You can learn more about this in our If you want to report an error, or if you want to make a suggestion, do not hesitate to send us an e-mail:

This form design was created by Matheus Marsiglio and contains only three basic fields – for email, name and message.

Contact Form 6 is a unique contact form design with a creative layout. The background isn’t static, but instead, it is an interactive map powered by Google Maps.

There’s even a feature that lets users specify the best time for reaching out. Contact Form 9 another colorful form, a combination between two of the contact forms mentioned above. The background is purple, but the colors can be easily changed with some CSS tweaking. Use a

element to process the input. Contact Form 8 is similar to the map form above, but has a cleaner, lighter design.

This form was made with Haml and SCSS technologies and also some JavaScript. Unlike other free contact forms from this list, this template uses a background image at the top of the form. HTML Form Templates . This is a full-width form template with subtle animation effects. 20 Newest Free HTML and CSS Website Templates with Stunning Designs20 Premium-Coded HTML Templates for Personal Websites25 Personal Website Templates for Easy HTML Websites12 Unique One Page HTML Templates For Minimal Websites

This clean contact form template was designed by Nick Haskell and also uses the Compass framework. It also has a great colorful border, which gives it a retro vibe. Designer: Colorlib. This contact form was created with the help of Bootstrap by designer Shuvo Habib. A very complex free HTML contact form by Jay … These can be easily customized. It also comes with a photo background and a bright green color. This responsive contact form template was designed by Lisa Wagner. Tutorials, references, and examples are constantly reviewed to avoid errors, but we cannot warrant full correctness of all content. Use a element to process the input.

Contact Form 1 is a modern and interactive contact form template with mail icons that move along with your cursor and other cool visual effects. The fonts used are bold and the overall design is responsive and easy to use even on small screens. The relationship with your clients/customers, receiving feedback, Of course, it is possible to simply mention your email address on your contact page, but this may be an inconvenient sometimes, as scrapers can easily gather your email address and you will soon be flooded with spam emails.

This quick and easy to use minimal contact form was created by Erin Masson.

This elegant contact form created by Mark Murray, uses the Compass framework. Contact pages are an essential part of almost any website.

If you want to offer your visitors a spectacular experience on the contact page, make sure you use this form.

The background is an interactive Google Map, but it’s covered by a beautiful neon gradient. The button is in a colorful gradient that changes once you hover it and can be easily modified by you to fit your website’s color palette.Contact Form 3 is another cool contact form template that’s extremely versatile.

Création de formulaires fonctionnels de contact HTML avec un processus de script.

An HTML form is a section of a document containing form elements. Contact Form 15 - The best contact form design with a fancy header.

It’s perfect for any website with a light color palette.


It offers the option of sending the user a copy of the message, by ticking the box at the bottom of the form. Contact Form 10 is a simple and modern contact form template that you can install on your website for free. The shadow effects are also interesting. D ans ce tutoriel nous allons découvrir comment créer un formulaire de contact à l’aide d’un simple code en HTML, CSS et Javascript. Lentie Ward is the designer behind this unique contact form template. This tag comes in pairs.

This well-coded contact form supports field validation and is easy to integrate into any platform you use.This pretty free contact form template is paired with a large image on the left side of the page. You can learn more about this in our PHP tutorial.

Contact form 7  has a more corporate style, with a minimalist design and a straight-forward layout. Examples might be simplified to improve reading and basic understanding.

Live demo. It’s clean, simple, and full-width. Jetons un coup d’œil sur certains aspects principaux.

Aujourd'hui, nous aborderons la méthode pour générer des codes de formualires de contact HTML. Template … The HTML tag is used for declaring a form.

La balise devrait avoir 2 attributs supplémentaires : action=”contact.php” – cet attribut spécifie où envoie les données à partir des champs du formulaire de contact, lorsqu'il a été soumis method=”post” – cet attribut spécifie comment envoyer des données du formulaire au fichier spécifié dans l'attribut action. Plus, at the bottom of the form are some neatly-arranged Bonjour, Je suis en train de créer un site internet vitrine en HTML5/CSS. As the name states, this is a minimalist form, with a clean, ultra-simple design. Contact Form 11.

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