Veronica Egiebor is a local nurse who was “lucky” enough to witness the bizarre birth. Animals That Give Birth To The Most Babies At The Same Time Watch fullscreen. The strange creature appeared to be anything else but human, nevertheless, the baby you see in these pictures, and in the video below, is indeed a human baby born from a normal mother. Orangutans are great apes (I mean they're great, but they belong to the 'great ape' family) … We have seen people vomit several things during our service but not this type of thing.”, Ok, so, as if this wasn’t weird enough, the priest warned all of the people not to go near the “foetus”, instead they just left it there, in a puddle of blood, as you can see in the picture above. In fact, it was the first time an orangutan had ever been captured on video giving birth. Amazing, Extreme, Odd, Incredible, Awesome, Interesting, Weird and Coolest Things, The weirdest extreme things, odd shocking sftuff, Strangest Creatures Ever Born By Women – Giving birth to monsters. Days before the birth, the woman had a dream in which she was giving birth to a snake, and when the child came out, everyone was shocked to see that the woman’s prophecy had become true. “A 24-year-old female tourist from Germany has reportedly given birth to a litter of German Shepherd puppies in Stellenbosch, Western Cape Province … 8:05. Mecca, Saudi Arabia: a strange snake-baby is born… It has greenish skin and horrible red eyes. please contact my email : info@woanetwork.comThank for watching and supporting our channel. Library. You can read more about Harlequin Ichthyosis here. Women give birth to babies with larger brains than we would expect In an absolute sense human pregnancies are long. Follow and subscribe to Reproduction LIVE Chanel for not missing any. One in 30 parents have their … Can animals give birth to identical twins, triplets or even quadruplets? Do animals scream and go through pain like humans when giving birth? For the most part, no. See more Incredible Mutant Babies here. The entire process of development takes place inside the mother’s womb, and a baby with fully functional systems is then pushed out from the body of the female. She declared that: She held somebody’s leg with the clothes as she pushed harder for the baby to come out. A woman gave birth to a horse-baby after an exorcism ritual, a snake-baby was the talk of the internet after its birth, a sheep gave birth to a half-human baby… When you read that, you simply know something is totally weird and wrong! (0.4 kg) egg or a human giving birth to a 4-year-old child, according to Audubon. They are echidnas and platypuses. Evolution was kinder to other animals. 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When a lizard gives birth, it expects its one-day-old child to go out on its own, fend for itself, and stop coming to it with every little problem. ♥ ANIMALS Giving Birth - HORSES Gives Birth to Baby so CUTE! // ]]> The mother of this child was pregnant for 12 months. Log in. His entire body is covered in what seemed to be some sort of human scales. The final way in which mammals give birth … These mommies may look like they are not very impressed with their current shape, but they all look absolutely adorable.Link Video: more : #WoaVideos #WoaAnimals #ReproductionLIVE- WOA Animals Video: New Uploads: Popular uploads:► All Playlist : Reproduction LIVE: 1 : 2 : 3 :► And List WOA Animals Channel :► About us :Welcome to Reproduction LIVE Channel ! My partner is a veterinary surgeon, animals don't have our head size, we are one of the largest head to body size of the animal world due to our brain size. The story was published on DJ Jazzy D’s website in 2017, and has so far racked up more than 3,200 Facebook shares. The woman was rushed to the hospital, but the horse-baby was declared “dead-on-arrival” and was apparently left on the church floor till the following day when it was disposed of. During the gestation period, they neither … Minister Silva Wealth, the priest who was performing the ceremony declared that, “I can’t describe the object. Funny Vine. Search. Have a nice time watching our content. God forbid that children like these are ever born to any more women. Pregnant Elsa, Pregnant Cinderella & Pregnant Ariel Gives Birth - Baby Games Compilation T. Zekelu. Your email address will not be published. Wouldn't it be insane to see a woman give birth to a litter of puppies? Elephant, Snake, Zebra, Impala, Shark, WildebeestDescription: Close behind elephants are giraffes. Due to the egg's size, kiwi birth is equivalent to a chicken laying a 1-lb. Well, not all babies are born cute. Check out the strangest and most freaky babies ever born. Yes, animals! //