Kathryn Janeway was born on May 20 in Bloomington, Indiana, on Earth. I hate my Klingon side. It’s Thursday, okay??? Only Q’s daring allowed for Q to finally die in peace. For instance not giving the 8472 to the Hirogen in Prey. All that other stuff. (VOY: \"Author, Author\")One of Kathryn's favorite foods, Welsh rarebit, was something she always enjoyed while at he… (love Kate Mulgrew though-she did very well portraying the hipocrite captain) . I hate Janeway for the decisions she makes that puts the crew in danger and endangers their chances of getting home to bow to Starfleet rules and regulations. She only gave second chances to her pet projects. With thanks to Annika Rose (I can't tag for some reason), I understand that now. Instead, she just had an obsession with going down with the ship… Her crew’s safety was an afterthought. 1 History 2 Appendices 2.1 Background information 2.2 Apocrypha 2.3 External link Janeway was the married father of two daughters. Katherine Kiernan Maria Mulgrew (born April 29, 1955) is an American actress. I hate when movies show distant relatives who look EXACTLY like the present individuals--it's as bad a cliché as the identical cousins cliché! Star Trek Discovery Season 3 LIVE Discussion! Kirk was forced to give a little person a pony ride in the TOS episode, Plato's Stepchildren, but that is a small insult when compared to the devolution of Captain Janeway.Imagine waking up one morning to look in the mirror and see a giant salamander starring back at you. The look and acting style of Bujold would have made me break my tv sets when all the hipocracy and self rightiousness of Janeway started. "That's Starfleet for get out" -- Janeway (The Cloud) "Why pretend we're going home at all when all we're really going to do is investigate every cubic millimter of this quadrant, aren't we?" Again, Janeway’s misguided moral nonsense meant that others got trampled and hurt. WOW! Captain Janeway, looking at me, a redshirt: You will. She must be really important! Kathryn Janeway est née le 20 mai 23321 sur Terre, dans l'Indiana. warpspeedintomadness. I mean she f@#king murdered someone! Kate Mulgrew, who played Captain Kathryn Janeway for 170 episodes on Star Trek: Voyager, will be reprising that character on Nickelodeon and CBS Studios' new animated series Star Trek: Prodigy. Janeway: (Determined to make this plot work) B'Elanna, I think it's … Despite not wanting to violate Star Fleet directives in the early seasons, Captain Janeway in the final episode violated Star Fleet’s Temporal Prime Directive and went back into the past, altering history, so Voyager could get home earlier. Captain Kathryn Janeway is the fictional captain of the Starship Voyager from the TV series Star Trek Voyager. I think she would done well, if Janeway was written...consistantly. I, for one, can't wait to see if Captain Janeway manages to outwit the conspirators. Admiral Janeway as she appeared in the last episode of Voyager. Janeway tortures Crewman Lessing to get intel on Ransom, against whom she has a personal vendetta. Ultimately the character Captain Janeway leaves a lot to be desired. JANEWAY'S LAW OF PUNISHMENT Every time I watch the "STAR TREK VOYAGER" Season Five episode, "Thirty Days", I feel a surge of anger.I am sure that this particular episode is familiar to many "TREK" fans. Vice Admiral Janeway was a Starfleet flag officer who served during the early to mid-24th century. However, captains are hardly perfect. Home; About × Search for: Posted in Video. All that other stuff. It simply makes Janeway lucky. She confines Chakotay to his quarters for stopping her and for telling her that torture is wrong. Me, as a character on Star Trek Voyager: Captain Janeway, I would die for you. In my Academy days I was the acknowledged master of it." Haven't seen Voyager for a while now, but Janeway seems more confused as a captain at times. Captain Janeway’s compassion is overrated. A tribute to the best captain of the franchise and her dedication to her crew. https://www.pinkink.media/i-hate-captain-kathryn-janeway-and-you-should-too To continue to recycle the same, 1-dimensional representation of scientists is not just lazy, it’s bad science. Oh and did I mention, Captain Janeway supported the Q Continuum’s locking up of one of the Q, denying him his right to die. Image of Captain Janeway from Star Trek Voyager. Tagged 10 - The Motion Picture Post navigation ← Janeway is BACK! Star Trek NYCC Panel Review | Discovery, Lower Decks & Prodigy! A highly accomplished Starfleet captain who became a maverick when her ship suddenly found itself in the Delta Quadrant, Captain Kathryn Janeway remains one of the most compelling characters in Star Trek canon thanks to her resilience, intelligence, and quick-thinking. She could have gotten the entirety of humanity killed doing what she did. That translates to a minimum of 172 bad decisions made by Captain Janeway (she is unforgivably fortunate there was not a mutiny two weeks into the return trip to the Alpha Quadrant). I hate her. Captain Janeway abandoned her crew in the dark void (S5, E1, Captain Janeway whined and cried all the way up into the later seasons about her second in command, Commander Chakotay. I will also be creating a profile and the idea will be to transfer from that