( Log Out /  He needed destiny helpers. Destiny helpers are people assigned in your life to add value, usefulness, and s ignificance to your life; they contribute to your welfare and inspire you to strive to fulfill your destiny. These people had to bow because he had received a touch from God. Destiny helpers are people placed in your life by God to help you reach your destiny. YOUR DESTINY HELPERS WILL LOCATE YOU THIS SEASON •God will send you Divine Helpers. Let’s examine the top ten Bible verses to show you how important your destiny is. Every plan of the enemy to frustrate your destiny shall be frustrated. Destiny Killers The friends tried to get their paralysed friend through the door but the people around Jesus listening to the sermon wouldn’t allow them. God Almighty will activate your helpers and send them your way to lift you up today in Jesus Mighty Name. https://www.persistentfaith.com/7-things-you-should-know-about-destiny-helpers Examples Of Some Destiny Helpers In The Bible 1. Put your hands together for Jesus. First of all, then, I urge that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and thanksgivings be made for all people, for kings and all who are in high positions, that we may lead a peaceful and quiet life, godly and dignified in every way. Destiny Helpers 1. The paralysed man was a work-in- progress, God had a plan for him before the foundations of the world. They come into your life to help you fulfill what God has commissioned you to do. Very … Your destiny helpers will not die until they have fulfilled the plan of God for your life. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. You will carry out God’s original plan for you and you will reach your goal in Jesus Mighty Name (Psalm 139:15-16). One guy was the religious and spiritual and the bishop was talking to me, he said. Until you take steps, nothing happens. You don’t need to buy your way into that person’s heart so that he/she can help you. he say, hey when you want to what do you? 5. Jethro and Moses: Jethro was a destiny helper to Moses (Genesis 18). As the Bible says you will be the sought out, the so shall you be in Jesus mighty name, your life will be attractive. Joseph, the butler and the baker: While in prison, Joseph was the one who looked at … Those that God has ordained to help you will not give up in Jesus Mighty Name. The butler was Joseph’s destiny helper (although the help was delayed because it was after two years that he remembered Joseph and mentioned his name in a high place). These influential women of the Bible impacted not only the nation of Israel but also eternal history. Where there was no way before, God will make a way for you in Jesus Mighty Name. Jesus did not walk alone. These are characteristics of destiny helpers. DESTINY HELPERS AND DESTINY KILLERS Bible Text: Mark 2:1-12 From the reference text, we see that it was noised that Jesus was in the house (Mark 2:1). These people are those that carry your burden. For those that have achieved, it is so difficult for the to see that there is a higher level of glory. Jeremiah 29:11 MSG says, “This is God’s Word on the subject: “As soon as Babylon’s seventy years are up and not a day before, I’ll show up and take care of you as I promised and bring you back home. The Shunammite woman and Elisha: In 2 Kings 4:9, the Shunammite woman told her husband that she perceived Elisha was a man of God and she decided to improve their hospitality towards Elisha. •God will send you Bussines Helpers. Destiny is what God created you to be; His divine purpose. Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. God ordered his life and God’s ordained destiny for him came to pass. At … Your destiny killers must change or God will trouble them, take away their peace & give them assignment they cannot complete. 32. 100 Bible Verses about Destiny Jeremiah 29:11 ESV / 834 helpful votes Helpful Not Helpful For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord , plans for welfare … He went to meet Moses on his own volition, and advised Him on how to appoint and delegate elders to attend to the people of Israel. Elijah and the widow of Zarephath: In 1 Kings 17:12-13, God saved the widow of Zarephath from death and sent Elijah to help her. An example of a destiny killer was Herod, who was bent on abolishing the destiny of others (Matthew 2:1-18). At the end of it all, his testimony spoke for him. You must battle the enemy fiercely and take back what rightly belongs to you. Numbers 11:16-17. It is God’s design and purpose for you. BIBLE CHARACTERS: JONATHAN AND DAVID. Another example is Sanballat and Tobiah in Nehemiah 2:10, who said the vision was to large; they were discouragers. Destiny