In the course of the novel, Scott changes history by going back in time to rescue Kirk from the Enterprise-B, but this inadvertently results in a timeline where Earth has been assimilated by the Borg in the events of Star Trek: First Contact, although El-Auria has been spared. How did Gene Roddenberry’s death affect the development of Star Trek: The Next Generation? Along with most of the other El-Aurian refugees, Guinan was traumatized upon being pulled out of the Nexus. So she may have been "blowing smoke" or angry enough to attack with out causing damage. (TNG: "Preemptive Strike"), In an alternate version of 2366 that featured the Federation fighting a losing war against the Klingons, Guinan was still working in Ten Forward, though it was altered to befit the military nature of the timeline. Active (2379) Aside from the broadly expressed empathic ability and longevity, though, there is little to canonical support either Guinan herself, or her entire species having any other type of special abilities. Q, however, once suggested that there was far more to her than could be imagined. @LightnessRacesinOrbit - My name is Chad, but I have no relation to the country of the same name. Their conversation made Wesley decide to stay on board the Enterprise after all. I could only speak to the broad range of El Alurian empathy based on what the website said. I know that old conversation is old, but Picard wasn't torn away from the Nexus via transporter beam, either. She worked aboard the Federation starship USS Enterprise NCC-1701-D and was the manager of the lounge known as Ten Forward. I thought it was rather telling that 'Q' said she was NOT what she appeared to be, and he called her an "Imp". Releases "The Loss" was released in the United States on September 3, 2002, as part of the Star Trek… Please take a look at the. However, Guinan did not take any further action against Q as, before she could do so, he returned his attention to Picard with a dismissive taunt aimed at Guinan: "Enough about this creature; she's diverting us from the purpose of my being here.". ); Trek: The Next Generation Crew Book), Commenting on Guinan's absence in Star Trek: First Contact, Ronald D. Moore said, "We decided fairly early on that Guinan wouldn't be in the movie because she wasn't part of our storyline and we didn't want to shoehorn the character in." To my knowledge, this was never elaborated on in the show itself, and with the life-span of both, it could stem from one thing, or multiple dealings. If that were the case, though, then the Q would have been no serious threat to the El Aruians, let alone them having to evacuate their planet to flee the Borg. This contact was just unbeknownst to mankind at the time, as they visited in secret. Shortly prior to their match, the Enterprise had taken on board a Borg drone, at that point named Hugh. Star Trek: Picard – Season 2 was announced just a few weeks back. (TNG: "Evolution"), When Crusher was relieved of duty in 2369, Guinan visited her in her quarters, claiming she sought treatment for her tennis elbow, which she claimed was caused by an unsuccessful tennis match with Geordi La Forge. ("Mission Overview, Year Three – Whoopi Goldberg", TNG Season 2 DVD special features), Roddenberry had originally intended the Enterprise's bartender to be played by "the most beautiful girl in all creation." Upon Guinan's encouragement, Crusher eventually discovered Jo'Bril's plan, prevented him from stealing Reyga's research data, and proved the technology was valid. Following the incident, Guinan developed what otherwise would be dubbed a "sixth sense." How to stream data from embedded system to PC fast? She learned about his predicament and agreed to help in any way she could in stopping the Devidians and returning Data to the 24th century. (TNG: "Time's Arrow"), In 1893, Guinan encountered Data, from the 24th century, who claimed they were friends from the Enterprise. I think the longevity and assertions of Q's ego and double-dealing nature are fairly straightforward. Marital Status: @Valorum Which ones, specifically? He should be as capable of changing the Nexus's history as he could anything else. Terkim (uncle) I don't make any money from this, please do not sue me. Originating from Germanic folklore, the imp was a lesser demon. I believe it includes a description of one that roughly similar to the Nexus. @WadCheber: The name is a big clue, is it not? This contact was just unbeknownst to mankind at the time, as they visited in secret. When Data informed her that the captain and much of the crew were not yet convinced Q was truly Human, Guinan casually picked up a fork from beside a patron's plate on the bar and stabbed Q's hand. All El-Aurians are said to have latent empathic abilities of a non-descript type, being widely known as a race of "listeners", but not seeming to have the direct mind or emotion reading skill of a Betazoid. Thus, in early 2366, La Forge sought her advice after his date, Christy Henshaw, admitted she was not in love with him. He remembered Guinan's words that the decisions we make today have implications for the future, and so Picard reasoned that if it were decided that Data was indeed Starfleet property, all future androids would be also. Data (Star Trek) Guinan (Star Trek) Geordi La Forge; Summary. A few turned their talent to more dubious pursuits, becoming con artists and tricksters, such as Martus Mazur, while Dr. Soran used his abilities to help bring his genocidal plan to re-enter the Nexus to fruition. Beyond that she wouldnt