to this. Post-apocalyptic ruins of my once mighty Homeworld, Lost in the EU expanse with a nice cup of tea, (You must log in or sign up to reply here. SEASON FINALE Review! Haters are gonna hate. – Star Trek News October 9, 2020 Leave a comment. “Kate’s portrayal of Captain Janeway is truly iconic, and has resonated with a global audience for many years,” said Ramsey Naito, President, Nickelodeon Animation. She's the first female starship captain to be featured in a Trek show. Katherine Kiernan Maria Mulgrew (born April 29, 1955) is an American actress. Everybody else, like Maquis crew members, didn’t get second chances. Personally I thought that after she got through some really bad cases of over-acting in the first season that Mulgrew was fantastic in the part and I can't imagine anyone else playing Janeway, unfortunately the terrible writing let the charecter down. I Hate Star Trek. She was pretty mean to the Doctor for the longest time! Voyager has my heart and it's clear that letting go of Captain Janeway never has been and never shall be an option. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. The Doctor, a holograph, becomes both her biggest fanboy and advocate. 10 Kidnapped Seven of Nine. To be fair Janeway has plenty of fans and the hate isn't anywhere close to the level that Archer gets, as for the people who dislike her its mostly because she was written horribly. Captain Kathryn Janeway is the fictional captain of the Starship Voyager from the TV series Star Trek Voyager. Home; ... CAPTAIN JANEWAY RETURNS In New Series! Captain Janeway is truly the worst captain in Star Trek history (excluding Captain Archer who does not count because Enterprise is the wayward child of the Star Trek series and does not count) and here’s why! … -- Captain Janeway (State of Flux) "Aha!" Seven betrays the captain’s trust early on, and she does it again and again throughout their relationship, even going so far as to sow doubt amongst the crew in Janeway’s ability to lead. Here are the 10 worst things Janeway did. - Janeway "Sounds great, if I miss, I get to be captain." Discussion in 'Star Trek: Voyager' started by TheMightyQ, Jun 16, 2013. Janeway: (Determined to make this plot work) B'Elanna, I think it's … Yes, I know how you hate to feel like the baby on the crew. Hrrrmmm…. https://www.denofgeek.com/tv/why-do-star-trek-fans-hate-voyager I Hate Captain Kathryn Janeway and You Should Too . "A captain doesn't abandon ship." Janeway isn’t THE worst though ), Hageman Brothers Sign Deal With CBS Studios, Five Actors Join Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, Coming Soon From The Official Starships Collection, Voyager Documentary Fundraising Smashes Past Goals. 4. It’s not Kate Mulgrew’s fault. «Comme c’est passionnant de pouvoir présenter à ces jeunes esprits une idée qui a élevé le monde pendant des décennies. She adheres(*) to the Prime Directive, even putting her own crew at risk to uphold it. What really grinds my gears though, is how Captain Janeway treated the doctor. Strangely, most of my fellow female geeks really had a huge hate-on for Janeway. That is not acceptable. Janeway: (Leans over and whispers to her) Think you could be a bit more convincing? I hate Janeway with a passion people would not believe. The admiral died under the ice cap of Tau Ceti Prime in 2358. Instead, Seven finds herself used and abused not unlike she did with the Borg. Elle y a grandi en compagnie de son père, l'amiral de Starfleet Edward Janeway, de sa mère Gretchen et de sa sœur Phoebe. She was not a great Captain like Picard or Sisko… She was something else. I couldn't quite understand why. I don’t care if she changed her mind and became wiser or whatever reasoning you can come up with… it’s annoying that most of the trouble Voyager got into was caused by her obsessively obeying the prime directive and then Janeway herself goes and breaks the most important directive of all. There are 172 episodes in Star Trek: Voyager. J'ai hâte de voir le capitaine Janeway déjouer les plans des conspirateurs. She doesn't inspire as much confidence as perhaps Sisko and Picard (Sisko usually has his eyebrow telling you that he won't back down), and when she is being adamant about something, she is just being stern and hard to deal with. Janeway maintained her dignity after making lizard babies with Tom Paris. grandmother...a woman who, oddly, looks EXACTLY like Captain Janeway. Oh! Why, you ask? While being something else makes her absolutely terrible in the role of a Captain, it does make things interesting… if only because it’s different. So little time too. She tells the aliens that if they'll stop attacking Voyager she'll deliver the Equinox to them. “We can’t wait to … It was nice though, in the later seasons, when Captain Janeway and crew recognized the doctor as a person and became nicer to him. