The location is also vital in telling the story and making the scene more realistic.

Pendant la conception de la scène, un vétérinaire armé d'un tranquilisant se trouvait constamment sur place. Now, there aren't a lot of other requirements for a film to qualify as a sword-and-sandal film other than that it feature swords, sandals, the ancient world, and dudes running around in loincloths and togas. The film's reasons for taking us to all these places, however, aren't merely academic or documentary.

He simply says, This makes it clear: this film is an exploration of Maximus's assumed identity as an (initially) anonymous gladiator.

Eventually, he resigns himself to all three.After a triumphant battle in Africa, Proximo calls him in and tells him that he's pretty good as far as gladiators go, but he could be magnificent.

Les Choses qu’on dit, les choses qu’on fait Bande-annonce VF The big battle scene that opens the film, for example, is full of guys getting run through and getting limbs chopped off. C'est une erreur à mon avis, Gladiator est un grand film et ce suffit à lui même. This is a medium two shot it  emphasises that two people are in the shot, it shows that these two people are important for this scene it therefore makes the scene more tense whilst they battle out,  this shot also captures the energy in which the characters portray whilst fighting.

Parce qu'en vrai, ce personnage on s'en foutait pas mal.

je suis tout à fait d'accord :

Pavor • Synaulia.

Credited Songs Official Soundtrack Trailer Music Comments (0) Complete List of Songs. Rome is the light.It doesn't help that Mr. Lead Germanic Barbarian throws the severed head of the Roman negotiator back towards the Romans near the beginning of the film's first big action sequence.

Absolument....pas du tout. By entering your email address you agree to receive emails from Shmoop and verify that you are over the age of 13. The desire to take revenge on Commodus has completely taken over Maximus' psyche…much as those wriggling lil' maggots (ew, ew, ew) have taken over his wound.In a larger sense, however, the wound's also a symbol of Rome's betrayal of Maximus. But that's not the only symbolic duty being done by these giraffes. In the film's opening battle sequence, the dog that follows Maximus around, and ends up helping in battle when he's about to get stabbed, suggests that Maximus has a strong connection to the natural world (a connection emphasized also in the fact that he always rubs his hand in the dirt before a fight).The giraffes in Africa, in contrast, are there to give us an idea of the scope or breath of the Roman Empire—it stretched from England and parts of modern-day Austria to the sands of northern Africa. Y'a rien à dire, ils vont juste gâcher l'univers de Gladiator ! It's hard not to be moved by the bittersweet end of Maximus' life, and yet when the camera pans up, and see a glorious, sun-lit image of Rome, it's hard not to feel that all is right in the world.Sure, there are only a handful of fight scenes, but they're The fight scenes in the arena show us pretty much the same kind of gorefest we got used to in Germania. A la fin du combat, les esclaves, sous la direction de Maximus, gagne incroyablement contre les combattants romains, qui étaient mieux équipés qu’eux. In fact, this is why he's found by the slave caravan initially: he's essentially resigned himself to death because life without his wife and son just isn't worth it to him.Sword-and-sandal is a catchall term to describe really just about any movie about Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, Ancient Persia, etc. Les secrets de tournage des films les plus populaires lors des 30 derniers jours Cette idée de la part de certains fans étaient en effet tout aussi ridicule que celle de Gladiator 2.

However when the fight scene commenced, there was fast cuts and in-between a more of a long distance panning shot in  a fast motion, as seen in the picture above. Ugh.

Commodus himself has an uneasy relationship with the citizenry.Sure, Rome's a big, well-managed, and stunning testament to human achievement (check out the good digital recreations of the Colosseum and the Senate), but it's also a very dangerous—and very conflicted—place. The other important suggestions implied in Maximus' dirt-rubbing ritual is this: he's close to the natural world. Villeneuve a encore fait un boulot magnifique, je trouve ! Usually we'd be making a bigger deal out of the fact that it won biggies like Best Picture and Best Actor, but the costume thing is pretty major…because the costumes pack a symbolic wallop in this epic.In fact, you can chart the difference between Commodus (boo) and Maximus (yay) through what they have on their backs.The fashion disparity between Commodus and Maximus is especially pronounced once the scene shifts to Africa, where Maximus's stripped of just about everything: his family, his career, his freedom, and his clothes. 12:56.

Not only is he a power-hungry psycho, but he also kills his father, and mandates that his sister give him an heir.The film opens in Germania.