appear to have any other particular gifts.. In her childhood, she had a Tarcassian razor beast as an imaginary friend. (TNG: "The Dauphin"), Guinan and Jean-Luc Picard shared a long-term relationship, which, according to her, went "beyond friendship and beyond family". The path of the Guinan is to help mankind evolve, this implies that solutions come from within one's self as opposed to from some bargain with an exterior force such as Q. In order to thank Guinan for her encouragement, Crusher presented her with a state-of-the-art tennis racket, upon which Guinan admitted she had never played tennis. Where does the use of "deck" to mean "set of slides" come from? After the encounter, Guinan talked to Picard about how Q had set a series of events in motion. (Star Trek Generations), After the destruction of the Enterprise-D, she attended the wedding ceremony of Deanna Troi and William Riker in 2379. In 2367, she featured as cousin Gloria in one of Picard's Dixon Hill holonovels. (The Star Trek Saga: From One Generation To The Next) According to Maurice Hurley, Roddenberry and Hurley thought this was a joke by Goldberg and asked her if she would really work on The Next Generation; Goldberg replied, "I am successful now and I can do what I like!" He advised Picard to get Guinan off the ship, and added he would be more than pleased to "expedite her departure." She can see through their alterations to the mechanics of those actions and the state of the universe before those actions. This conversation was instrumental in Ro's decision to reveal to Captain Picard that Admiral Kennelly had made a pact with the Cardassians in order to eliminate Bajoran "terrorists". GUINAN : It took a long time, but eventually I learned to live with it. Eventually, Picard won Data's case by pointing out that an entire race of Datas would be used as slaves – strictly against Federation principles. "...the past always resonates in the present, and decisions made today reach into the future. Ro surprisingly now found herself reluctant to return to adulthood. As lounge host, Guinan made herself available to anyone in need, especially to the senior staff, as an informal counselor. As she grew older, she found that she talked to it less and less, but the idea of the creature always remained with her. I am much more intrigued by this possibility: What if she possesed a Q weapon, unseen by the crew but deadly to Q? But they don't seem to have omnipotence like the Q do. Guinan noted there was an ancient word for that – slavery. What are Guinan's powers from Star Trek: TNG? However, it is interesting that he remarked she was "not what she appeared to be." March 2021 Topic Challenge: Cornelia Funke, Audience-specific texts for custom close reasons: Scientific Solutions or…. Played by: @erdiede: can you think of a better visual representation of what is happening? (Star Trek Nemesis), Guinan's first meeting with Q aboard the Enterprise-D, in 2365, Guinan met Q again aboard the Enterprise in 2365, at which time Q was surprised to see her; he also questioned whether the name given was her current alias, indicating that she had used another name upon a previous encounter. (TNG: "Time's Arrow", "Time's Arrow, Part II") Another region which the El-Aurians visited was near System J-25. Some used this to help others, acting as advisers or confidants. Then Guinan lunged, stumbled and grabbed at her leg – apparently she had pulled a muscle. (50 Years of Star Trek). She may have been a Douwd or an Organian masquerading as an El-Aurian. Guinan was born on her homeworld sometime before the late 19th century. A few days later, La Forge found himself rather smitten with a holographic recreation of Dr. Leah Brahms. Worf replied he was having difficulties adjusting to life on Earth, to which Guinan responded that the time would come when Alexander would find out what it really meant to be Klingon, just as the time had now come for Worf. Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for science fiction and fantasy enthusiasts. There's been no hint yet of Star Trek: Picard's season 2 plot, but since Jean-Luc will keep his new crew aboard the starship La Sirena together, Guinan could also be one of the people they encounter in their travels. She also assures Picard that the Doctor can be trusted and that they're going to need his help, with Picard saying the Doctor reminds him of Guinan in their similar mysterious natures, which Guinan takes as a complement. Guinan's alternate aspect within the Nexus in Generations seems to consider herself both separate yet one-and-the-same as the Guinan on the Enterprise; she tells Picard she is "an echo" of the Guinan that was transported from the doomed ships, yet she states that she cannot go with Picard to leave the Nexus as she's "already there". It is possible that in all her years, Guinan specifically has learned some type of mental or extra-dimensional discipline [sort of like a "magic spell"] which could either prevent Q's power from directly influencing her, or even do some minor damage, but again, there is no solid evidence thereof. (And then you can set to work substantiating the next bunch of claims), I'll stop pestering you when you start writing as well as you've just demonstrated you can, Welcome to SFF.SE! That has led to much speculation, on what Guinan’s powers might be. We have seen Worf ready to attack Q despite his inability, and we have seen Sisko actually punch Q. Guinan was an El-Aurian, a race of "listeners" who were scattered by the Borg. (AOL chat, 1997), Guinan was