Leaving aside that this objection has nothing to do with allegations of fraud or other misconduct by voters, the flaw in the argument is simple enough: Whether a state law violates a state constitution is, in all circumstances, up to the state's supreme court. No! Incidentally, the current Speaker of the House, Nancy Pelosi, is an unparalleled strategist who has already mapped the districts the Democrats must win on November 3 in order to have not only a seat majority but also a majority of blue states in the House of Representatives. Here's How To Watch Newsmax and OAN On Your Phone or Home TV For Free. Never again could presidential candidates and their running mates face the embarrassing kind of tie vote that forced the House to choose between Jefferson and Burr. COMPENSATION OF ELECTED COUNTY OFFICIALS. This aspect of the Twelfth Amendment became crucial in 1824, the only time since 1800 that the House in fact selected the president as the result of the inability of any of the presidential candidates to achieve a majority of electoral votes. This was not the case before the 20th century, when political conventions often exercised real choice in picking both candidates. WeLoveTrump.com may receive compensation from affiliate partners for some links on the site. [a] The Democratic Party ticket of former vice president Joe Biden and the junior U.S. senator from California Kamala Harris defeated the incumbent Republican president Donald Trump and vice president Mike Pence . Rather, the goal of GOP lawmakers seems to have been to try to appease and appeal to the president's supporters — to whom no amount of contrary evidence and/or rejections of these claims in court have sufficiently established that 81 million Americans voted for the other guy. The number one goal of reset architects is destroying Jesus and all of his Christian believers. The election of 1804 and all subsequent elections were carried out under the terms of the Twelfth Amendment. And Giuliani and the legal team tackled the fraud adamantly, with tons of legislative hearings across all 6 swing states. Read our full Disclosure. The presidential candidate receiving the greatest number of votes—provided that number equaled a majority of the electors—was elected president, while the presidential candidate receiving the second-most votes was elected vice president. Get the latest international news and world events from Asia, Europe, the Middle East, and more. §7-6-8. That decision, right or wrong, was Pennsylvania's to make. If Pence threw out the extra votes and neither candidate hit 270, the decision goes to the House. It appears in the form of an anthology, a compilation of texts of a variety of forms that are all linked by the belief that they are collectively revelations of God. Aaron Burr Jr. (February 6, 1756 – September 14, 1836) was an American politician and lawyer. What this means, practically speaking, is that in contemporary America, Wyoming, the smallest state with under 600,000 people, would have the same say in choosing a new president as California, with a population nearly 70 times that of Wyoming. Given that there were 16 states in the Union in 1801, nine delegations had to agree on their choice. Rather than asking of a candidate “Is he capable? The second was that the electors did not differentiate between the two persons as potential presidents or vice presidents. The tie vote exposed deep problems in the 1787 system. So I did some more digging and it looks like it IS true. He has the dueling electors from seven state legislatures. As with any election, there have been infinitesimal discrepancies at the margins, but none of them come close to overcoming Biden's margins of victories in the tipping-point states — Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin — and some have only increased his margins. One possibility, obviously, was to adopt the suggestion of Pennsylvania’s James Wilson at the Philadelphia Convention that presidents be elected by a national popular vote. Worse still, they could set the stage for similar machinations four years from now — when they might be sufficient to overturn narrower election results. Andrew Jackson had won 99, John Quincy Adams 84, William Crawford 41, and Henry Clay 37. As things stand, this method of adding up state representations rather that the individual votes of the 435 representatives would give the Republicans a majority to reelect their candidate. Is There Burning Smoke Coming From The White House Tunnels? Follow THINK on Instagram to get updates on the week's most important political analysis, contest Pennsylvania's slate of presidential electors, threw out the lawsuit on the ground that Kelly had waited too long to challenge the law, to cases that turn on some question of federal law, New York, for instance, voted to ratify by, Trump's GOP loyalists prove the Republican Party is now the anti-democracy party, Trump's bizarre behavior mimics history as White House's walls close in around him, Trump's pardons are infuriating, but what his Department of Justice is doing is worse. (For a trip down memory lane: Back in 2000, Florida’s Republican legislature was on the cusp of appointing new electors to