Banque de candidatures spontanées. Availabilities - 2020 Season . Tous droits réservés. In addition to offering quality hunting and fishing services, Sépaq also developed summer vacationing tourism. For fly-fishing, you have access to a 50 km stretch of the river and its breathtaking scenery.Explore a corner of Québec that few people can boast of having visited. Les mots de passe sont sensibles à la casse. All cabins are facing the sea.This seaside campground overlooks a shipwreck of the same name. Recherchez un emploi parmi tous les secteurs d'activités de la ville de L'Île-d'Anticosti. Travail Temporaire Formats pris en charge : docx, doc, RTF, txt, PDF (2 Mo maximum)Utilisateur ou mot de passe invalide.
Tarifs non applicables sur la combinaison de 2 forfaits. Consult the list of activities and …
Entrez votre courriel pour recevoir un nouveau mot de passe En précisant ton lieu de résidence, tu facilites l'évaluation de ta candidature par les employeurs canadiens. Remember that...if Mother Nature's in the mood, the fishing will be good...but not necessarily miraculous!Anticosti is a great place to fish for salmon, sea trout and native speckled trout in the lakes, while discovering some enchanting untamed nature. There are no electrical outlets in the washroom facility buildings.The Chicotte campground is on the island's south shore, about 161 km from Port-Menier and 6 km from the Chicotte Visitors Centre. Home; Available stays; Portrait; Land-Use and Integrated Management; Weather; Information; Partial opening. They offer a daily menu or a selection of dishes featuring local produce. Tout. Accommodations are varied: ranging from well-equipped rustic shelters to a luxurious lodge with gourmet meals to comfortable seaside cabins. Peace, simplicity and safety are on the agenda.Double your pleasure by combining lake fishing and salmon fishing! Due to the exceptional situation related to COVID-19 (coronavirus), this establishment will remain closed until further notice.
Each day, while 6 anglers go fly fishing in the pools of Rivière La Loutre, 6 other anglers can fish for speckled trout in Grand lac Long and Petit lac Long. … Located along a river and by the sea, it has 15 serviced sites plus washroom facilities with showers. Sépaq Anticosti. From here on, the scenery is a happy marriage of land and sea. For more information or to book a hunting stay, call us at 1-800 … Carrières et emplois; Travailler à la Sépaq Des moments uniques dans des lieux uniques. To avoid overweight luggage, we encourage you to buy your wine and liquor at the Port-Menier grocer-butcher store (CFIC).This lodge is one of the main reasons the Jupiter River has become so well known. Add $125/pers. Your meetings, conferences or conventions will be a huge success!To test-drive our products, you can plan a reconnaissance tour before holding an event. If the national park is the jewel of this island, the Jupiter is the heart. Bref, tu augmentes tes chances de décrocher ton poste de rêve!Ton code postal nous permet de te proposer des emplois près de chez toi! The road winds along the shoreline, composed of bays, capes, and sandy shores. The beauty of the scenery will take your breath away! Quebec, QC © 2020 Les Carrières jobWings. It has 20 sites that can each accommodate a tent with 4 to 6 people. Mot de passe J'ai oublié mon mot de passe. Bref, tu augmentes tes chances de décrocher ton poste de rêve!Ton code postal nous permet de te proposer des emplois près de chez toi! Emplacement. Home; Available stays; Portrait; Land-Use and Integrated Management; Weather; Information; Temporary closure until further notice . Certain health and safety measures to combat COVID-19 (coronavirus) have been put in place to ensure the health and safety of staff and customers.In the Gulf of St. Lawrence lies Anticosti Island, a paradise that’s now more accessible than ever!
Certain health and safety measures to combat COVID-19 (coronavirus) have been put in place to ensure the health and safety of staff and customers.Sign up for Sépaq emails to be the first to find out about our promotions, news and special offers. Its dazzling scenery of giant-walled canyons, the vast sea, and colossal cliffs make the island on of Québec’s most exotic spots!
It is very important to know that day fishing is a quota-based activity and subject to certain conditions related to weather and water levels, among other factors. Your chances for hunting success are not the only reasons your stay is sure to be memorable. Sépaq Anticosti Hunting. Hôtellerie, Restauration et Tourisme Sépaq Anticosti utilise HotellerieJobs pour recruter les meilleurs professionnels en hôtellerie, restauration et tourisme. Période d’emploi : approximativement d’avril à novembre (8 mois par année). 19 °C. La Sépaq, c’est plus de 3400 hommes et femmes de tous âges, répartis aux quatre coins du Québec. Anticosti Island is a dream destination for your summer holidays! Connexion à Mon Compte.