This is great because it’s also very easy to review each step during the diamond grading process. Graded were determined by jewelers and independent laboratories to ensure that diamonds are being judged on the same scale. Now, with the grading scale in place, most jewelers know the simplified terms such as “SI2,” and “VVS1,” that make the diamond grading system so easy to understand. Since the diamond grading system evaluates many diamond qualities combined to grade the diamonds, there is no need for confusing carat comparisons or misleading appearance checks. This is a very thorough and professional report. None of them know what color grading choice the other has chosen. If positioned properly, the light will enter the diamond, bounce around these facets and leave at the viewer’s eye. The largest difference between a dossier and a full grading report is that a dossier does not have a GIA diamond plot, which maps the location of inclusions.Line 1: Date of certification and unique GIA report number assigned to every graded diamond.Line 2: The shape of a diamond and whether or not it is a brilliant cut diamond.Line 3: The length x width x height of the diamond.Line 4: Identification of the 4 C's of diamonds starting with the precise carat weight rounded to the nearest 0.01ct.Line 7: The cut grade as signed to the diamond (only available for round cut diamonds).Line 9: The symmetry grade assigned to the diamond.Line 11: The grade setting clarity characteristics known as inclusions that are found within the diamond.Line 12: The inscription laser etched on the girdle of the diamond.Line 13: Comments provided by the gemologist about any potential treatments or clarity inclusions that affect the sparkle of the diamond.Diamond chart: These are all the angles and measures that contribute to the diamond's cut grade.
Colored inclusions invariably show contrast and are more easily seen. There isn't one diamond graded that isn’t first examined with this tool. Luckily, along with years of experience with diamond jewelry, and helping customers just like you pick the perfect gem, jewelers also have the diamond grading scale at their disposal to alleviate some of the diamond shopping pain. Highly trained and alert staff are constantly monitoring and keeping track of all inventory.Once the entire diamond grading process is finished, the GIA will issue the diamond a certification. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. If you’ve ever been in the market for jewelry, especially diamonds, then you’ve probably heard of the 4 C’s of diamond grading. Diamond clarity is the quality of diamonds that relates to the existence and visual appearance of internal characteristics of a diamond called inclusions, and surface defects, called blemishes. Each one has its own system and rating methods, and all are recognized as expert authorities in the field of gem classification.The America Gem Society (AGS) was founded in the early 1940’s. Experts believe that this grade should be the customer’s chief concern when shopping for diamonds. For natural diamonds, the "internal characteristics" in the diamond are growth crystals that give the diamond its character and unique fingerprint. The grader studies the diamond for internal characteristics and judges them on the basis of five clarity factors: size, number, position, nature, and color or relief. The grader will then assign their professional opinion on the diamond’s overall clarity, polish, and symmetry. It includes micro-print lines, a hologram, and multiple other security components before it finally gets laminated. Because of the split opinions on rating accuracy, an IGI rating often has little or no impact on a diamond’s price tag, unless it is purchased in the regions the IGI serves more completely than other gem organizations.The IGI grades gemstones based on clarity, color, and other visual surface characteristics.GIA reports come in 2 forms: diamond dossiers and diamond grading reports. Less significant inclusions are ignored for the purposes of setting the grade; however, they may still be plotted onto a diamond plot chart.Accurate clarity grading as with other grading steps must be done with the diamond "loose", i.e. Use everything you have learned about diamond grades and the diamond grading chart to purchase your jewelry wisely. Please note that there could be inclusions other than what is described in the plot. The grader must use a light source in such a way that the base of the stone is lit from the side, and the crown of the stone is shielded from the light. FL and IF stones are sometimes referred to as "museum quality" or "investment grade" to denote their rarityLaser "drilling" involves using a laser to burn a hole to a colored inclusion, followed by acid washing to remove the coloring agent.