These requirements can be found in the International Handbook for Award Leaders (see page 83-85 for further information). Award Leaders are also invited to attend the ceremony and are presented to Her Excellency after the Awardees have received their certificates. Adventurous Journey Supervisors are encouraged to attend the next available Orientation to The Duke of Ed workshop. Bronze Awards Requirements ; Community Service Physical Education Skill Adventure Journey ; Volunteer somewhere (Sign up for Community service) Exercise! Read about eligibility and how to apply to become an Adventurous Journey Supervisor. Find out about eligibility and how to apply. Find out how to apply. All Participants ensure they discuss and get approval from their Award Leader prior to undertaking all Adventurous Journeys. The Adventurous Journey is about getting out there and undertaking an expedition or exploration in a chal- lenging environment with a clear purpose. The Duke of Edinburgh program comprises four sections – including physical recreation, voluntary service, skills and adventurous journey – and is … and 2 Minors (ex: Community Service & a Skill) as well as complete the Adventure Journey 1 Major: 26 hours over a minimum period of 26 weeks (roughly 6 months) 2 Minors: 13 hours over a minimum period of 13 weeks (roughly 3 months) It is broken up into four areas: Service, Physical Recreation, Skill and Adventurous Journeys. Journey of similar length 3 day/2 night plus a Practice Journey of similar length 4 day/3 night plus a Practice Journey of similar length Residential Project 5 day/4 night WHAT ARE THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE AWARD? The key elements of our program: Age Open to all between the ages of 14 and 24. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a global ... ADVENTUROUS JOURNEY Most commonly a group camping trip, the journey fosters a wider appreciation for the great outdoors. For expeditions and explorations, ensure there are between 4 and 7 participants in each Adventurous Journey group. Participants are taken out of their comfort zone through journeying through in an unfamiliar environment but are suitably trained and supervised to remain safe and secure. The Adventurous Journey section of the Bridge Award encourages you to explore the outdoors, develop a sense of adventure and learn about the environment. Gaisce – The President's Award (Irish: Gaisce – Gradam an Uachtaráin) is an award in Ireland, earned by young people between the ages of 15 and 25 for participating in several activities for a certain period.There are three awards: bronze, silver and gold. With the guidance of your Award Leader, identify an Assessor within the organisation where you will undertake your residency. The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award is a non-formal education and learning framework operating in more than 130 countries and territories around the world, through which young people’s achievements outside of academia are recognised and celebrated. Level 1. Adventurous Journeys 13 Requirements: Clearly defined aim (a purpose with a desired outcome) AJ group size must be between 4-8 peers. There are 15 key requirements for all Adventurous Journeys. $199 for the overnight qualifying journey. Stay connected with the Duke of Ed by signing up for our e-newsletter, ** The following are NOT permitted on an Adventurous Journey **, The activity must be unpaid, other than assistance with transport and/or meals, The activity must be extra-curricular and voluntary, Participants must complete this section with a team of 4-7 young people (maximum 8 for tandem activities). 13. You can combine any of these activities to suit your requirements (please note that some combinations are not possible and you are welcome to … This includes all … Image: The Duke of Edinburgh award is … We recommend the use of the Guidelines, outlined in this chapter, in preparing Adventurous Journey reports. Check out our Duke of Ed information sessions and training schedule for Award Leaders here. 4. It is a requirement of The Duke of Ed, that Participants keep a log during both their practice and their qualifying journeys. When a participant’s Gold Award has been achieved they are invited to attend a Gold Award ceremonyat Government House. Location, activities and mode of travel (e.g. It has the same sections as the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – volunteering, skills, physical recreation and an Adventurous Journey, with modified requirements to suit those younger or … The Adventurous Journey . How satisfied are you with your experience today? Adventurous Projects are not suitable for Bridge Award journeys. Participants then use their log to compile and submit/present a report of their qualifying journey to their Adventurous Journey Assessor. The Adventurous journey component is run by the school with the Outdoor Education Group (OEG) unless students cannot attend the Adventurous Journey- in which case they can catch it up participating in an “open AJ” run by a number of registered