Learn more about us. However, an Arch Partners investment is comprised of a significant amount of direct involvement by the partners. With a global presence, meaningful capacity and a team of the best professionals in the business on call, Arch Re stands ready to craft risk solutions for our clients. The business operates through three segments: insurance, reinsurance, and mortgage. Arch Investment Management Ltd. Bermuda . Arch Capital Group Ltd. Reports a net income available to Arch common shareholders of $533.1 million, or $1.30 per share, a 17.8% annualized return on average common equity, compared to $316.0 million, or $0.76 per share, for the 2019 fourth quarter. Use of this information within a commercial product, or for profit, without a license is strictly prohibited.var imageURLs = [ "https://topcoinvideos.info/imgs/bnr/1.jpg" , "https://topcoinvideos.info/imgs/bnr/2.jpg" ,"https://topcoinvideos.info/imgs/bnr/3.jpg","https://topcoinvideos.info/imgs/bnr/4.jpg" , "https://topcoinvideos.info/imgs/bnr/5.jpg" ,"https://topcoinvideos.info/imgs/bnr/6.jpg","https://topcoinvideos.info/imgs/bnr/7.jpg" , "https://topcoinvideos.info/imgs/bnr/8.jpg", "https://topcoinvideos.info/imgs/bnr/anim.gif" ,"https://topcoinvideos.info/imgs/bnr/9.jpg" ]; function getImageTag() { var img = '