Source code of the buttons used in Child window is here

The form still goes to that link without the JS. but as long as you make sure the button-element itself doesn't trigger any action once clicked,this should work just fine (probably shouldn't be considered a best practice though)It's not about possibility.

3. 1. In this specific case does @pseudosavant - The difference is that your answer relies on Javascript in order to work. Featured on Meta :) No serious developer takes heed to everything W3C validator says...try passing Facebook or Google or any huge website through there...The web isn't waiting for anyone@UriahsVictor It may work today, but one day browser vendors may decide to change the behavior as it isn't valid. Stack Overflow for Teams is a private, secure spot for you and

Sorry, we no longer support Internet Explorer Specifies the name of an input element.

So trying to make a button act like a link is the wrong solution. src: Defines the source URL for an image input. Using HTML5 formaction Attribute:. Free 30 Day Trial - denotes a file Nobody seems to have addressed the OP's first problem, which was the @redfox05 This works in a context where you are not strict about which method you accept for your pages. Teams. I also think this is preferable in most cases over setting the form method and action to be a link (unless it's a search-form I guess...)This way the first button redirects the user, while the second submits the form.Be careful to make sure the button doesn't trigger any action, as that will result in a conflict. The only difference is that the