The definition of Grievance is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. The definition of Grievance is followed by practically usable example sentences which allow you to construct your own sentences based on it. The oncoming of bad weather, beheld from below, is a grievance to the holiday-maker. 0. vocabulary. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Translations in context of "COMMUNITY GRIEVANCE" in english-spanish. since it has fallen to thy lot to hold subject and submissive to thy full will and pleasure a knight so renowned as is and will be Don Quixote of La Mancha, who, as all the world knows, yesterday received the order of knighthood, and hath to-day righted the greatest wrong and, With all these favorable circumstances, when but a hint from the British Ministry in favor of these people might have released them, yet being so delicate a subject that it has not been touched by them, shall we, who have been crusading and exerting every nerve for the releasement of our seamen, and with all our efforts have been unsuccessful, shall we start on a fresh crusade for these men, when the efforts of the Government in the other cause, in so noble, so just, and so humane a cause, have as yet proved unavailing? That was the only grievance which the older man of the world had against the younger one. If you think that we've been unjust, say so; protest, state your, Abbot Bradford was taking every opportunity to extract money from his tenants and the miller was one of many who had a, In answer to a direct question from her counsel, she replied that she did not feel that she had any, But Richards has assured my uncle that this, Liftsoff considered himself insulted, but concealed his, An Army officer, maybe? We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Sentence with the word grievance. Their main grievance was that they had not received their pitiably low pay. Help me to understand what grievance you have. a facial expression that usually indicates strong dislike or pain Examples of Grimace in a sentence After he ate my spinach casserole, my husband had a grimace of disgust on his face. Meaning of GRIEVANCE in a Sentence. Examples of Grievance in a sen. As Phil typed his grievance about the store’s poor customer service, he hoped he would receive a response from the corporate office. . Someone who likely had a grievance with the local. , The media will not identify the student who came forth with a sexual harassment grievance against a local football coach. Grievance In A Sentence We found 132 sentences of 'Grievance' to help you understand how to use Grievance in a sentence. Therefore, being focused for a long time on the states of spite, Thus did the valiant Don Quixote right that wrong, and, thoroughly satisfied with what had taken place, as he considered he had made a very happy and noble beginning with his knighthood, he took the road towards his village in perfect self-content, saying in a low voice, Well mayest thou this day call thyself fortunate above all on earth, O Dulcinea del Toboso, fairest of the fair! September 15, 2016. Shall we engage in a contest for these people, who are acknowledged justly to be in the power and under the sentence of the courts of another nation, whilst the honest American tar, guiltless of harm, is writhing under the lash of every boatswain on board a man-of-war? How to use Grievance in a sentence? Would it ever have occurred to her to mind, to feel it as a, Then again, what choice did he have but to go along with this? Examples of grievance in a Sentence. If you have a grievance with her, you. , The company’s grievance policy requires you to contact your direct supervisor to make a sexual harassment claim. examples "A grievance is most poignant when almost redressed" Eric Hoffer "Andre filed a grievance against me?" grievance in a sentence This grievance in my opinion has no relation to past grievances, This grievance in my opinion has no relation to past grievances, One grievance concerned the promotional banner : it was displayed improperly. If so, I’m filing a formal, Their wings were quite smaller and more sunken than the Kravenas, causing, I would be willing, however, to send Star Fleet a message to alert them of your, When mother returned at high noon he was fit to burst, and launched into his main, This supposed atrocity may be the most overblown case of hysteria and, When we had told him that we were not complaining of any, I am sorry that we must resort to this, but we have a, You are on a temporary paid leave, which will last at least until your union, Have you nothing to add or to observe? , When my roommate started to host late night parties at our apartment, she became a major grievance to me. in a sentence - 17 Lists. antonyms. Information and translations of grievance in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. Grievance used in sentence example & words in English. 63 Nursing a grievance makes you bitter. Learn Ludwig. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. How To Use Grievance In A Sentence? , The dishonest police chief ignored my grievance against one of his officers. This grievance in my opinion has no relation to past grievances, 2. As Phil typed his grievance about the store’s poor customer service, he hoped he would receive a response from the corporate office. Parishioners were invited to voice their grievances. As Len Untereiner says, the main grievance is with the actual perpetrators of the harm and sexual abuse.. You see, straightforwardness does bring people out of all difficulties at last, and when the main grievance is set right, all the collateral grievance s which arose out of the supposed fact, fall to the ground. It is said that it takes more muscles to grimace than it does to smile. A wrong or hardship suffered, which is the grounds of a complaint. And didn't each affair end in, This principle being admitted, the justice of every particular case of resistance is reduced to a computation of the quantity of the danger and, And listening in silence, I had soon located the real wound, the place she did not mention where all the bruises were; for talk and explain as she might it was clear that her chief, Some of the convicts had been transported in connection with a ", In this scenario, all of your incessant “unpacking” (in skrruullerrt systems, or TEC) and “unfolding” (in Space of Self-Consciousness) of Stereo-Type Configurations that correspond to your negative state will be associated only with your, This go ‘round, I told the prosecution that I would not hire a private defense attorney for Mike; he would have to take pot luck, which is charitable considering how bad his Public Defender, against whom I filed a, That is Vahramyev’s work — that is, not Vahramyev, he is as stupid as an ashen post, Vahramyev is, and they are all at work on his behalf, and they egged that scoundrel on to come here for the same purpose, and the German woman brought up her, It wasn't enough that his clients needed baby sitting, pushing, prodding, nagging, and some times threatening to get them to do what they should do in order to protect themselves but that he had to do it in such a way that wouldn't land him on the wrong side of a, What was needed was a sense of justice and a sympathy with European affairs, but a remote sympathy not dulled by petty interests; a moral superiority over those sovereigns of the day who co-operated with him; a mild and attractive personality; and a personal, Then the language he had held to her rankled in her heart; she who was always ‘love,’ and ‘darling,’ and ‘queen,’ and ‘angel,’ with everybody at the Grange, to be insulted so shockingly by a stranger! In response to my grievance, the hotel manager gave me a free night’s stay. , In order to receive a refund, I must put my grievance in writing and then mail the complaint to the hotel manager. 65 Not understanding what he was saying, I continued with my grievance. Examples of grievance in a Sentence He has a deep sense of grievance against his former employer. ‘But airing those grievances publicly might actually encourage more attacks and make their lives harder.’ ‘Briony Norris, an environmental health officer at the pollution control unit, said around 50 per cent of people who lodged complaints had a genuine grievance.’ Karen considered that she had a grievance and perhaps suspected him of being its cause. 11 For years he had nursed a grievance against his former employer. use "grievance" in a sentence In 1966, OFT hired the first staff to provide services (such as contract negotiations, research, grievance processing, etc.)