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! We wake up, adore Janeway, eat, adore Janeway, do our schoolwork, adore Janeway, do our chores and/or jobs, adore Janeway, and at night, we read a Voyager novel, hop into bed, and go to sleep with thoughts of Janeway … It should be noted that I am talking about the fictional character only and not the actual actor (Kate Mulgrew) who is pretty talented if we’re being honest with ourselves. To be fair Janeway has plenty of fans and the hate isn't anywhere close to the level that Archer gets, as for the people who dislike her its mostly because she was written horribly. Janeway decides to tell everyone about her great-great-great-great- great-etc. Unlike all other captains in the. Re: Star Trek ~ I hate Janeway I didn't dislike Janeway. "No Small Parts" – Star Trek: Lower Decks – (Spoilers in the second part!) I have decided that I just hate the Voyager crew, specifically Captain Janeway. I hate my Klingon side. Because you know, he has to obsessively obey her and she never has to listen to him because that makes sense  (see S3, E26, and S4, E1) ??? «J’ai investi chaque scintilla de mon être dans Captain Janeway, et j’ai hâte de lui donner des nuances que je n’avais jamais faites auparavant en Star Trek: Prodigy», A déclaré Mulgrew dans un communiqué de presse fourni à io9. Like almost all of Voyager, great in concept horrible in execution. #star trek #st: voyager #star trek voyager #captain janeway #katherine janeway #hi yes i think i'm funny. Yeah. Well, six years ago, Captain Janeway tricked me into coming on board Voyager, before I could return The Matrix to the Blockbuster store. I hate her. #star trek #Star Trek Voyager #Voyager #kathryn janeway #captain janeway #Janeway #Meme #star trek meme. JANEWAY'S LAW OF PUNISHMENT Every time I watch the "STAR TREK VOYAGER" Season Five episode, "Thirty Days", I feel a surge of anger.I am sure that this particular episode is familiar to many "TREK" fans. Research has shown time and time again that diverse role models help everyone, in particular people within minorities. Here’s to you bakula *worst actor and captain award*. grandmother...a woman who, oddly, looks EXACTLY like Captain Janeway. All Janeway did was stand in the way of other people’s rights. Yeah. Whatever. I’ve realized that I have now piled up a late fee of well over $500. I hate Borg precision. Janeway’s Therapy, Chapter 16: “Shattered, Scattered, and Splattered” Written by Tim Mohr, aka “Cureboy” Published January 19, 2001. Uploaded for educational puposes only.I have no copyright of this clip and intend to make no revenue from it. Captain Janeway does not advocate for Seven, quite arguably the most vulnerable person on the crew. An explanation of time paradoxes. As much as I love Captain Janeway, I hate that I had to turn to a fictional character just to see someone who I could aspire to be. -- The Doctor (The Cloud) "I don't like threats, I don't like bullies, and I don't like you!" This act of grace sets in motion a remarkable relationship between two of the strongest women in sci-fi history. She first came to attention in the role of Mary Ryan on the daytime soap opera Ryan's Hope. I mean, we have lives too. Favorite This! Janeway: (Leans over and whispers to her) Think you could be a bit more convincing? The captain always had to be right, the prime directive could not be breached for any reason. I Hate Star Trek. "Do it" So many quotes, so little space. SEASON FINALE Review! I hate when movies show distant relatives who look EXACTLY like the present individuals--it's as bad a cliché as the identical cousins cliché! Tagged Trek Culture (No Ratings Yet) Loading... Post navigation ← Star Trek Discovery Season 3 Episode 5 – "Die Trying" REVIEW & Breakdown! - Janeway "Maybe I could stand with an apple on my head, and you could phaser it off." (VOY: \"Year of Hell\", \"Imperfection\") Her father was Vice Admiral Janeway and she had one sibling, a sister, who she described as the artist of the family. Janeway decides to tell everyone about her great-great-great-great- great-etc. Even though she says she will do anything (almost) to get home, Q offers her a way to get home by merely having sex and she says no!!!! Follow. → Leave a Reply Cancel reply. 10 Reasons Kathryn Janeway Is Star Trek’s Greatest Ever Captain November 13, 2020 Leave a comment. She is known for the roles of Captain Kathryn Janeway on Star Trek: Voyager and Galina "Red" Reznikov on Orange Is the New Black. Tagged 10 - The Motion Picture Post navigation ← Janeway is BACK! This is the second in the series. 1,229 notes. B'Elanna: (Knocks a Furby over) Best I can do, captain. It should be noted that I am talking about the fictional character only and not the actual actor (Kate Mulgrew) who is pretty talented if we’re being honest with ourselves. Captain Janeway was used as a ranked reward for the Hybrid event Streak of Stardust, part one of the Discovery mega event A New Anomaly. Captain Janeway herself, the badass lady who braved the Delta Quadrant, made a lot of her own mistakes during her adventures, and those mistakes had harsh ramifications for her crew and the quadrant as a whole. But this episode is just dying to be made fun!! CAPTAIN JANEWAY RETURNS In New Series! For brevity's sake, we will leave it at the two examples above. – Star Trek News October 9, 2020 Leave a comment. - Chakotay, "Coda" "An all-nighter Kes?...The fine art of putting off an important task to the very last minute and then rushing it through. When the Borg first appeared in the TNG episode, ... After completing 11Reasons Why I Hate Star Trek: Voyager, I had promised a series on the Star Trek captains in which I was to explain why each one was the best.