and approved providers. ... supervise and assess the journey. All journeys conducted in remote areas* must include an emergency locator communication device, such as a Personal Locator Beacon, and appropriate two-way communication equipment, such as a satellite phone. registration, insurance, administration and the bus fare to Somerset (one way / practice hike only). The Duke of Edinburgh’s Award at Gippsland Grammar offers young people an opportunity to expand upon their experiences from the Outdoor Education Program, which currently operates at Years 9, 10, 11 and 12. Glenworth Valley offers the following activities for the adventurous journey component of the Duke of Edinburgh Award. taking a bus to a museum) then you do not need an outdoor qualification. Adventurous Journeys are an exciting part of The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award and the Bridge Award. Peak Performance Solutions has been instrumental in writing the training manuals that relate to the Preliminary Training for the Adventurous Journey Section for all three levels in New Zealand. This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google
There must me a minimum of six hours of prescribed activity per day for Bronze, seven hours for Silver and eight hours for Gold. Three Levels Bronze, Silver, and Gold, each progressively more challenging. If you’re already an Adventurous Journey Supervisor, we have two mandatory forms and other risk management documents you need to plan, risk manage and supervise a journey. These are the minimum requirements and demonstrate the commitment needed by our students. Learn how the Award is earned or find opportunities to get started. 12. Adventurous Journey (2 days and 1 night). They must be suitably experienced and/or qualified and be approved by your Award Leader before you can undertake any Duke of Ed activities with them. The team undertaking the Journey must be entirely self-sufficient: The route of travel must be a continuous journey & use a mode of travel on land or water that is of their own effort (e.g. Make enquiries with the organisation you wish to work with, and talk to them about counting your involvement as a Gold Residential Project towards your Gold Duke of Ed Award. If your journey involves an outdoor medium—such as canoeing or hiking through the bush—then your Adventurous Journey Supervisor will need a nationally recognised qualification in the outdoor medium you will be taking. The Duke of Ed is the worlds leading achievement award for young people. A log is comprised of field notes/records taken during the journey. Students in the Duke of Edinburgh programme successfully finished their Adventurous Journey section of Bronze Level Award. Adventurous Journey Requirements The activity must be unpaid, other than assistance with transport and/or meals The activity must be extra-curricular and voluntary Participants must complete this section with a team of 4-7 young people (maximum 8 for tandem activities) Terms of Service apply. Supervisors play an important role in the success of participants. 2. Peak Performance Solutions has been instrumental in writing the training manuals that relate to the Preliminary Training for the Adventurous Journey Section for all three levels in New Zealand. All journeys conducted in remote areas* must include an emergency locator communication device, such as a Personal Locator Beacon, and appropriate two-way communication equipment, such as a satellite phone. More information about Adventurous Journeys can be found in chapter 6 of the National Handbook. COSTS To undertake The Duke of Ed, Participants are required to pay a fee to the State Award Office. -After your trip, you will need to submit your assessor's report AND an Adventurous Journey Report. The fee includes State Duke of Ed. The main differences between them are the minimum length of time it takes to complete them, how challenging it is … View Ceremony guideli… Character defining expeditions for the ‘Adventurous Journey’ component of the Bronze, Silver and Gold levels of the Duke of Edinburgh’s award. Please note that all parents participating in Adventurous Journeys are required to complete the Duke of Ed Volunteer Code of Conduct , have a valid Working With Children Check and complete a Dept of Education About Adventurous Journeys - for Supervisors. Adventurous Journey Supervisors are accountable and responsible to the Award Centre that engaged them to undertake the journey. Within the Award there are three levels: Bronze, Silver and Gold. Privacy Policy and
