From 1 May Glen Eira residents were able to put all food scraps, including leftovers, meat, dairy, fruit and vegetable scraps into their green waste bins. (Commercial quantities will not be accepted). Why shouldn’t developers comply ‘strictly’ with ResCode? E-waste can no longer be accepted in any bin or picked up through Council's hard waste collection service. We certainly doubt that many residents would have the time, energy, or even willingness to plough through so many pages. The Wedge, which is Crown land, is now managed by Council and funding for the development of the site has been provided by the Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. Live meetings; Minutes and agendas; Attend and participate; Glenorchy Planning Authority; Vision and goals. Once collected, old bins that are not significantly damaged will be used by Council as public place and event bins. So what’s happened to all those potential areas outside the expanded activity centre zones? from your council. Council and Community Plan goals and results 2017–2018 The Coalition has also flagged another revocation motion of the controversial Markham Estate – 1.4 hectares of prime Ashburton land the Andrews government wants to develop for both private and public housing. Council welcomes extension of interim height controls. Council presumably pays big bucks for its expert consultants. If you are hearing impaired or require interpreter services, the relevant contact details are also on this page. from your council. Candidates from diverse backgrounds are encouraged to apply. The majority of submissions received related to the proximity of urban renewal area to Chestnut Street with calls from residents of Chestnut and surrounding streets to remove the Neighbourhood Character Overlay and incorporate the western side of Chestnut Street into the urban renewal area. Liveable and well designed Asbestos Removalist Monash Council. Council has arranged for the addition of organic waste to its garden waste bin, and this service will be introduced in May. Additional opportunities also exist within Commercial 2 zoned precincts on the Nepean Highway in Elsternwick and Moorabbin. It is easier, more efficient and more cost effective to replace the bins in bulk. The payment has been successfully processed. – 31 units (1371.29 sq m – not the 1500+ recorded by council), 2 Ormond Road, Ormond – 15 units (846sqm), 90-92 Hawthorn Road, Caulfield North – 24 units (1240sqm), 135 – 137 Neerim Road, Glen Huntly – 39 units – 1654, 4-6 James Street and 14-16 Etna St., Glen Huntly – 45 units (2462sqm). ; Where Council has authority you can apply to us directly for consent to build over the easement. Why these specific ‘examples’ were selected, we have no idea, and nor was any explanation provided! – 77 pages, Planisphere Urban Design Guidelines – 50 pages, Community Benefits Discussion Paper – 19 pages, Assessment of Economic Impacts – 58 pages, Planning Strategy Impacts on Housing Opportunity – 35 pages (no links on Bentleigh site), PS: VCAT has handed down its decision on the 18 storey, 150+ student accommodation application in Derby Road, Caulfield East. Glen Eira City Council Corner Glen Eira and Hawthorn Roads Caulfield, Victoria. ; Private easements created by a landowner for access over a neighbour’s land such as a shared driveway. View all events in this series. During 2017−2018, we continued our commitment to open space and consulted with the community on a number of redevelopment opportunities, outlined below. We are not hopeful given that anything above 1 metre in width can be deemed as part of the garden area and if land is subdivided first and is less than 400 square metres, then there is no need for garden area at all! Further information. Next we are told (page 31) that there will be 25 car parking spaces in the underground basement. One of the main things that really drives affordability and supply of housing is planning certainty and these motions against Ormond Station and Markham Estate … will throw everything up in the air. Chestnut Street proper contains 23 properties. We are committed to facilitating genuine debate within Glen Eira. In-line with this, Council’s 2017–18 carbon footprint decreased by 8 per cent to 9,961 tonnes CO² equivalent compared to 10,837 tonnes the previous financial year. Yet council is happy to accept 5.7 metres!!! Large carbon emissions reduction in 2017−18. To prove our point here is the entire WEST section of all of Chestnut Street. Glen Eira City Council is moving many paper-based processes and top transaction forms online to provide greater options for customers. Bins and Collections Engaging with our community — consultation and planning. Source: In the latest draft structure plans residents are offered two equally inappropriate choices in regard to this street and its surrounds. It states: To ensure that development along any residential interface be sympathetic to the scale and amenity of the