helpers. When you on the when … Yes working hard makes the blessing to come faster. A teacher,shepherd,preacher,& a revivalist Who Are Destiny Helpers And What Do They Do? When Jesus is in the house, there is power to bless, to heal, to deliver, to set free, etc. 4:9-12). They are shoulders for you to lean on when you feel depressed. For a complete Scripture study system, try SwordSearcher Bible Software, which includes the unabridged version of this dictionary. Jethro and Moses: Jethro was a destiny helper to Moses (Genesis 18). Psalm 30:5 says, “…weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.” Your joy is knocking at the door and that door will be opened today in Jesus Mighty Name. 01. of 20. You will testify. The root cause of problems is unconfessed sins. Indeed, when you look at what you are going through right now; it is different from what God has planned for you, it is not the end, it is just a process. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. #10. They heard like every other person and they brought their friend to Jerusalem. Some were saints; some were scoundrels. I know what I’m doing. So paralysis was just a phase in his life. The Bible says we should not forsake the assembly of the righteous because two are better than one; one can put to flight a thousand, two ten thousand. From the reference text, God engineered it and took the paralysed man to the top where no evil one, power or principality could touch him. Destiny killers weaken your faith. They tried to go in through the door, did not make it but did not give up. In Matthew 18:20, Jesus said, “For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them.“ When Jesus is present, the Holy Ghost is present. Come to Jesus today, tell Him about all your pains, burdens and struggles. They had no compassion, they diverted the friends from getting through to Jesus. 3.Namaan and the maid: In 2 Kings 5:3, it was a maid God used to help Namaan. There is aa glory of the stars, a glory of the moon and a glory of the sun. Change ), This is a text widget. But there is always a higher level of glory because the Bible says that we will go from glory to glory and we shall be lenders to many nations. A few were queens, but most were commoners. Every witchcraft gathering assigned against my good news scatter in Jesus name. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Destiny helpers connect you to the top (not the bottom); they facilitate your destiny, they add value, they are strategically positioned to help you arrive at your expected end, they go out of their way to help you, they help you navigate through all obstacles, they help you succeed (in your career, family, business, etc), they excavate barriers for you, they fight on your behalf as if the battle is theirs, they use their time and tools for you, they use their own network to open up opportunities for you, they are positioned by God to make your way smooth, they are ordained by God to assist, they share experiences, scars, counsel and wisdom that would save you the pain and frustration that they have been through, destiny helpers come to meet you when they know you need help, they don’t wait for you to come to them (they notice you), destiny helpers bear your burdens; Galatians 3:6. No man can by himself fulfil his destiny. Let us… To grow in life, and maintain good life, you need some help. God will preserve your destiny helpers in Jesus Mighty Name. Those who stopped your file and employment and will tell you someone is doing it; those who spoke against you and will tell you someone else said, those who have turned the helpers of your destiny against you – it is time to be wise. Jethro and Moses: Jethro was a destiny helper to Moses (Genesis 18). Then David received them, and made them captains of the band. What you have been pursuing for many years can be achieved within a second by destiny helpers. Any man who has been helped by a man has received help not from man but from the Lord. Edit them in the Widget section of the, THE SONS AND THE PROPHETIC MANDATE BY PROPHET DR IBIKUNLE SADE #GodMoveableApostle1, THE POWER OF TRUE WORSHIP BY PROPHET DR IBIKUNLE SAMUEL O’SHEUN SADE #GodMoveableApostle1, YOUR LETTER GLORY SHALL BE GREATER THAN YOUR FORMER BY PHT DR IBIKUNLE SADE #GodMoveableApostle1, POWER OF DIVINE SACRIFICE BY MOST SUP EVANG PHT DR IBIKUNLE SADE #GodMoveableApostle1, THE SEAL OF HOLY SPIRIT BY PHT DR IBIKUNLE SAMUEL OLUWASHEUN SADE #GodMoveableApostle1, JUDGMENT OF GOD BY MOST SUP EVANG PHT DR IBIKUNLE SADE #GodMoveableApostle1, LADIES 30 THINGS YOU NEED TO KNOW BEFORE YOU MARRY A SHEPHERD BY PHT DR IBIKUNLE SAMUEL OLUWASHEUN SADE #GodMoveableApostle1. All Hannah needed was