Your web server will need to support PHP to run this. The defines a field for an e-mail address.

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These forms are easy to work with, and they commonly include fields for an email address, user name, and a text area for the message. To make it so the form can work with your email server and send it to a mailbox, PHP is the answer — let's explore that option now.

First, we will compose the HTML email body.

HTML tag provides you option to specify an email address to send an email. In the next line, you can write copy of the email message inside the quotes, to be sent from whichever email address you choose.Once the form is submitted, the page sends the data to itself. Free 30 Day Trial ... Ninja Forms will send an email with all of the data each time someone successfully submits their answers.

We are going to use the PHPMailer instead.

HTML form right in an HTML email. Notice the use of the

So, what HTML code allows you to send form submissions directly to an email address? However, this would require substantial modification so, unless you know what you're doing, keep them as four separate files.If you can't download or access the .zip file, see below.You can change the look of your feedback form by adding styles to it. The only consistent alternative to ensure that you get the email form the form submissions is to use a form mail script.

To create a form subscribers can contact you with, the PHP script is going to be your best friend. The input value is automatically validated to ensure it is a properly formatted e-mail address.

Similarly, the message field (textarea) allows a max length of 6000 characters

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So clearly, it can be done. How to send an email from an HTML5 form.

You can send HTML emails with the mail() function too but it is not ideal solution as you cannot easily create a plain-text part of the message. This can spook the user out of submitting the form at all.So, what HTML code allows you to send form submissions directly to an email address?To make it so the form can work with your email server and send it to a mailbox, PHP is the answer — let's explore that option now.To create a form subscribers can contact you with, the PHP script is going to be your best friend. I know it's probably not possible, just wondering if there are any crafty ways to pull it off going completely through the client. To define an e-mail field that allows multiple e-mail addresses, add the "multiple" attribute. When a visitor submits a Mailto form, the Mailto link opens the visitor's email client filled with the form contents.