BRED is governed essentially as a cooperative by the cooperative legislation enacted by the 1947 Act,On 17 March 1917, the French government passed a law that allowed the development of Although the Centre fédératif du crédit populaire and the Caisse centrale des banques were responsible for the supervision of the Banques populaires, their weak authority and means of action allowed the bank to develop independently at first. In 2006, the bank's commercial activities represented 52% of its net operating income, financial activities 44% and the trading room 4%. BRED developed its own tools and dissociated itself from Caisse centrale to manage its increasingly important capital.As part of its international development, the bank acquired part of the During the 1980s, the branches of the network were renovated with windows open on the streets, and a new blue logo with stripes thus uniformizing the image of the bank across the country. BRED is a cooperative Banque Populaire, boasting 200,000 cooperative shareholders, €4.9 billion in equity, and 6,000 employees – 25% of whom work outside France and in French overseas territories. Le montant total dû par l’emprunteur est de 10 083,52 €, hors assurance facultative. With this influx of money, BRED opened the capital of several of its subsidiaries to the Groupe des Banques Populaires – Soloma (leasing), Novacrédit (consumer credit), Cofibourse, Prepar Vie (the corporate branch), Interépargne and SBE.

The bank shifted its target to more young people, professionals, SMEs, associations and local authorities. Consumer credit companies required individuals to open a direct debit account. In 1996, the real estate division was profitable (119 million francs), but BRED suffered a 375 million francs loss the following year. From 1951 to 1958, the number of accounts opened at the BRED increased 76-fold. Bitte denke daran, immer mit der Bank oder mit dem Empfänger zu überprüfen, dass du auch wirklich den korrekten Code hast, bevor du Geld überweist. BRED (formerly acronym for Banque régionale d'escompte et de dépôts / Regional Discount and Deposit Bank) is the most important cooperative bank in France. About BRED Banque Populaire BRED is a cooperative people’s bank, supported by its 200,000 members, €4.9bn in equity and 6,000 employees.
Bienvenue sur la page de la BRED Banque Populaire ! The BRED employee turnover reached 10% as management's choices were misunderstood by its employees who felt these choices did not match their image of their bank. With Natexis, BRED finished repaying the subsidies received from the collective guarantee fund, first by helping Caisse Centrale acquire a 23% stake in Natexis' capital by disbursing nearly 500 million francs, then by selling 25% of Banque Populaire Asset Management (BPAM) to Natexis for 125 million francs and 33% of Interépargne. The "one man, one vote" principle was abandoned so that each member now had as many votes as shares. Over the same period, the bank's capital rose from 200 million to 1.250 billion francs, and the number of members rose from 79,000 to 170,000. 25% of its 5,500 employees are located outside France and in French overseas collectivities. In 1985, after the retirement of Louis Chevalier, two men took over the position of general manager: Guy de Chavanne, who directed the bank's commercial activities, and Maurice Leruth, who directed its financial activities. From 1998 to 2009, the total number of clients rose from 300,000 (including 139,000 from Casden) to 659,000. The bank's profits rose from 48 million In September 2003, BRED signed a memorandum of understanding with Starting in 2007, BRED relaunched its international expansion strategy, but this time with a focus on local banks in high-growth countries: acquisition of 15% of the capital of Socredo in 2007 (In September 2012, Olivier Klein replaced Jean-Michel Laty as chief executive officer of BRED.In 2013, the bank announced a net profit of 182.6 million In 2016, for the second consecutive year, BRED's consolidated net banking income exceeded one billion The same year, BRED expanded its operations in the In 2018, BRED has 5,500 employees, 25% of which are located outside France and in French overseas collectivities:BRED has 180,000 cooperative members in 2018. La BRED est une Banque Populaire coopérative. In 1990, François-Xavier de Fournas-Labrosse, a former member of Between 1993 and 1996, BRED received 1.435 billion francs from the Chambre syndicale via the Fonds collectif de garantie. BRED has a network of 400 business sites in France and maintains a long-term relationship with more than one million customers. In 1981, a telephone banking system was tested, enabling customers to bank by telephone or From 1979 to 1991, the bank's staff increased from 2,854 to 3,367. As a result of these operations, the Groupe des Banques Populaires cleaned up BRED's slate of 1.7 billion francs. de Fournas focused BRED's development around its trading room, as well as on retail banking. This new BRED management pursued the objectives put in place by the former. Frais de dossier offerts.La BRED vous accompagne dans votre quotidien en rachetant et en regroupant tous vos prêts en un crédit avec une échéance unique.Protection Multirisques des Accidents de la Vie (MAV)Maîtrisez votre budget santé avec une complémentaire santé adaptée à vos besoins et votre budget. Thus, the bank changed its status from a "société coopérative de banque populaire à capital variable" to a "société coopérative de banque populaire à capital fixe", which enables it to significantly increase its capital.

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