There is a great deal to learn from the different educational approaches between North and South. Despite these distinctions, in the end, the authors conclude that overall, “the South’s economy was a unique case and ultimately realized a record of growth more like those of the northern United States or Canada.” There are almost no private schools, and no national standardised tests, yet there is a big focus on giving resources for those who need them most (Darling-Hammond, 2010). Child centred education is now being encouraged globally but this is not pertinent to all cultures (Pearson &Degotarchli, 2006). While Global North countries are wealthy, technologically advanced, politically stable and aging as their societies tend towards zero population growth the opposite is the case with Global South countries. The results showed however, that pupils in the European Union had fallen behind Asian countries for science and maths and pupils at the top of the rankings were from countries like Shanghai, Hong Kong, Singapore and Japan (OCED, 2015). Money is obviously a big issue in order to research and deliver a better education, but hopefully the money from the global partnership for learning, that has been pledged in the future, should offer a turning point for global education (??). (2007). It is also apparent that childhoods for girls and boys are very different (Oakley, 1927). OECD. The burdens in the Global North are to strive to make sure that more and more pupils are gaining higher order learning skills as expressed in international tests like the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) (OECD, 2015). The aim of section one is to consider the meaning of globalisation and the implications for worldwide countries. Understanding early childhood: Issues and Controversies. (Super and Harkness, 1986). Nasen, (2015). The separation between the global North and Global South is the biggest encounter to global governance. However, international leaders can solve these problems by encouraging global justice. (2011). (2007). London: The Save the Children, Ferranti, D. (2013). It has also meant developing new skills and giving many other people new information (Suarez-Orozco and Qin-Hilliard 2004). In 1944 the education act made education free for all and increased the age at which children had to be in school to fifteen which extended the time for children to be children (Gillard, 2014). Disabilities, gender, language, conflict or disaster all affect early childhood care and education. It is also believed that children who are not underdeveloped are more likely to earn incomes up to fifty percent higher than those who are stunted as children (Gordan et al,2004). Un system task team on the post 2015 un development agenda. In 1940 Colin Clark published “Conditions of Economic Progress,” which showed the world to be, as one reviewer commented, “a wretchedly poor place.” Two centuries earlier, almost the whole world had been “wretchedly poor,” and it is unlikely that the concept of “developing countries” would then have been much appreciated. (2010) Globalization, social exclusion and the possibilities for global social work and welfare, European Journal of Social Work, 3:2, 109-122, DOI: 10.1080/714052818, OCED. Thus, countries in the Global South are less able to have robust education systems or even any formal schooling at all (GOV, 2018). [Online] Available at: Accessed on 11th February 2018. Child protection in England legislation,policy and guidance. Many children in the Global South do not have the chance of having an education due to the far-flung whereabouts of some villages, language difficulties, disability, gender, natural disasters and lack of teachers (Ljaxah, 2013). Childhood is different all over the world and has changed massively over the last 300 years and even today childhood varies within societies (Barrow, 2008). 'Global North' and 'global South' came into the vocabulary of comparative study on development among nations in the early 1990s. (Faculty of Wellbeing, Education and Language Studies. OECD. Children had no education, everything they learnt was from their families. In Sub-Saharan Africa just two percent of the education budget goes to preschool education, while in Latin America government spending on children under five is a third of that for children between the ages of six and eleven (Unesco, 2016). They are dependent for a range of needs, are vulnerable and not able to run their own lives or be held responsible (Eastrenfrewshire, 2002). Definition of economic globalisation. There may be many reasons the difficulty of access which prevents attendance, lack of food causing hunger and lack of motivation or the quality of teaching (??). Promoting Health in Early Childhood [Online] Available at: Accessed on 13th February 2018. Ft. (2018). [Online] Available at: Accessed on 13th March 2018. 2003), Mukherjee defines globalisation as the growing integration of economies and societies around the world (2008) and the meaning of globalisation in the Cambridge dictionary is stated as ‘a situation in which available goods and services, or social and cultural influences, gradually become similar in all parts of the world’ (1995). Registered office: Venture House, Cross Street, Arnold, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, NG5 7PJ. Section three will look at early childhood education in both the Global North and Global South again looking at the differences and similarities. Finally, in this day of rapidly improving communication systems, even the most remote areas should become accessible. Woodhead, M and Oates, J.(2013). The importance of teaching. Aries however, believed that in medieval society, the idea of childhood did not exist (1962). Unesco. In order to achieve an understanding of the differences, the report will include the attitudes and expectations of the child in the North and compare this to that of the South. The fact that education can lead to job prospects, improved economic status, opportunities for better lifestyles and the ability to make informed choices must improve quality of life. The powerful nations popularly known as the first world make up the global north. The provision of high quality education at a young age, either up to the age of seven or eight or up to five is very positive and helps to develop social and cognitive skills (National Education Union, 2013). Gillard, D. 2014. Eastrenfrewshire. These questions the exploitation of staff and can it continue? During this time the child needs to be protected, looked after, cared for and nurtured (Lewis 1999). (2018). Ljaxah. It is evident that structured intervention programmes should focus on literacy as they impact positively on learning outcomes (Nason,2015). For example, they have clear goals for all pupils and recruit teachers from the top five to ten percent of graduates which differs to most other countries (GOV,2010). The South is a rich empirical site to think through the diffraction in ethics and politics of data-driven technologies, which can also contribute to new and useful framings for allied computational justice efforts in the North. Childhood depends on Laws regarding children’s rights, length of time in education, communication skills, behaviour of children and adults and an adult’s participation in a child’s life (Unicef, 2018). In the discussion of childhood in the Global North and Global South, differences and similarities were evident. One in five children, adolescents and youths are not in school globally and this has not changed in the last five years (UNESCO, date). There is huge discrepancy in what people in different societies believe about what a child should or should not be doing at a certain age and about the age at which they become adults. (2015). Furthermore, very often in the classroom boys will choose to play with cars and building blocks and girls will choose to go to the writing corner or playhouse, even though they are all given free choice (Swift, 2017). We recognize that conditions faced by agrarian workers in the Global North parallel those of workers in the Global South. The term, as used by governmental and development organizations, was first … VAT Registration No: 842417633. (2010). GOV. The ideas in this video are based on what i have learned from our The Contemporary World subject. The Hague, The Netherlands: Bernard van Leer Foundation. Barrow, C. 2008. Pupils in China for example, spend two hundred and sixty days in school every year and those in Germany spend two hundred and forty compared to most other European countries who have only one hundred and eighty-five days per year (OCED, 2017).