residential area. Plus, how can the May figure tell us that there is an average of 713 dwellings per annum which equals 37 years supply and the October figure tells us that there is now an average of 709 per annum but the supply has dropped by a year? In summary, here is a breakdown of what was published together. Council‘s ownership of the two car park sites provides the opportunity to influence the scale of development and size of individual apartments in order to meet the needs of downsizers and families. If you are interested in working for Banyule, it is a good … We’re even told that he/she recommends that ‘Demolition of existing dwelling is discouraged’ (page 31). Council will also receive a small rebate for each bin collected, which is invested back into our waste services. In the archaic 1996 Heritage Review the site is listed as ‘non-contributary’. The criteria for both sets of figures are identical (ie 2015) – so why the difference? As we’ve stated previously, some mention is made of Wynne’s introduction of Amendment VC110, but this is almost exclusively related to the requirement for the ‘garden areas’ in the General Residential Zone. Opposition public transport spokesman David Davis said he was not opposed to “sensible value capture”, but described the tower in the low-rise area as “inappropriate planning”. City Council today is set to approve the sale of a 10,019 square-foot property on Tryon Road that could pave the way for some new medium-density housing in Southwest Raleigh. Assuming that all will receive a permit, the results indicate that instead of a dwelling density of 18 per hectare, these 9 applications alone will bring in a dwelling density of 38 dwellings per 0.8 hectares!!!!!! Each location will have an extra training bay constructed. The passing of this legislation enables the 54 hectare parcel of Crown land to be managed more effectively and for the purposes that is was reserved for — recreation and a public park. Planning permits for the first quarter of the current financial year tally 453. Find your bin collection day. It was thought that neighbourhood character in this area has been significantly compromised already and would be further compromised by the urban renewal behind, that many homes had deteriorated beyond repair and that the area can accommodate growth. It is easier, more efficient and more cost effective to replace the bins in bulk. Given the altered state of the existing building, its current non-contributary status, and that the replacement building will provide an additional 11 dwellings for future residents ….it is considered on balance, the demolition of the dwelling is acceptable. Council waste and recycling bins are collected once a week. View information on hard waste/rubbish collections in the City of Kingston. It was opposed by local residents and Glen Eira Council, which pushed for an eight-storey structure, but was approved by a planning panel in March for 13 storeys and supported by Planning Minister Richard Wynne who outlined proposed changes to the Glen Eira planning gazetted last month. higher quality rubbish bins and improved movement around the sites. As a final comment, please note that the online version of the agenda was still not available at 4.30pm today. Whilst there are undoubtedly some improvements to version 2 of the Bentleigh Structure Plan, it is still a long way off from meeting residents’ expectations and previous feedback. Major advocacy efforts, Moving forward with more services available online. Well located, better designed development across Glen Eira is now more certain with the Council adoption of Quality Design Guidelines. “This is not a political game,” she said. That perhaps is the plan anyway? So we again have to ask what does this mean for our overall planning if these figures are so off the mark? View map. We must then ask – what does this do to council’s planning? Bin contamination. Council will also receive a small rebate for each bin collected, which is invested back into our waste services. Based on this feedback, we held a community workshop in June, which explored what a community garden initiative would look like at Moorleigh Community Village in Bentleigh East. Rubbish we say! Assets. a contradiction in terms – ‘modern’ versus ‘heritage’? Community consultation operates through advisory groups and committees; community surveys; questionnaires; focus groups; feedback; submissions; public forums; and individual consultations. “The Liberals spent four years selling Melbourne’s skyline to the highest bidder, and now they want to play petty politics with a vital project that delivers safer streets, more trains and new homes,” she said. Noble Park “More than Just a Pool” Project Glen Eira remains streaks ahead. Accessible and well connected Here’s the first part of the ‘consultation’ and residents are then asked to rate council’s proposed actions based on these select statements: PS – WE FORGOT TO MENTION THAT COUNCIL NOW ADMITS TO A ‘PRELIMINARY’ FIGURE OF 3000 DWELLINGS FOR VIRGINIA ESTATE! 