, tes voitures. Forced Order Support Sporcle. believed to be used by the French ~ mon brave, mon vieux, mon ami, mon cher, mes amis and goodness knows what else .. The 's' in 'mes' is pronounced (like a 'z') if the word starts with a vowel. For instance, "amie" (girlfriend) is feminine. In French, you have to use: MON with words that are masculine and singular A few examples:Mon père, mon frère, mon ami, mon chien 4. MON : bic, cahier, cartable / sac à dos , classeur, crayon, feutre, livre, ordinateur (portable) / ordi, portable , stylo, surligneur / un fluo, MA : MES: Hope that helps. French Adjectives need to agree with the nouns they describe. Je connais tes cousins. 4th - 8th grade. Complete each sentence with MON, MA or MES. For example, Mon amie est intelligente (My friend (feminine form) is smart). Mon, Ma, & Mes all translateto the word “MY” in English BUT… 3. 61% average accuracy. 10. Test yourself on French possessive adjectives by filling in the blanks with the correct form. What does mon coeur mean in French? Subjects > French > Upper Key Stage 2 > Meet my French family > Lesson 2: A French family tree.