With the guidance of your Award Leader, identify your Assessor(s). Urban Adventurous Journey Supervisors need to meet the general eligibility requirements listed above. For further information contact the Queensland Award Operating Authority, Department of Education. All group members must be involved in the planning, preparation and implementation of their Practice and Qualifying Journeys. Adventurous Journey. if an Exploration is chosen for the Adventurous Journey, then both the Practice and Qualifying Journeys MUST be Explorations OR if the Adventurous Journey is chosen to be done by canoe, then both the Practice and Qualifying Journeys MUST be done by canoe). Adventurous Journeys operate under a policy (PDF, 473KB) policy (RTF, 143KB) designed to ensure the safety of young people, while not affecting their sense of adventure or … There are three levels of programme you can do which, when you’ve successfully completed them, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. If the journey involves an outdoor medium—such as canoeing or hiking through the bush—then you will need a nationally recognised qualification in the outdoor medium the participants will be undertaking. The Adventurous Journey provides Participants with the opportunity to learn more about the wider environment, as well as to develop their self-confidence, team work and health. Adventurous Journeys operate under a policy (PDF, 473KB) policy (RTF, 143KB) designed to ensure the safety of young people, while not affecting their sense of adventure or independence. Supervisors play an important role in the success of participants. All journeys (preparation, training, practice and qualifying) involving participants under 18 years must be supervised by an appropriately qualified Adventurous Journey Supervisor. Participants are required to complete four sections at each level: Service, Skill, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey. They chose their own recipe and brought their ingredients in order to … Use tab and cursor keys to move around the page (more information), Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, mandatory forms and other risk management documents, Qualifications for supervising outdoor journeys. They are run by the qualified staff of the outfitter or camp. ... of a truly holistic education. requirements please visit, email or call 9286 7219 #For the purposes of The Duke of Ed, a “Volunteer” means anyone over the age of 18 who assists with The Duke of Ed, either in a paid or unpaid capacity. Hosted by the Office of Sport, ceremonies are usually held several times a year with the Vice Regal Patron of The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award Australia, Her Excellency, who presents the award to recipients. The Queensland policy includes the following main safety principles: *A remote area is defined as an area where access to professional medical care is greater than 1 hour away. The term "gaisce" is from the Irish language and can be translated as "achievement". Please use our complaints and compliments form. Gold level, participants also complete a Residential Project Service on foot, bicycle, canoe), Motorized transport is not permitted at ANY point once the Journey has started, The team is required to set up camp and prepare a full hot cooked meal each day, Overnights must include sleeping in portable tents or simple self-catering accommodation (e.g. For more information on the Adventurous Journey requirements, please visit click here. For general enquiries, feedback, complaints and compliments: Help us improve the content on our website or tell us what is working really well. 3. Participants are required to complete four sections at each level: Voluntary Service, Skills, Physical Recreation and Adventurous Journey. All group members must have undergone suitable training. Sufficient and relevant preparation and training is provided at each level of the Duke of Ed to promote safety. -There will not be Duke of Ed Staff on these trips. You can supervise 3 types of journeys with The Duke of Ed: The Bridge Award journeys are usually simpler and can be either explorations or expeditions. Adventurous Journey medical consent form Author: Queensland Government Subject: Adventurous Journey medical consent form Keywords: Dukes, Duke of Ed, Bridge, AJ, AJS, supplementary form Created Date: 3/24/2014 1:56:34 PM A wide variety of activities are pursued depending upon individual choices. There are a few extra requirements for Direct Entrants: For the Skills, Service and Physical Recreation Sections, you will need to complete 2 for 12 months and 1 for 18 months. With the Adventurous Journey Section you will need to complete: - Bronze Training, Silver Training & Gold Training + 3 Practice Ventures before the Qualifying Venture. Below is a summary of the full Adventurous Journey Requirements as found in Chapter 6 of the Handbook. The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award | Hillary Award Aotearoa New Zealand All participants must be involved with the planning and preparation of their Practice and Qualifying Journeys. Four Sections Physical Recreation, Skills, Voluntary Service, Adventurous Journey, plus Residential Project (Gold Level only). The Bridge Award is an introduction to the program for ages 11.5 to 24 years. All journeys (preparation, training, practice and qualifying) involving participants under 18 years must be supervised by an appropriately qualified Adventurous Journey Supervisor. Practice Journeys must be as similar to the Qualifying Journey as possible to ensure sufficient