When Alex Horton, a former infantryman in Iraq, wrote a remembrance of Kyle "For American troops, Juba was a terror, but for the insurgents, he must have been a comforting legend," Horton wrote. "He's a serious threat to us." Welcome to the home of premium battle tested tactical gear. In "American Sniper," the wildly successful yet controversial film that While the film portrays Mustafa as a mighty rival to Kyle, in the autobiographical book upon which the film is based, Mustafa earns just one paragraph.“From the reports we heard, Mustafa was an Olympics marksman who was using his skills against Americans and Iraqi police and soldiers," Kyle wrote. This video also refers to a website that is supposedly connected to the Juba character. Travis Burress, a sniper based in Camp Rustamiyah near Baghdad, Snipers have long been a terrifyingly evocative feature of warfare: Soviet sniper Vasily Zaytsev was said to have killed more than 200 Germans during the Battle of Stalingrad, though his famous duel with a In Iraq, where much of the fighting was taking place in urban areas, U.S. troops seemed especially vulnerable to snipers. Kyle is said to have had his own nickname among the insurgents – "The Devil of Ramadi" – and his high kill rate likely struck fear into them. "He's good," Spec. He is believed to be married, with two children. Juba sniper likely worked in mostly Sunni parts of Iraq, typically the Several video clips which allegedly show the actions of Juba have been circulated over the Internet. Travis Burress, a sniper based in Camp Rustamiyah near Baghdad, told the Guardian in 2005. Videos included parts of the actual clips taken during anti-US sniper operations with digital cameras mounted over the sniper rifle. I never saw him, but other snipers later killed an Iraqi sniper we think was him.”It's not clear who Mustafa was or if he ever existed, but there were similar legends of Iraqi insurgent snipers.
The picture is taken by the excellent photographer Hille Hillinga, Hille James Combat Photographer. In 2008, "Juba - The Baghdad Sniper 4" was released on the Internet and on that website. Juba became famous after remarkable shooting skills were demonstrated in the online videos that were subsequently released.
He is believed to have fled to Sadr City as a refugee, having fled to Baghdad following the destruction of the Shiite villages in Iraq's southern marshes.
Designed by ret. Videos included parts of the actual clips taken during anti-US sniper operations with digital cameras mounted over the sniper rifle. BAGHDAD -- In a country where rumors exist as fact, and in a war where initial reports are often wrong, there seemed to be little stopping the legend of Juba the Sniper. He’s a product of the U.S. military,” Capt. Most of what we know about Juba the Sniper of Baghdad comes from the videos posted online by the Iraqi insurgent group ‘The Islamic Army in Iraq.’ Review our Little is known about Abu Deraa's background, however, judging by his surname, he probably hails from the Ma'dan Bani Lam tribe. The Islamic Army in Iraq's distribution of DVDs showing the sniper operating in Baghdad seemed to be a successful act of psychological warfare.After a couple of years, "Juba" seems to have ceased activity. "The most important news stories of the day, curated by Post editors and delivered every morning.The most important news stories of the day, curated by Post editors and delivered every morning.Foreign reporter who writes about a variety of subjectsShare your feedback by emailing the author. سعد عبد القادر ماهر - 2019 - In November 2005, a video which was circulating in Iraq appeared on the Internet.A second "Juba" video was distributed in 2006 in western In December 2007, "Juba - The Baghdad Sniper 3" was released on the Internet.
"I’m willing to bet Iraqi insurgents had the same debates and fears about the Devil of Ramadi that we did about Juba.
Some attributed scores, even hundreds, of kills to the sniper, and accounts from the time suggest that he got deep under U.S. troops' skins. "Several videos had been made and posted, boasting of his ability. Some have suggested that the sniper must have been killed, while others say that no one sniper ever actually existed.
Several video clips which allegedly show the actions of Juba have been circulated over the Internet. The production quality of the video was improved from Islamic Army's previous releases; the video was made available in nine languages. “Juba the Sniper? Many videos claiming to show "Juba" in action still float around the Internet, purportedly showing the mysterious sniper picking off American personnel. Brendan Hobbs told However, the legend of Juba lives on online.