Sehenswürdigkeiten. Fabulous, but it was over quickly. I know it seems wrong in view of what I had just witnessed, but I had a delicious lamb dish. It’s quite the spectacle. Sport & Freizeit. 5. At the same time, the market also had provencal items such as straw bags, soaps, and linens for sale.At 11:00 I met up with Keith and Valerie and it was pointed out to me that the streets were pretty clean.…..but they wouldn’t be for too long.

It was really good.Over lunch I peppered Keith and Valerie with questions about how they found their house that they rent and how they have immersed themselves in the language and culture. It’s a nod to the traditions of the It’s a great day for people (and animal!) Die Autorin gibt in ihrem Buch zunächst allgemeine Tipps für die Wanderung (z.B. Interessantes in der Nähe.

I would have loved to have seen the Fête de la Transhumance and the parade of the sheep through the town with some of the people wearing traditional dress. I keep returning and have had some unique experiences that are not often written about in guide books. Your photos sure capture the excitement of a beautiful day!Felt so lucky to be in Provence just at the right time!How fun! Sheep, goats, and donkeys are the main beasts that are herded from one pasture to another and often in great numbers. It’s hard to believe the sheepdogs can keep all those sheep moving along together — I imagine them bolting and heading off in all directions!I love those old traditions. What a sight! That video of the goats going through town is priceless!This is the kind of thing I love most about travel. Gratis-Leistungen für HRS Gäste im Hotel Hotel & Résidence de la Transhumance Saint-Martin-de-Crau: Mineralwasser Parkplatz WLAN 100% Rückerstattung im Kulanzfall Meilen- & Punkte sammeln Mobile Check-In Geprüfte Hotelbewertungen Kostenlose Stornierung bis 18 Uhr Mit Business Tarif 30% Rabatt Mit den drei „Mare a Mare“-Wegen (Nord, Centre, Sud) und dem Sentier de la Transhumance beschreibt dieser Wanderführer vier besonders schöne Mehrtagestouren durch die korsische Bergwelt. That would be cool to see as well.Transhumance looks like fun! But as we talked I also realized that they love France as much as I do.

St-Rémy has created a whole festival surrounding this annual event and on that day, I arrived a bit early so I could see what kind of festivities might be going on. So nice that you got to have lunch with Valerie and Keith. (and traffic jam)This migration is celebrated in many Provencal towns. It was one of the highlights of that trip!I'm Jan and I can't stop going to France! Near our family ranch in San Vicente Guatemala they still take the cows up to pasture each day and it’s quite a sight to see age-old traditions being preservedThat’s interesting that they do that daily. Im Hôtel et Résidence de la Transhumance wohnen Sie in einer idealen Lage: Hier treffen die Regionen Camargue, Alpilles, Côte Bleue und Luberon mit allen ihren Touristenattraktionen aufeinander.

It’s quite the spectacle. They didn’t need to give any explanations either.Keith and Valerie are a lovely couple and I couldn’t believe how fast the 2 1/2 hour lunch went, although in France 2 1/2 hours is a ‘quick” lunch. I love researching trips and unique experiences and helping others save time and money. They generate a small income to me if you choose to use them, at no cost to you.One of the highlights of my recent trip to France had to be attending the Fête de la Transhumance. 3. […]Photographer, Guide, Artist and Foodie. I will be returning to Provence again….and not to just see sheep.Van Gogh’s Paintings Come Alive In Provence And On FilmThis website uses cookies to improve your browsing experience. Multimediashow Carrières de Lumièrs. I was told they usually do two circuits before they head up the mountain….in trucks. Dramatic irony at its best!What a wonderful adventure!

It was also a great opportunity to meet up with author, Keith Van Sickle and his wife Valerie. I love that you had a lamb dish after the whole sheep parade thing! Immediately there is a connection and understanding. It’s too bad you weren’t able to see the sheep dog training exhibition as that would have been interesting and fun to see too!