a declaration and a proclamation from a priest to reach her goal (1 Samuel 1:17). Jesus would accept you; He would lift your burdens, take away your struggles, silence and terminate all those who want to delay you, He would activate destiny helpers to locate you, give you a brand new lease of life and write your name in the Book of Life. He gave Moses wise counsel. God did not create any man who would not need the help of other men. God can use anybody to help you. To enjoy God’s restoration, faith is an essential commodity. For you to overcome destiny killers you must physically rise up and go for your dreams, do not be moved by your mockers, do not let the Tobias and sanballats of these world discourage you, like Nehemiah in the bible never give up on your dreams. They are positioned by God along your path to help you become all that God wants you to become. HOW TO ATTRACT YOUR DESTINY HELPERS. They are destiny killers. The paralysed man was temporarily in that condition, he had a destiny and a destination. They mentor you, advise you and give you feedback when they feel you are going in directions that you ought not to go. 30. EXAMPLES OF SOME DESTINY HELPERS IN THE BIBLE 1. You need to understand that there are some realms that you cannot reach unless God Himself activates destiny helpers to help you. May God open your eyes to locate your destiny helper today. When you are surrounded by destiny helpers, things become easy to achieve. Mordecai and Esther: Esther was an orphan but her uncle, Mordecai, who knew she was beautiful, kept her and trained her. There are angelic destiny helpers, human destiny helpers and the Holy Spirit of God. All played a key role in the spectacular Bible story. Joseph was the butler’s destiny helper (he interpreted his dream). What Is Destiny? Persistent Faith Ministries International. Romans 8:29. The Bible says we need to bear each other’s burdens so that we fulfifulfil the law of Christ. You can use a text widget to display text, links, images, HTML, or a combination of these. Destiny helpers connect you. They used their efforts to ensure their paralysed friend would reach Jesus. Bible verses about Helpers. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. 2 Samuel 9:2 Now there was a servant of the house of Saul whose name was Ziba, and they called him to David; and the king said to him, "Are you Ziba?" He had 12 helpers who promoted his destiny. One critical thing about the paralytic was that he could not achieve his goal in meeting Jesus unless he received help. The Bible makes it clear that no man or woman can succeed alone without destiny helpers (Eccl. ( Log Out /  You will find them in Jesus name. Destiny killers block your dream, they divert your destiny, they cause delay, they frustrate efforts, they only see the negative side of you, they are kill joys. This shows that Jesus attracted the crowd. These people are those that use their 24/7 to pray for you. 33. The divine favour surpasses the favour of men. We all need these people in our lives. The Helper of Helpers But the Chief and Original Helper is the Almighty God, the King of kings, the LORD of lords, the One that positions people to help you, He is the Helper of the helpless, He is the very present help in times of trouble, He is the glory and the lifter up of our heads, He is the Original Promoter, He is the One that can demote someone in order to elevate you, He activates helpers for you to make you reach your goal in life. 4. Have you surrendered your life to Jesus? All the prayers you have prayed here tonight God will answer by fire. He went to meet Moses on his own volition, and advised Him on how to appoint and delegate elders to attend to the people of Israel. These ones believe that life is not... 2. Destiny killers are discouragers, they are wasters (they waste your time and waste your life), they limit you and mock you. There are people that God has positioned this year to carry you to your miracle. A man sick of palsy needed the help of four men to get his healing from the Ultimate helper. He went to meet Moses on his own volition, and... 2. When the time came, he introduced her to greatness. Then at the Federal level, the House of Representatives members are also cacalled honourable, but one honourable is bigger ththan another honourable. The ALTRUISTS. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” The paralytic agreed to go with his friends to meet Jesus because he knew his present situation was not his end, and better and greater days were ahead. Destiny helpers are of various kinds, sent along our paths in times of great need. ( Log Out /  If your destiny has been diverted, God would re- order it today in Jesus Mighty Name. Each woman brought her unique character to bear on her situation, and for this, we still remember her centuries later. Jesus is the solution, He is the answer. 