2017–18 Community Sports Infrastructure Fund for the following projects:, New management of Caulfield Racecourse Reserve. Customers can now do the following via Submit a request for an animal tag replacement or book a hard rubbish, bundled branch or bulk cardboard collection. Even with land banking, we would find it extraordinary for any developer to sit on his land for 35 years. $100,000 for the Moorleigh Village cricket nets/multipurpose facility — this project will see a conversion of the cricket nets at Moorleigh Community Village Reserve into a multipurpose sporting facility providing cricket nets and a range of other sporting activities. So much of our high volume crime is preventable if we each do our part in locking up our cars and homes, reporting suspicious behaviour and looking out for each other. In May this was given as only ‘outside’ activity centres. Community consultation is a vital part of Council’s planning and decision-making process. Hard Waste Collections. A new lime green bin lid* will replace the current red one on green waste bins to mark the start of collecting and recycling food scraps. What is concerning however is that Monash was not opposed to the height and the member commented that anything approaching 10 or so storeys was ok. See: Following extensive community consultation from October to December 2017, Council approved a concept plan for a new dog agility park to be developed in Caulfield East. 03 9524 3333 Each link below will provide you with recycling information for the Glen Eira City Council area. ; Bin collection days Find out what day is your bin collection day. Infor Pathway Mobile Customer Service. This business servicing Glen Eira Council is a local SME in the Home Cleaning category. Telephone: 020 8547 5002 @ContactKingston Confounding the analysis even further we find that figures over a period of 5 months are indeed very ‘flexible’ – again with no explanations proffered. Committed to reducing greenhouse gas emissions, Glen Eira City Council is proud to be one of the first councils in Victoria’s south-east to introduce food waste recycling. Like most of Melbourne municipalities, Glen Eira City Council has a challenging task of accommodating growth and new development, while creating vibrant and successful centres which enhance and protect the character of the local area. If a resident wanted to glean what was proposed for the entire municipality then they would be facing the herculean task of reading all the documents. Council’s elections; General Manager’s Electoral Roll; Council meetings. From August 2020 you can empty all your food scraps straight into your dark red garden waste bin. No damage should be caused to Council property or infrastructure. However, only current planning controls have statutory weight, therefore Council must consider the existing dwelling as ‘non-contributory’. Your views on planning, environment, open space, CEO and councillor performance matter. The total number would apply to all of Glen Eira and not just the individual activity centres. This has been achieved proposing a modern design which does not mimic surround heritage buildings but uses materials (brick and concrete render) which reflect the surrounding buildings. glen eira living safely program Glen Eira Council, Victoria Police and Neighbourhood Watch have put together a crime prevention kit to help us make our family, home, car and community safe. The report itself is remarkable. Residents can make up their own minds as to why documents which carry dates of July couldn’t have been made public earlier but had to be consigned to this single inundation. The bin hire company and/or property owner is responsible for clearing any rubbish dumped around bin. Easements. Further information. We are then told that there is one shortfall in visitor car parking and that this is ‘acceptable’ from traffic management. Generally, Council will insist that at least a width of 1.5 metres is made available for pedestrian access around a hoarding and that it is also suitable for people with disabilities. The Great Bin Swap ... Other facilities on the site were in need of refurbishment or replacement. Area = 25,161sqm = 2.51 hectares. Council’s strategic planning process Council has finally released version 2 of its draft structure plans – together with a bevy of other documents. “The opposition is deeply concerned with the government’s approach to its massive and inappropriate tower in the local Ormond shopping centre,” said Mr Davis. First off, we find innumerable contradictions from page to page. The development will have street-level retail, and office and apartments above the station that was revamped under the government’s signature $6.9 billion level crossing removal project. So how much faith can be placed in anything that council produces? Heritage Versus Development: Guess What Wins! Welcome to the City of Casey. The various submissions to the previous round of ‘consultation’ do include a score of identical proforma requests for removal of the NCO from the western side of Chestnut Street. Amendment C149 is only looking at existing Heritage Areas and all it will achieve is becoming a ‘reference document’ in the planning scheme. The 2014 Planisphere Updated report commented that there was a High degree of neighbourhood character significance. 