Check the online waste calendar to find out the exact date for the next collection at your address. Use the online hard waste booking form. Hard waste collection is usually between July and September. Before your collection date, you will receive: confirmation of your collection date (email or letter) There are also many alternative recycling options suggested. This service is for domestic households only, not commercial properties. Items placed on public land without a booking OR items placed out more than 24 hours prior to a scheduled collection are considered illegally dumped and can attract fines of up to $5000. A hard waste collection service is offered to all residents. Book your hard waste collection now. Acton Park â Roches Beach â Lauderdale 2021 Waste Calendar lay taller items down, do not stack items too high. Council operates a Weekend Transfer Station that accepts mattresses, e-waste, garden organics and recycling for free. Councils' two Community Recycling Centres accept problem wastes such as some chemicals and e-waste. 1 hard waste collection + 1 mattresses collection Bookings are essential and items can only be placed out for collection on the day before your scheduled pickup. Email Solo Resource Recovery, No hard waste is to be placed on the kerbside prior to a booking being made. Scheduled Clean Up collection. Keep your copy handy! You can have up to 2 at-call hard waste collections per financial year, as a resident of Charles Sturt. If you do not have access to email, phone Solo Resource Recovery on 8295 5077 during office hours Monday to Friday (7am - 6 pm). Please note, it can take up to 6 weeks for collection from the date of your booking. Waste line: Call 8295 5077 If you wish to book for the next year, please book online from 1st January onwards. Box 1906, Hunter Region Mail Centre, NSW 2310. Do not place hard or green waste out for more than two weeks before collection dates. IMPORTANT NOTE: $200 INFRINGEMENT MAY APPLY TO WASTE BEING LEFT ON VERGE OUTSIDE OF THESE DATES Hard and green waste collections are for residential properties only, it does not include commercial properties or schools. Hard waste is usually large rubbish items that cannot fit in your general waste bin. The at call service replaced the hard waste ⦠Click on the link below to download a printable version of your upcoming 2021 waste calendar dates. Not everything can be disposed of. The council offers a hard waste collection service to help you get rid of these large items. Residents can call the Bedford Phoenix on 8647 7711 to book in for a hard waste collection. Suburb Bulk waste collection dates; Adamstown Heights: 5 July 2021 10 January 2022: ... Lake Macquarie City Council. We start in the southern end of the shire and move progressively north. This will assist the most disadvantaged or people without access to transportation to utilise the Waste and Resource Recovery Centre. You can search for your bulk waste collection dates using your address or view collection dates by suburb below. Phone 02 4921 0333 Upon booking, a collection date will be confirmed and hard waste can be placed on the kerbside on the weekend prior to the booked collection. Council provides a free kerbside hard waste collection once a year for residential properties using Council's domestic waste collection service. 126-138 Main Road, Speers Point, NSW 2284. You have no more hard rubbish bookings available this calendar year. items can be placed on the verge no earlier than 24 hours before your collection date and no later than 7:00 am on the collection day place your waste as close to the kerb as possible in a safe and secure manner, clear of the footpath or road e.g. Collection dates. What you need to know. The first week of January is a very busy time for hard waste collections, please contact WM Services on â¦