Il rassemble 170 professionnels reconnus pour leur expertise en Stratégie et transformation digitale, Media & Acquisition online, Marketing Activation, et CRM - … We have deployed thousands of promotional programs in Europe for over 20 years, using comprehensive platforms (PromoPlace...) and powerful concepts (Fixed fee, PRM...) to boost sales by employing creative tactics and strengthening the relationships between brands and their consumers.Do you have a question, or a need to submit to our experts? Mais pour que votre produit arrive en rayon jusqu’à lui, il faut au préalable séduire 2 autres personnes: le chef de rayon et, avant lui, votre propre commercial. Activation-Engagement Our expertise / Activation-Engagement At Qwamplify we believe that it is real life that drives our actions.Need to rethink your market approach in the digital, cross-channel and mobile age?Want to conquer new customers, build brand awareness, drive point-of-sale traffic or your website?Do you want to boost the commitment of your consumers and experiment new modes of activation to generate additional sales ?Do you want to better exploit the collection and exploitation of consumer data, to improve customer loyalty, develop their value or reactivate them?At Qwamplify, we believe that marketing is about generating meaningful interactions between the Brand and its Consumers, based on a deep understanding of their « phygital » habits.
We have deployed thousands of promotional programs in Europe for over 20 years, using comprehensive platforms (PromoPlace...) and powerful concepts (Fixed fee, PRM...) to boost sales by employing creative tactics and strengthening the relationships between brands and their consumers.We design for our clients simple and secure activation and engagement solutions to boost their consumer base and to build lasting emotional connections them.By leveraging leading digital technologies, we help you increase your relevant customer presence via:* Promotional activation is our historical activity. We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience, measure the visit, personalise the content, appreciate the trends. A pool of potential customers is just waiting to be engaged!Are you aware that you have an untapped reputation in another market segment? It's time to introduce you and your products / services to those prospects with a potential interest, to generate interactions that will boost your sales.The common activation issues that brings brands to Qwamplify are:We design for our clients simple and secure activation and engagement solutions to boost their consumer base and to build lasting emotional connections them.By leveraging leading digital technologies, we help you increase your relevant customer presence via:* Promotional activation is our historical activity. Créé en 1997, QWAMPLIFY (ex-Custom Solutions) est un groupe européen spécialiste du Marketing et du Digital présent dans 7 pays européens. Pensez à inclure des leviers auxquels le commercial croit, et assurez-vous de son adhésion.
Pour toute information complémentaire contactez l’organisateur de l’offre. We use cookies to enhance your browsing experience, measure the visit, personalise the content, appreciate the trends. By pursuing your visit, you agree the use of cookies. Ces données vous appartiennent. Your market, your database, and your previous campaigns consist of many consumers that are already aware of your brand but have not yet consumed your products. Vos données sont conservées intactes par Qwamplify Activation pendant la durée de gestion de l’offre et les 6 mois qui suivent, puis anonymisées, et par l’organisateur de l’offre pendant la durée annoncée dans sa politique de confidentialité. La plateforme marketing et technologique de Qwamplify-Activation vous donnent les moyens d’ être pertinent dans vos prises de parole, opportun dans vos animations promotionnelles, et reconnu pour la qualité des interactions que vous proposez pour : Besides the cookies necessary for the proper functioning of the website improving your browsing experience and ensuring the optimal performance of the website, you have the option to set cookies and choose how you want your personal data to be used according to the objectives below. Promotional Risk Management (PRM) Expert reconnu de la maîtrise des remontées promo, Qwamplify est le seul partenaire promo enregistré à l’ORIAS (Registre unique des intermédiares en Assurance Banque & Finance), ce qui nous permet de proposer des solutions d’activation promotionnelle 100 % …