temporarily considered for inclusion in VOY Season 5 installments "11:59" and "Timeless". We know both these highly advanced species, as well as the Q themselves, will do this from time to time and, if governed by a non-interference directive, would not use her abilities to help or hurt the aliens she is currently with. This is, essentially, the counter power to Q's ability to alter the universe at will. And what the Q do to the universe would be equally as upsetting to Guinan. Guinan's father They are perceived as elders because they may have incarnated in an ancestor. "You felt sorry for me," she said. According to the script for "The Child", Guinan was pronounced "GUY-nun." However, as she does possess a superior sixth sense in understanding the universe. Except for Captain Picard, none of the Enterprise crewmembers had met her, but she soon developed a friendly relationship with many members of its senior staff. (TNG: "Evolution"), Riker "pretends" to be flirting with Guinan, Immediately upon coming aboard the Enterprise, Guinan was able to draw the attention of many people because of the mysteries surrounding her age and origin. ? Guinan este un personaj secundar din serialul TV american științifico-fantastic Star Trek: Generația următoare și din filmele Star Trek Generations și Star Trek: Nemesis.A fost interpretată de Whoopi Goldberg.Guinan este un barman din salonul de mese Ten-Forward al navei stelare USS Enterprise-D. Guinan copil a fost interpretată de Isis Carmen Jones în episodul "Rascals". When she was troubled, she'd talk to it. The character of Guinan was absent from the solid of Star Trek: First Contact as a result of producers’ selections in regards to the film’s storyline. Then again, on the ship, she was dealing with mortals; Q was a different story. Behold my fearsome Tiger Stance! Picard was polite enough to not react to Q outing her. Ironically their encounter occurred when Q offered to join the crew - perhaps Guinan secretly did basically the same thing - but just to experience the mortal life. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. ALL of this could have led to some eventual revelation that beings like 'Q', 'imps', and 'faeries' are NOT just ancient earth lore, but stories passed down about alien beings that actually visited earth from time to time. Ro confessed she was in great trouble. (TNG: "Redemption"), Guinan defuses a tense situation in Ten Forward with the aid of a rifle, When, in 2367, REM sleep-deprived crewmembers began to draft conspiracy theories about the Enterprise being unable to escape a Tyken's Rift, Guinan was able to defuse the situation, thanks to an energy-beam rifle she had acquired on Magus III. In addition, since the Borg were aware of their existence, they would be coming. (TNG: "I Borg"), Guinan was born sometime prior to the 19th century, Earth calendar. (TNG: "The Best of Both Worlds, Part II") Picard also made a similar confession, stating that their relationship was something that went "far beyond friendship". Guinan teasingly called him a coward for not wanting to meet them, upon which Worf replied he was merely concerned for the safety of his crewmates. Single (previously married 23 times) So I'd totally buy that her unique sense of whether or not the universe is 'correct' is bound to the part of her that still resides in the Nexus. (Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations': The Multicultural Evolution of Star Trek, Heidelberg: Winter, 2004), Guinan was named for Texas Guinan, a famed female saloon owner from Texas during the early 20th century. (TNG: "Night Terrors"), In early 2369, Guinan, together with Captain Picard, Ro Laren, and Keiko O'Brien, was affected by an anomaly that caused them to revert to the bodies of twelve-year-olds due to the effects of a molecular reversion field. Also, perhaps since Guinan can pick up on emotions, she can also project them. She enjoyed imagining that she was curling up on its warm belly. (Trek: The Next Generation Crew Book, Trek: The Unauthorized Behind-The-Scenes Story of The Next Generation) When Goldberg learned that her friend LeVar Burton had been cast in a role on the new Star Trek series, she asked him to tell Gene Roddenberry that she wanted to be on the show too, but the producers thought she was joking and did not take the request seriously. (TNG: "Q Who"). After several hundred years, Guinan managed to persuade him to open up to her, convincing him to do so just by listening to him, though she didn't initially realize she was thereby shaping him. Now edit that into your answer! My concern is that you're making a whole bunch of unsupported statements. ... Q gets his powers back and is about to seek revenge on the Calamarain, but Q2 pops in again, so Q puts the Calamarain back, blowing them out like a candle." A mysterious bartender with mystical abilities, she’s so much more than we really know. I'll replace it again. What was the prior relationship between Q and Guinan? from. In the latter case, the possibility of her appearing in "Timeless" influenced Brannon Braga to assign LeVar Burton as the episode's director early in the writing of the episode. I think the fact that she even knew of Q before his encounter with Picard points to contact between the two in the past, possibly some conflict much like the trial held for humanity. In this capacity, she became a great asset to the ship's captain Jean-Luc Picard, often serving as … In her childhood, she had a Tarcassian razor beast as an imaginary friend. Does The Ktarian Game