preparation and should reflect the aim of the Qualifying Journey (e.g. Reports are required and are to be submitted for assessment along with their Record Book, on completion of the Award level. We currently have 120 students enrolled in Duke of Ed at the school, a significant number of whom are completing their Gold Award. From this resource an interactive and informative online training medium for you to complete the requirements at a Bronze level has been developed. The group size for all journeys must be between 4-7 members (who should be people of a similar age). You must do 1 Major (ex: Physical Rec.) DELIVERING THE DUKE OF EDINBURGH’S INTERNATIONAL AWARD The Award has three levels, Bronze; Silver; and Gold, and for each separate award, participants The Duke of Edinburgh Award What is the Duke of Ed? The programme started with the task of cooking their own dinner. (Join an atheltics club or team or go to gym) Develop a skill (join a club at CIC) Plan, train for and … Participants over 18 doing an Adventurous Project will need an Adventurous Journey Supervisor to approve their journey, and may decide to have one to turn to for guidance and support. They are run by the qualified staff of the outfitter or camp. All journeys must have a clearly defined aim. Urban journeys. All Journeys must have a clearly defined aim; the Journey itself is does not fulfill the requirements of the Award, it is only a part of the outdoor experience, Participants must undertake sufficient Practice Journeys to ensure that they can complete their Qualifying Journey safely. If the journey is in an urban setting (e.g. At Gold level, participants also complete a Residential Project. About Adventurous Journeys - for Supervisors. This means that a Bronze Practice Journey may be undertaken over 1 day and a Silver or a Gold Practice Journey may be undertaken over 1 night 2 days. hike/kayak) are entirely up to you and your participants. Adventurous Journeys are an exciting part of The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award and the Bridge Award. Learn more about the types of journey and what they involve for: The types of journey you can supervise depend on your level of qualifications. Paid directly to Somerset. There are three levels of programme you can do which, when you’ve successfully completed them, lead to a Bronze, Silver or Gold Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. 3. About the Adventurous Journey—for supervisors will give you an overview of what you need to do to supervise a journey. The requirements vary depending on which level of the Bridge Award you are doing. You may identify your Assessor(s) yourself, or with the help of your Award Leader. Groups with more than 7 people must be split into smaller sub-groups. The main differences between them are the minimum length of time it takes to complete them, how challenging it is … From this resource an interactive and informative online training medium for you to complete the requirements at a Bronze level has been developed. The Bronze Adventurous Journey will include the following: a training day at school run by the student Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Leadership Team, which goes through navigation and route planning, first aid and emergency management, cooking, leadership, equipment and putting up a tent. You can supervise 3 types of journeys with The Duke of Ed: expeditions; explorations; Adventurous Projects. $305 Expedition fee for a 2-night practice journey and hike, including a day of preparation and training (some meals included). As a Federally registered charity, the Duke of Ed is dedicated toward development of people ages 14-24, equipping them with life skills that will that will have a direct impact on themselves, their community, and those world wide. Working towards their Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Adventurous Journey requirements, twenty-three Senior Secondary students recently completed a challenging two-day / one-night bushwalk in Deer Reserve Forrest, just west of Kilcoy. backcountry huts, outdoor shelter, other rustic accommodations, or hostels), After the debrief, the team of young people must work together on producing a presentation based on their aim for their Adventurous Journey, accommodations in hotels or hotel-like cabins/resorts, motorized transport at ANY point after the journey has started, leisure activities which fill the majority of the Journey itinerary— a participant's time must be spent travelling from campsite to campsite, setting up/taking down campsites, managing campsites, or in the case of an Exploration trip, collecting data and conducting research, © The Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award – Canada 2021. Requirements for practice journeys vary depending on the level (see chart above in #3). This would typically be by exception but under the current circumstances with restricted opportunity for Adventurous Journey to be undertaken in 2020, this discretion may be extended by Award Leaders to recognise the reduced opportunity for …