For VOLUNTEERING: it’s more tricky … This is covered in more detail in The Handbook for DofE Leaders. I want to start on the skills section for cooking. You will need to include the recipes and photographs of the product as evidence . 14th May 2018 8th April 2020; Here is the powerpoint you need to use if you choose cooking as a skill: Cooking as a skill Note this is only for current participants in Year 10-13. No, paid work and core curriculum rarely count, as DofE activities need to be in a participant’s own time. This will include the name and contact details of your Assessor, course goals and aims. The Duke of Edinburgh's Award expeditions may be difficult. For this section you need to demonstrate a wide range of different skills in cookery by producing at least one dish a week. For SKILL: as above, try to cary on with your SKILL but adjust what you do so you can accomplish activity at home. New skills, new interests, new ideas. It's easy and fun and provides you with food. … Duke of Edinburgh B has chosen cooking as his new skill that will go towards his Bronze Award for DofE initiative scheme. Don’t change activity if possible. New Year 9 participants from April 2020 will need to do an online course instead. The chosen skill can be something new or the continued development of a previous skill. In a nutshell, all the tools they'll need to cook delicious and nutritious food from sctratch, whilst gaining an essential life skill and helping them achieve their DofE Award! And when you sign up for a U:Bee Online Course you will receive all the details you need to complete your e-DofE or to give to your Leader. ! Remember, this list is a guide only and is not exhaustive. DofE activities can still be linked to their structured time activities to further develop these. I was thinking of making cakes and biscuits but I don't really fancy making it every week and I was wondering if I can venture into other areas of cooking like hot food if I chose 'Cookery' instead of 'Baking'. At the moment I am doing the Duke of Edinburgh, Bronnze Award and I am very confused. A bit of a silly question but is baking an area of the 'Cookery' skill on DofE? Below are some ideas for the Skill Section to discuss with your Participants. I will update this part of the blog… However, I don't know what to do, how often to do it and how to get the proof when I do it. Or is it an entirely separate thing? Whether you are at a bronze, silver, or gold level, you can survive the expedition while having fun. Benefits of duke of edinburgh award DofE? Cooking is a good idea, you can cook things at home, take pictures of what you have made and show a food tech teacher at school who can sign you off 0. reply. If you do cooking, carry on, if you did chess then go online etc etc. We have arranged to meet up once a week for the next 3 months to cook dishes and to make plans for the next session. You just need to take photos of you cooking from scratch weekly and send them to the food tech teacher at your school. It looks good as a skill and is easy! All U:Bee Online Courses meet the high standards of The Duke of Edinburgh's Award. Skills activities can include formal training courses and can be certificated. If you would like a Qualifying Service idea added to this list, please email us at However, with the right attitude, it can be a wonderful experience rather than a punishment. - Easy-to-prepare recipes to include a variety of cooking techniques to help you prepare your food from scratch - Equipment lists for each recipe - Helpful hints & tips Examples and ideas: One passive skill is chosen to practice for the duration of the Award level. A really good skill for people to do for DofE is cooking. Cooking as a skill. You can do it in the privacy of your own kitchen and can decide what you want to make. It is our goal to continually update this list of examples. Delete this slide before you upload the powerpoint – this is just to help give you ideas. safarisafa ... Duke Of Edinburgh Bronze Award (Skills ideas?)