3 Double storey buildings on a heritage overaly is over development for the area. If you want to install building hoarding or gantry on Council land, you'll need to apply for Report and Consent Please bear in mind that we followed the ‘methodology’ used by council and the Housing report! The logic however is far from convincing. No damage should be caused to Council property or infrastructure. City of Glen Eira have already ruined Ormond and McKinnon - it is time to stop over development. Council contractors will visit all current green waste bin owners from July to change the bin lids over. We can come and clean your office or work premises in Melbourne and the surrounding suburbs. It is considered that the proposal has appropriately responded to the heritage context. It’s important that we replace the bins now because they are getting old and the cost and time to deal with requests for replacement bins is increasing. Stormwater design and discharge. It is being used as a political football and that’s not fair to the residents, they need to know what’s going on in their neighbourhood,” she said. This will continue for at least another 2 to 3  years until council gets its heritage amendment up as well as its structure planning. Photos were taken today! Easements. There must be countless properties that were somehow ‘missed’ in 1996. The City is a major provider in the fields of commerce, governance, social services, health, education, culture, the arts and recreation. It is recommended that Chestnut Street is maintained as an area of neighbourhood character significance and afforded statutory protection via Local Policy and NCO, thereby requiring a permit for demolition and construction of all buildings, including single dwellings. The Sex Party’s Fiona Patten also said she was undecided, but was open to hearing the opposition’s arguments in Parliament. Officers have recommended the granting of a demolition and planning permit for 10 St Georges Road in Elsternwick. This may take the form of either office suites or co-working spaces. The Andrews government has approved plans for Ormond’s first high-rise – a 233-apartment tower above the station on North Road – that is set to dwarf surrounding buildings. When council is so ‘robust’ as to refuse scores and scores of applications for 2 double storeys in the Neighbourhood Residential zone, and impose these costs and time delays on applicants as they await VCAT hearings, we don’t believe that this couldn’t have happened in this case! The Greens are yet to form a position, while Vote 1 Local Jobs James Purcell and Australian Conservatives’ Rachel Carling-Jenkins said they were undecided. Thus we have a 58 page document that is basically endorsing council’s proposals rather than objectively analysing and backing up its recommendations with sound data. Learn about Kingston's food recycling service and how you can recycle your food scraps. Putting it bluntly, we do not know whether to laugh or cry at the arguments presented and the assumptions inherent throughout. This jam-packed weekend is a great way to declutter, make some money and meet your neighbours. The more important issues relate to the zoning and the actual recommendations. Fully certified to deliver safe, effective asbestos testing and disposal, you can have full faith in our team of professionals and up-to-date equipment. (refused). Informed and engaged, Councillor Attendance at Council Meetings, Discrimination and Equal Employment Opportunity Program, Council and Community Plan goals and results 2017–2018, Local Government Performance Reporting Framework. Free e-waste drop off points Take any household electrical items, such as televisions, computers, tablets, printers, vacuum cleaners, toasters, hair dryers, video and DVD players, electrical tools and electronic toys to the designated e-waste recycling skips at: If you are hearing impaired or require interpreter services, the relevant contact details are also on this page. Community gardening received high levels of support from across the community, from a broad range of age groups and suburbs. Bins should be returned inside your property within 24 hours of collection. Since nothing has changed in the planning scheme (ie no new amendments apart from Wynne’s VC110 and those applications coming in post VC110 are still to be decided) – why the difference? Also worthy of noting is that Council’s document where the above table came from (UPLOADED HERE) does not include NRZ examples in its appendices!