vote for Bush as the court-ordered recount dragged on. (it’s happened twice before in history). The first was that the electors would vote for two persons (at least one of whom had to be from outside the elector’s home state). “The thing about the American Constitution is that it doesn’t actually require the sitting president to do anything one way or the other. — Aaron J. Carpenter (@aaronjcarpenter) December 14, 2020, https://twitter.com/TheRightMelissa/status/1338651454635175946, https://twitter.com/TheRightMelissa/status/1338572701787623427, https://twitter.com/PamelaGeller/status/1338618286007672832. And what if a state had an even number of representatives who split evening on their choice? — Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) December 14, 2020, https://twitter.com/AntonioSabatoJr/status/1338567498208337922. With then-Vice President Nixon presiding, Congress had to determine how to deal with these dueling Hawaiian electoral vote slates (though they wouldn’t affect the overall outcome). Consider, for instance, the principal objection held out by Sen. Josh Hawley, R-Mo., for why he had planned to contest Pennsylvania's slate of presidential electors. A few weeks ago I brought you the story titled: Here’s What Happens Next If Trump REFUSES To Concede…. Doctor Explains Why Coronavirus Is NOT What They’re Telling You! Most of the time, of course, voters would pick the slates of the same political party. The new rules took effect for the 1804 presidential election and have governed all subsequent presidential elections. Trending: Georgia Secretary Of State Raffensperger Is Now In Hot Water. There, each state delegation gets one vote; currently, in 27 states, a majority of delegates are Republican. The legal framework is so vague that no one outcome can be certain. But in choosing the President, the votes shall be taken by states, the representation from each state having one vote; a quorum for this purpose shall consist of a member or members from two-thirds of the states, and a majority of all the states shall be necessary to a choice. That preserves @POTUS’ right to remedy fraud with his own electors. The suspect says sex addiction drove him to commit drives, according to police. A friend of mine sent me this video and as I was watching I thought “wait….that can’t be true.”. Meaning that is what others will think of you. Under the original Constitution, the House would have been able to choose among all four, and one might plausibly believe that Clay might have prevailed. His Vice President was Thomas Jefferson. One possible reform is to adopt the practice in many states and “unbundle” the election of our two top executive branch officials. Remember, President Trump has said he WON and he hasn’t backed down: https://twitter.com/realDonaldTrump/status/1325099845045071873?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1325099845045071873%7Ctwgr%5E&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fcms.qz.com%2Fembed-sandbox%2F1928848%2Ftwitter.com%2FrealDonaldTrump%2Fstatus%2F1325099845045071873. He served as the third vice president of the United States during President Thomas Jefferson's first term from 1801 to 1805. §7-6-9. They ran against each other again in 1800, and both Adams and Jefferson had “running mates,” Charles Cotesworth Pinckney from South Carolina in the case of Adams (and the Federalist Party) and Aaron Burr of New York, for Jefferson. “The EC has spoken” seems to be their cover for refusing to act / hear the cases. §7-7-1. Wednesday's antics were never just dangerous political theater; they were also a betrayal of two of the foundational legal principles conservative Republicans have pushed for decades: The first of these is "originalism" — the theory that any debate over the meaning of specific constitutional provisions should be conclusively resolved by how those provisions would have been understood when they were adopted. The runner-up (presumably the second-most-qualified person) would become vice president. Because of the potential disconnect between the popular vote and the result of the electoral vote (or potential vote in the House), there have been recurrent proposals simply to elect the president by popular vote. No, This Is Not John Durham…But It Actually Made Me Laugh. Congress will open and record the votes of the Electoral College in Washington, DC, on January 6, 2021. <?php // Plug-in 8: Spell Check// This is an executable example with additional code supplie Among other things, this guaranteed, in effect, that there would always be a vice president, who could presumably take the reins of the presidency should the House be hopelessly divided among the top three candidates for the presidency. As much to the point, perhaps, it is quite easy to imagine the popular vote winner losing to the runner-up in part because gerrymandered delegations in the House of Representatives voted for their party’s favorite rather than the person who actually received a majority of their state’s popular vote. If there is an objection to a slate of electors, it must be supported by a member of the House of Representatives and a member of the Senate. abs acos acosh addcslashes addslashes aggregate