As Haki hunted her, she hunted him. He will be hunted and haunted the rest of his life. Hunt definition is - to pursue for food or in sport. Lindsay Zanno: As one of the earliest and oldest crocodylomorphs, Carnufex was a far cry from living crocodiles. They are haunted at being named for dead brothers and sisters. good sentence like quote, proverb...) Haunted in a sentence 1 He haunted textile mills, and learned all he could. Haunt definition is - to visit often : frequent. Enjoy it now! Learn more. Sean was being hunted by the CIA. He had fished and hunted to fit. Anyone who dares to will be, Thankfully, 9 states have already outlawed canned, Then there was the Inquisition thing and the Witch, She would not be joining him on any more treasure, Honour Killings are the modern counterpart to Witch, I don’t want the knife, too small, give Ben the knife, he, We told stories and some lies about previous quail, The extras aid grip in the cliff-face caves where it, Because they have more than enough of the wild geese that they kill on, A thrill ran through him, a pale echo of his first, But then there’s predators, both humans and animals like a coyote that, Their hunting - as in my case - is frequently combined with, Jealousy was really the single most motivating factor in those witch, But, that aside, some of my most enjoyable, She is our guide and interpreter around here and also, While the rest of us approach the board to collect our weapons, he, Greg and his team consider this type of bullet to be completely unsuitable for mountain, The tips are usually 10 - 15%, but for expensive, It flew to him, landing in his palm as sure as a falcon flies to its handler on the winter, However this may be, it is certain that no fox, I've just realized that the most pointless question to ask anyone in Fairbanks is whether he, Frequently he’d run his prey down on his longer, I can start up normally without it but if I try to access any of the confidential files it, And as I would be there anyway, I could fit in two more caribou, There are countless stories of hunters' lives being in peril during grizzly, I am the one who led the movement for closing the Portal and stopping the, The scene is fairly calm now, emergency response teams have closed off the blocks surrounding The Five, For many species the hunting season ends in October, but the November, The Alaskan Government has taken action, and three weeks ago - to general surprise - they cancelled all commercial, The weather - of which I write so much, it being a key factor of northern, In this country the true sportswoman—the woman who, All the phases of that terrific struggle for existence where beast, Even in the 21st century hundreds and hundreds of people have been murdered in Africa, India and other areas by men engaged in witch, I met Chris for the first time at Base Camp 40—Warriors in the Wild, an organization that takes combat veterans on elk, My mountain goat hunt is not the time to start exploring, especially as I have other, What the hell was this dude talking about? Similar words: counter, counterpart, hunt, hunting, volunteer, center, painter, internal. There are many haunted places in the world. 2 The old castle is said to be haunted. Sentence Structure is important because it provide us with the framework for the clear written expression of our ideas.The aim in writing is always to write in complete sentences which are correctly punctuated. How to use hunt in a sentence. He hunted through the house and. What does hunted mean? Alessandro's face haunted him, and also the memory of Ramona's, as she lay tossing and moaning in the wretched Cahuilla hovel. Hunted in a sentence | hunted example sentences. 1. 14) The President warned that terrorists would be, 16) The animals suffer great pain and distress when, 20) He identified the corpse as the criminal, 25) Key protagonists of the revolution were, 26) The King ordained that deer should not be. Does or has anyone ever hunted from a canoe before and had good luck? : The nearly carte-blanche powers of the bounty hunter serve a clear economic function. Someone who, It is not clear as to what happened this early in the events but we here at KKZP have been given information that the Mayers Family Church is responsible for the destruction of the, They egged him on to tell stories of his prowess with lasso and lariat, of which he was boyishly proud, and listened with flattering attention to his relations of grizzly, After supper, over their cherry brandy, Rostov and ‘Uncle’ talked of past and future, After supper, over their cherry brandy, Rostóv and Uncle talked of past and future, Jacques had spent a year or two away from his loving family back home in Europe, attempting to nurse his master’s daughter back to health, bringing me food regularly from his numerous scavenging, There is Donovan Cliffson and Amanda Hunters, Donovan’s wife killed earlier this month in the massive pile up on the expressway, Amanda’s husband Meyer still missing after the destruction of Five, As to why things were like that, we must ask the historians, though the reason seems quite clear to me: man is part of earth's biosphere, and his body structure, and physiology are very similar to those of the creatures he, I wrote to Frank at the start, telling him to remove wolves from all my, The scout witnessed his departure with complacency, nodding his head after him, and muttering his good wishes; after which he very coolly set about an examination of the state of the larder, among the Hurons, the cavern, among other purposes, being used as a receptacle for the fruits of their, The catastrophes and failures of colonisation, the disastrous experiments with star drives, all those terrible bug. examples "This library really is haunted you know?" New To Scrabble? Only gobblers, or males, may be hunted in spring. haunted / examples. Lists. Hunter in a sentence up(4) down(2) Sentence count:248+11 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2016-07-19Updated:2016-12-13. Sentence with the word haunted. She hunted; her husband, Bobby, didn't. 5) They hunted wild animals for food. next. And haunted as a robber-path. Do you know that this house is haunted? Do you love reading or watching haunted stories? 8. 14- Find someone who has visited a haunted house. How did a man who hunted animals to eat become a veterinarian? 2. Rather than a haunted house, you have a haunted mind. antonyms. Examples of 'hunted' in a sentence hunted. At this point, you have come to believe that you have a haunted house with bumps, rappings, ghostly footsteps and … 5. I used to be a hunter, hunted all the time. She hunted through her collection for the Mozart clarinet quintet. 3…. 95 examples: Also, listening to the oral descriptions of elders and hunters provides added… Sentence Examples; Word Finders . Choose a language, then type a word below to get example sentences for that word. Haunted In A Sentence Definition of Haunted Of a location, frequented by a ghost or ghosts. Examples of hunted in a Sentence. Stevie looks like he, Wolf (1)—a Safeholdian predator which lives and, Truman himself, for example, required loyalty oaths within the federal government in 1947, three years before McCarthy began his campaign of hysteria and witch, The doctrinal tug of war stirred up anxious suspicions and the witch, They had race horses, and Russian pancakes and bear, In that respect at least he was their equal, though woodcraft learned in, I had to be a bit careful for a while after that, as the local Crime Squad procured a new guy, who was not as easy to buy, so I played low key with the, Gardening, walks, rows on the river, and flower, ROYAL HUNTERS: A caste of Unseelie sifters, first introduced in The Immortal Highlander, this caste, In 1809 Count Ilya Rostov was living at Otradnoe just as he had done in former years, that is, entertaining almost the whole province with, In 1809 Count Ilyá Rostóv was living at Otrádnoe just as he had done in former years, that is, entertaining almost the whole province with, Nops, they are not!, the Outlander said, You think I could find it even after twenty eight strenuous, On the taiga this instrument is invaluable, not only on ram, Finally, he said to the Circle, I am happy in my heart because the great hunter Runs Like Cheetah has come to remind us how great a man is when he, In discussing the extent and effects of HUAC’s activities, Miller developed the idea for The Crucible, an allegorical play in which he compared HUAC’s activities to the witch, How many human societies have had groups of killers hunting by night under the cover of darkness?