7. 31. Without faith, the Bible says it’s impossible to please God. As a woman who will come in your life, Holy Ghost, No please talk to me. Destiny is your assignment, the original plan of God for you, a pre-determined future, God’s agenda for your life. Destiny helpers are people positioned by Almighty God for favour. Destiny killers are vissible in every sphere of life, they are in the family (Joseph case) business, churchies, neighbourhood, offices Destiny killers mode of operation varies from places to place. Then the spirit came upon Amasai, who was chief of the captains, and he said, Thine are we, David, and on thy side, thou son of Jesse: peace, peace be unto thee, and peace be to thine helpers; for thy God helpeth thee. Every anti destiny helpers forces scaring my destiny helpers (mention his or her name), be consumed, in the name of Jesus. 6. Destiny killers are bent on abolishing your destiny (Ecclesiastes 10:5-7). Destiny Killers are people assigned by the devil to kill God’s plan for your life. And the bible said that some men came and carried him to the destination of his miracle. The friends in the reference text were destiny helpers. You need to be a burden bearer. Your destiny is not in the hands of man, its not even in the hands of God, its in your hand. Once you experience the swiftness and ease-of-use SwordSearcher gives you right on your own computer, combined with the most powerful search features available, you will never want to use the web to do online study again. Power of God hook me to my destiny helpers in Jesus name. People that God has ordained to help and assist you this year. We must be careful of men. Many people were gathered together; but there were no room to receive them, not even around the door. If your destiny killers don’t change, God will trouble them; He would take away their peace, He would give them an assignment they cannot complete (Acts 23:12). If we do not rightly discern people we may be aborting God given relationships we may end up being very costly to us. They may be good or bad, but God can use them to enhance you. Jesus said he was in that condition because of his sin; not the sin of his father, mother of fore- fathers (Mark 2:5). This dream belongs to the class of destiny helpers. Though it tarry, wait [earnestly] for it, because it will surely come; it will not be behindhand on its appointed day.” Your testimony will speak in Jesus Mighty Name. Habakkuk 2:3 AMP says, “For the vision is yet for an appointed time and it hastens to the end [fulfillment]; it will not deceive or disappoint. Do you have burdens, issues, problems, struggles, etc? The destiny helper is oppressing. So we have greater anointing and power when we come together. The PRAYER CONQUERORS. Uncommon destiny helper is needed for everyone to excel and successful in life. However, when this man came to Jesus, Jesus said his calamity was caused by his sins. God says He will not leave you (Genesis 28:5). It is God’s pre- determined path for your life before you were born. Thousands of people died with their great talents and gifts, unnoticed, undiscovered, and uncelebrated because they lacked destiny connectors. ( Log Out /  Tools. For example, the Chairman of a local government is an honorable, in the state’s House of Assembly level, we have honorable also. Destiny helpers lift you up when you are down. Are you still leaving in sin? Someone once said, “the distance between where you are right… Do we know what would have happened if he wasn’t falsely accused by Mrs. Potiphar? In Jeremiah 1:5-10, Jeremiah was looking at his present situation but God was speaking to him concerning the original plan for his life. The GIVERS. Destiny is a blue print, a map and a natural course of events planned by God that will inevitably happen. They can intimidiate the person till that individual abadons his dream. He will be your mouthpiece, and you will stand in the place of God for him, telling him what to say. He gave Moses wise counsel. View all posts by GodMoveableApostle1. The Destiny-Shifting Power of Faith and Why You Should Activate It Now, Joseph experienced false accusation by Potiphar’s wife, Joseph interpreted the dream of the king’s personal servant. If your destiny killers do not change, God would send them on a journey of no return in Jesus Mighty Name. Luke … Destiny killers always see the negative side of you and are always out to discourage your efforts. Destiny helpers are also tools used by the Almighty God to manifest His plans for you.