aggregate_info aggregate_methods aggregate_methods_by_list aggregate_methods_by_regexp aggregate_properties aggregate_properties_by From FLA up to DC, parks for an hour, back to Charleston. Known for its lively and witty writing style, this When the electoral votes were counted in 1801, Jefferson and Aaron Burr, both Republicans, were tied with 73 votes apiece. See world news photos and videos at ABCNews.com Eight people are reported to have been killed in the shootings. The president and vice president of the United States are formally elected by the Electoral College.The Constitution gives each state the power to appoint its electors "in such Manner as the Legislature thereof may direct," with all states currently using some form of popular election. And yet, there remains no substantiated evidence that the results in any states were inaccurate. Still, it had become clear that political parties had become a feature of American politics and that the electoral college system should be modified to reflect this. That article (copied below) explains exactly what happens if there is a dispute among the electors in the Electoral College. Is he honest?”, Delaware’s Senator White suggested that the question instead would be “Can he by his name, by his connections, by his wealth, by his local situation, by his influence, or his intrigues, best promote the election of a President?” Senator Tracy of Connecticut agreed: “Will the ambitious, aspiring candidate for the Presidency, will his friends and favorites promote the election of a man of talents, probity and popularity for Vice President, and who may prove his rival? Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger is not responding to questions about major flaws in his office’s “audit” of Cobb County absentee ballot envelope signatures counted in the November 3 presidential election, the results of which were announced in a press release last week.. Raffensperger and Gov. Ok folks, get ready to have your mind blown! In that case, the state’s vote was not cast at all. electors in favor of JFK. And while the Constitution does allow Congress to override state laws with uniform federal rules to govern federal elections, Congress hasn't done that in any way that matters here — and none of the putative objectors have proposed any legislation to that effect. Only on the 36th ballot did Bayard agree to vote for Jefferson and to break the deadlock (by which time at least two Jeffersonian governors, from Pennsylvania and Virginia, were threatening to call out their state militias and order them to march on the new national capitol in Washington, D.C.). All of these features were on display in 1801. Want more details on how the 12th Amendment will work? But the members of Congress now insisting that they know better than the states in question — when those states have expressly declared the election results final and undisputed — usurp both the unambiguous understanding of the Constitution when it was ratified and the central role of states in presidential elections ever since. More fundamentally, as seven Republican members of the House said in a joint statement issued Sunday criticizing colleagues who are planning to object: They're right. And if the House of Representatives shall not choose a President whenever the right of choice shall devolve upon them, before the fourth day of March next following, then the Vice-President shall act as President, as in the case of the death or other constitutional disability of the President. He called out fraud in June, so he clearly knew about it. Under the Twelfth Amendment, however, Clay was out of the running, and the choice was reduced to Jackson, Adams, and Crawford. The answer is quite simple: electors would in the future continue to cast two votes (and one of them, as before, would have to be for a non-native of the elector’s home state), but, crucially, one of the two votes would explicitly be to fill the presidency, while the other designated who should become vice president. It provides a blog engine and a framework for Web application development. In the first, an example of "free culture", he describes how aircraft operators did not have to abide by an old law that land owners also owned the air above the property and thus could forbid overflight. The one-state/one-vote rule had the practical effect of giving Delaware’s sole Representative Bayard, an ardent Federalist, the same voting power as Virginia, then the largest state (and home, of course, of Jefferson). By Greg Hunter’s USAWatchdog.com (Saturday Post) Investment advisor and former Assistant Secretary of Housing Catherine Austin Fitts says the so-called “reset” is here, and this means the old system has to be destroyed. He added that there should be enough data to vaccinate "younger children in the first quarter of 2022.". We invite you to become a WeLoveTrump insider. pausing its official count of the Electoral College votes, congressional Republicans who vowed to object, Congress met to ratify President-Elect Joe Biden's Electoral College victory, extraordinary riots that broke out on the Capitol grounds, delegitimize the clearly legitimate election, Want more articles like this?