Thézeusz felkeresi régi barátját, a valamikor tagbaszakadt, mostanra azonban, egy orvosi kezelés hatására izmait vesztett Heraklészt, akitől kölcsönkéri a kocsiját. the script is amazing, especially when you look how many actors are involved as main cast. Was this review helpful? Orfeusz időközben elhatározza, hogy kilép az együttesből, aminek menedzsere nem kimondottan örül, ezért utána küldi két emberét: Prot és Traktort (A professzor időközben szándékosan félrevezeti Tibiék csapatát. argo is set in this beautiful environment of the hungarian countryside and there the rough humor seems to work just fine. Argo Secondari est un anarchiste italien (1895-1942).

So why is this movie so bad? Altogether: 1 stars out of 10. 4 out of 22 found this helpful. This is an unbelievably boring, dull and awful movie. Especially the character intros, the fading-to-stylized headshots with big block letters. Ez a film olyan hangulatot hordoz magában ami sírva röhögős állapotot tud az emberben kiváltani, ami jó. For the rest of you: Argo won Best Film at the Hungarian Filmszemle, voted by the AUDIENCE in 2003. 2 out of 10 found this helpful. L'Argo est une goélette à gréement bermudien construit en 2006. I saw this junk almost 4 years ago and - I try not to write so emotional - but I gave it the worst Hungarian movie ever title. Regarder le film Argo 2004 en stream complet en VF gratuit et illimité, sans inscription sur Dustreaming.

Personnalités. There are a good few things that you wont get or laugh at unless you are Hungarian, so that may take down the value of the movie for some, but than again, this movie wasn't really intended for the US audience. Miközben Sofőr megtölti a tankot, Tibi elhenceg a Svéd felett aratott győzelemmel, így a Tejesember felismeri. A filmet epilógus zárja, amelyből megtudjuk, hogy Orfeusz ismét szökésben van, helyére pedig, hogy rendezze tartozását, Thézeusz ugrott be. Was this review helpful?
12 out of 18 found this helpful. Navires. The REAL audience. You never should answer them, we do it at cashiers of cinemas and DVD shops instead of you. Tries to mimic the art of his favorite directors: Joel "(F)Argo" Coen, Tarantino, etc, but fails miserably. The story was so bad that I actually registered only to write this comment to warn everybody: please try to keep yourself away from this. Hey film critics! And that's all that matters to be. Two more weak points in the film, the storyline has some unnecessary curves, and one of the lead actors (the Milkman) simply falls out from the rest of the cast due to his inability to present his role properly. Was this review helpful? Give a simple work to a bunch of idiot's but don't tell them that their payment is ridiculous compared to their jobs benefit. Itt belelő a benzines kannába, aminek következtében Bodri a levegőbe repül, ám – csodával határos módon – többé-kevésbé sértetlenül ér földet. None at all. Simple as that. L'Argo est un sous-marin français de la classe 1 500 tonnes. Was this review helpful? Then don't watch Argo2.

The intellectual level of the film is under of an 5 years old child.

The otherwise boring film completely succeeds only in killing all the cast. 2000 évvel ezelőtt, a római birodalom idején, Pannóniában – a mai Mindeközben a feltörekvő újságírónő, Kun Katalin a Vincentinus naplójának elrablásáról és a legendás Aranybagolyról szeretne cikket írni.

The movie consists of the following: 0 thought, 0 fantasy, 0 actualization. Really shameful. When having read the critics on ARGO I just knew that he did it again. It was financed by the National Filmfund just like two other film projects I'm working on. I couldn't care less. Argo was voted one of the "funniest Hungarian films ever" by the readers of the biggest Hungarian internet portal (origo). The German born Attila Arpa, a failed Big Brother producer, started to learn film making, but never finished. Was this review helpful? Nothing? And what's worse, it is even very long. Bodri elmegy egy kannával, hogy benzint kérjen, így Svédbe botlik, aki követi a kocsijukhoz. Argo.

13 out of 18 found this helpful. Hogy megkaparintsa a kincset, a Tejesember által ajánlott telefonszám másik végén található szakembert hívja fel – aki nem más, mint Balog Tibi. Good luck This was my 2014. I thought so. What did you accomplish? From some aspects this movie reminds me of some Jancso films...................I thought it was a good movie, the humor was great, action was bleh, while it may look like the producer is trying to copy his US colleagues, to me, these references came off more in the tone of satire than anything. well....what can i say....Argo is an interesting movie.

I really liked Argo, but I didn't liked your comment against the critics or better to say opinions. Was this review helpful? A földben egy faládára lelnek, amely tartalmáért a különös társaság tagjai egymás ellen fordulnak, azonban kiderül, hogy a doboz üres. Hi Attila, The story is so simple an so confused in a same time. this is the result... I hope, next time Mr Árpa will re-invent instead of re-use the great moments from other great movies. The movie is funny because most of Hungary's gangsters have the same brain capacity, and fantasy to solve a problem. than he most probably would be make this film the in a similar way :-) This one is more likely the low budget, east European version of the Lock, Stock... or the Snatch movies.

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