Fleeing to the main chamber, Vale tried to justify her actions to Batman, insisting that her actions had helped the city more than damage it. Leading him into the main chamber, she watched as he tried to free Alfred. Residence As they had agreed, Batman showed up, but tried to gather information about the group and where she had conducted the interview. It’s extremely difficult to appease Batman fans, and I’m admitting right from the get go that I count myself amongst the most hardcore of them. Interfering before he could free the butler, she realized the two were closely associated. Vicki asked to meet him at Cobblepot Park and waited there after work. Recommended Reading. Unknown However, Vicki's rage continued to worsen over the years, which culminated in elaborate plans for revenge on the corrupt citizens of Gotham. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Surprisingly it later comes back to bite him as 47 kills him by the end of the game in order to protect his identity. Race Lady Arkham was the first challenge faced by Batman, pushing him to make difficult choices. She fled towards the catacombs, chased by the vigilante. The Lady of Arkham, also simply known as Lady Arkham, is a masked woman who has been hacking television broadcasts to declare her message of exposing government corruption and false idols. As her civilian identity, Vicki was present at the Wayne Enterprises press conference announcing Bruce's resignation as CEO and Cobblepot's takeover. Needing a new location to store the Arkham drug, she decided to use her foster father's heating company warehouse. When her father and the half-human son of … Real name: Unknown. Vicki Vale then fakes her own kidnapping and fully adopts her Lady Arkham persona. Much of her rhetoric also demonstrates that she is in devout opposition to Mayor March's proposed shutting d… Employer After it was attacked by the Children of Arkham, Vicki was among the hostages taken. Engaging in a fight with Batman/Bruce, Vicki attempted to end the battle with him for good. There, she gained a complemented reputation for continuously seeking out the truth. She found her father covered in bruises. Relatives The group was subsequently disbanded, with its members now serving various sentences in Blackgate Prison and Arkham Asylum. Gallery Even after she discovered Wayne was Batman, she couldn't accept the playboy as a hero but as vicious billionaire willin… Created by Bob Kane and Bill Finger, the character debuted in Batman #49 (October 1948). Lady was born as Mary to Arkham and an Kalina Ann. Batman: The Telltale Series; Related. Tiny Lady Gamer. She goes to her adoptive parents home and brutally attacks her mother, lethally injecting her with a dose of her drug before stabbing out her eyes. Female At some point, Arkham killed her mother for reasons unknown to her, leading her to abandon the name he gave her. She also moved Pennyworth to the catacombs beneath the building, where she prepared for Batman's arrival. Lady Arkham / Vicki Vale Fight in Batman Telltale. Though she hid it as her civilian identity, Vicki would often try to justify her actions, believing that she was always correct. Vicki also asks whether exposing Falcone will help the city and a symbol Gotham would need to stay hopeful. Erin Yvette (as Vale)Steve Blum (as Lady Arkham) Age As Wayne left the stage, she joined and congratulated him for his speech before drugging him. Lady is a freelance demon hunter. Unknown At some point before the debate, Vicki filmed a video as Lady Arkham, and demanded that the citizens of Gotham fight the corrupted and take control of Gotham. The leader of the Children of Arkham, she terrorized Gotham City in a crusade of revenge. I looked at historical insane asylum straight jackets and WWII SS officer uniforms as inspiration. Adopting its symbol as her own, Vicki christened herself Lady Arkham, an identity that she created during the time with the Vales. Both seem to target Bruce Wayne, due to their belief that he was indirectly responsible/involved in a traumatic event in their lives. Should that have been the case, it succeeded, as she was later contacted at work by Batman. She was also among the guests that noticed if Bruce either shook Falcone's hand or refused to. By PCGamer 28 March 2014. Noticing some cops spying on their home, Babara went to the GCPD.