exist, out-of-universe? (TNG: "Redemption II"), As part of Reginald Barclay's holo-addiction, he created a recreation of the USS Enterprise-D including a holographic duplicate of Guinan. Picard lowered his foil and started toward her in concern. Anyway it's around this time in the series the viewer learns that Guinan once had power similar to Q or was a Q and no longer is. Star Trek began as a 1960s space fiction TV show called Star Trek, launching a decades of films, novels, comics, and additional television shows. As Crusher later found out, the Takaran scientist Jo'Bril had in fact murdered Reyga in order to discredit the Ferengi. Why does The Mandalorian use a telescope in some scenes? Speaking of Guinan directly, she and "our" Q seemed to have some kind of ambiguous'personal history', hence him referring to her specifically as an "imp" and the fairly obvious animosity between the two. Just happened to see that episode this afternoon and don't recall that there was ever any follow-up on it. El-Aurian After discussing Ro with La Forge, Guinan sat next to Ensign Ro in Ten Forward. Whoopi was tickled at the prospect." Q did back off. What happens when an aboleth enslaves another aboleth who's enslaved a werewolf? I clearly state it is a personal theory I doubt uniquely mine. (TNG: "I Borg"), In 2366 Beverly Crusher, seeing her son socialize with other teenagers, asked Guinan whether she had any children. Possibly, she can counter their magical technology, although that’s just conjecture, and was never said in any Star Trek … Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. She eventually served Scott a green drink, the contents of which she was uncertain about. Other Relative(s): Why didn’t Riker do something else in The Vengeance Factor? Being close to the Light, they are able to warn off evil, heal and help. She could not help but acknowledge that this Borg was developing a personality, becoming an individual. Around the 22nd century, Guinan, according to Q, went by another name. With Guinan's guidance, Lal worked as a waitress for a brief period. Guinan reminded Ro that she would need to 'grow up' again, but also said there was no rush, as she joined Ro in drawing. It suggests that the power the Q hold is transparent to Guinan. She also warned Picard that anyone who entered the Nexus would never want to leave it and that, should someone be forcefully taken away from the Nexus, their desire to return to it might make them extremely dangerous. [4], As evidenced by the first draft script of TNG Season 6 outing "Relics", Guinan was originally to have been included in that episode. She seemed to be defending against an attempting attack by him in "Que Who." When Guinan remarked that he did not appear uncomfortable at the time, La Forge replied that he wasn't "trying" when he was speaking with her. At the time, he again sought Guinan's advice. As well as the ability to sense things, when the story needs them to (which is the same for even regular humans). Admittedly, that last part is conjecture, because we never see or "hear" a an El-Aurian use telepathy in the show proper... however, Guinan in particular has always seemed capable of telling a troubled crewmate just what they "needed to hear" in order to find the correct answer or at least "feel" better within a given situation. Why are some item numbers missing in ICAO flight plans? Guinan replied: "That's my point", making him realize he was only uncomfortable when trying to chat up a girl. She was either exiled from the Q continuum or her race was wiped out by the Q continuum I can't recall off the top of my head. While you're answer provides some info on an 'imps', you've provided no supporting material on anything actually Guinan related. In Star Trek: The Next Generation episode "Q Who" (Season 2, Episode 16) Q seems disturbed by the presence of Guinan to the point of raising his hands as if to use his powers on her. And…. In the course of her encounter with Picard, Guinan is reminded that it is still possible to find joy in this universe, particularly when Picard risks his mission to rescue her. rev 2021.3.17.38813, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us. In regards to the Q, as previous commentator remarked, I suspected her "power" against the Q is that she is able to defend herself from his actions via neutralization. (TNG: "Q Who"), A powerless Q meets Guinan; not a moment he had been looking forward to, Guinan's second encounter with Q while on board the Enterprise came a year later, in 2366. When she was troubled, she'd talk to it. Adding her to the TNG cast gave the show huge star power. 1, p. 321); "Mission Overview Year Three – Guinan Returns", TNG Season 3 DVD special features) Goldberg described Guinan as primarily "a cross between Yoda and William F. Buckley," but admitted that she put a lot of her own personality into the character as well. This could be indicative of three things: While I don't think just "knowing the true nature of things" would be enough to "limit Q's power" as @DampeS8N said, I do think it could make his trickery more difficult if she possessed a limited ability to "see through" his alterations. Although the drink was generally unpopular among Humans, Worf called it "a warrior's drink". Ro, however, found the idea of 'enjoying' their current situation idiotic and pointless, particularly since Ro herself had not had much of a first childhood. (TNG: "Hollow Pursuits"), Guinan, pictured in the 1893 San Francisco Register on Earth, Costume continuity polaroids of Guinan's costumes.